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  1. “Oh, and by the way, most likely you’ll be following every procedure in the book properly but some newly minted cowboy in a CIrrus who doesn’t know that he’s supposed to look outside the plane will descend on top of you. Back when all Cirrus planes were fairly new this did happen to me. I announced on downwind at uncontrolled airport he announced I thought 5 miles out? He few over top of me coming from east in early AM. I never saw him until I heard his engines. I was at pattern altitude apparently he apparently was descending quickly from above. He did not see or avoid me , his plane was washed out by the sun rise. I asked him what the heck you nearly dropped on top of me. He apparently heard my engines too and asked where are you? I explained you just passed over me.
  2. The Mooney Safety Foundation classes discuss and demonstrate entering spiral, spiral recovery, and how to avoid excessive g force by not pulling up to fast and overloading the wings while recovering. Picture of Mooney I saw looked like butterfly setting on the ground.
  3. I like to charge my battery up a couple days or sooner before a flight. I had been told from an alternator shop that had repaired mine that having a discharged battery is very hard on alternator life span and I had repaired a couple way to often. Since I have been pre charging my battery the alternator, except a field wire connector breaking, has not needed replaced and my last Concorde RG-15M was replaced at 8.6 years in 2023. I had to used a trickle charger by attaching yellow plug and jump. I stopped several years back when we lost power at the hangar and my set up severely discharged my battery.
  4. The current N981SM was N93KS.
  5. Can you translate eagle UL?
  6. Very nice looking Mooney.
  7. I spoke to Air Power to a very considerate representative. He provided a quote for an IO-360-A3B6. Led time is estimated at 18-22 months for this engi I am considering making a deposit.
  8. I’ve been looking at VREF from AOPA for a long time. I have missed it already. They seem to have had good reference points for the makes and models and very interesting recent changes. Prices appeared to have peaked and were strongly inverting back towards the past. The more affordable cheaper without newer avionics or options seem to go or get locked up in contract before you can ask. I really wish AOPA would work out a deal to bring it back. Individual membership pricey.
    I found what I needed for adjusting stall vane. Not sure if can loosen the screws enough. I tried it before I read the manual and it did not seem to move but perhaps the screws were not loose enough or there is more to moving warning vane forward.
  9. I found this in previous post and would like to know if it might be feasible to swap left with right ailerons so that very minor hail blemishes would be less noticeable facing down. "As another avenue to save costs, I was told you can swap your left and right elevators (flipping them) so the minor dings were facing down and basically not seen."
  10. This fellow and his son were both pilots and his son still work on planes, not mine I trust the other FBO mechanics manager. The other one I trust likes 50 degree rich of peak. I have no idea what caused the deformed piston but it scared the heck out of me. I do not want to get into lean of peak vs rich of peak debate. If “I try to keep cylinder and oil temps up and descend slowly but always try to keep the mixture on rich side while descending.” is incorrect help me understand. If I let it go without enriching in the descent then the engine stumbles so I enrich the mixture till it stops. I am not defending him like I said I use the other guys. So are you explaining that the mechanic/pilot was incorrect and running to lean and resulting overheating was not probable cause of the loss of the cylinder as he was illustrating to group? Can you explain how you monitor you exhaust temperature in descent if slightly enriching is incorrect? Thanks Steve
  11. An airplane mechanic showed me the results of what he said was failure to enrich on descent from cruise. Burnt exhaust valve that fell into piston. According to him bad things happen by overheating cylinders and values on descent by not enriching. I enrich my IO360 to keep cylinder head temperatures lower than cruise in descent or climb. I try to keep cylinder and oil temps up and descend slowly but always try to keep the mixture on rich side while descending.
  12. Plan to go to Kentucky.
  13. This is fact. You must use motorcycle oil designed for wet clutches or oil designed for Honda side by side engines or you will need to rebuild the Honda transmission. As I understand what the Honda tech told me it is the oil from engine that also lubricates the transmission and clutches and never use extended use or normal engine oil in the crankcase. If an oil reduces friction then a clutch that must have friction will not work well if at all. I use camguard in my planes especially in winter as I have a lycoming cam lobe failure in the past. Like to see wear results on piston rings and cylinders and oil consumption changes with and without camguard.
  14. Seems dumb to post things that could harm Mooney pilots. Frequently posting or jokes over age problems that may or may not impact others and numerous accidents descriptions are not helping your future insurance rates or eligibility. I just had several no we don’t want him because of age. No accidents, gear ups, runway excursions, or taxi incidents in over 20 years.
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