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Everything posted by Utah20Gflyer

  1. In my G model (mid body) it is very difficult to get it out of CG even close to gross. Fuel burn has almost no impact on CG. I have heard of other Mooney's that are more CG sensitive but couldn't tell you which ones. Just know about mine.
  2. If you add in a pair of G5/GI275s and a WAAS GPS Navigator it's going to be 40k. I think that's what he meant by upgrade path.
  3. My first thought reading your experience is it is about the same as night cross countries. I try not to fly cross country at night but if I have a compelling reason I will do it. Ultimately the extra risk is minimal but if you can fly during the day or not LIFR then I think that's a better idea but if minimum risk was really the highest priority we would fly commercial instead of general aviation.
  4. I currently have a EDM 800, my avionics guy has a used 830 he is going to swap in, hopefully next week. I'm excited to get the bigger screen and lots of parameters displayed simultaneously.
  5. I was a Missionary for the LDS church, you get moved around regularly during the 2 years you are out. I was also in Port orchard for a while so was on the peninsula for a good chunk of my time. I remember being in Forks one time, there was a burger joint there that served this enormous burger. If you finished it you got to sign their book. I'd like to go back there some day and see my name from 25 years ago....if they are still in business.
  6. Yeah, If you are up high and bring back prop RPMs while still running WOT you aren't far off Carson speed. Given a far enough trip this is how I prefer to operate. Fuel burn drops quite a bit and you can still make a Cessna jealous.
  7. I routinely get a traffic target with .25 miles and same altitude as me. Maybe every couple flights. It lasts around 10 seconds and then disappears. I have a Uavionix wing beacon for ADSB out and use a Sentry for In. Its pretty annoying because when the audible traffic alert comes up as quarter mile and same altitude it gets the blood pressure up until I realize it's just myself. I haven't learned to ignore it yet which is probably a good thing. I've heard other pilots locally say the same thing happens to them.
  8. Get your IR, rack up some time in type and the premiums will come down. In the big scheme of things a big premium for one year is not a big deal compared to the long term costs to own and operate an airplane. Have you tried Avemco? They tend to be best when dealing with higher risk situations.
  9. I have never had the desire to be outside of an airplane while it was flying. I lived in Sequim for 6 months, it's a beautiful area.
  10. I just got a filter I ordered 2 months ago.
  11. You can very affordably upgrade a EDM 700 to either a 730 or 830. The 730 upgrade only involves installing a new screen that runs 1500 dollars. The 830 upgrade involves the screen as well as installing additional senders and a software update. The 730/830 screen is much larger, shows nearly everything simultaneously and is in color. The big downside of the 700/800 is you have to scroll through to find what you want. You get away from that with the upgrade. Downside is it’s not primary so can’t get rid of the old gauges. I have an 800 and in a couple weeks my avionics guy is going to upgrade it to a 830 with a used screen he got off another plane. I’m really looking forward to it.
  12. I use carb heat when my carb temp is below freezing and I am at a low power setting. I generally only use partial carb heat until I get above freezing by a reasonable margin.
  13. LASAR is always a good possibility. If they have the part it usually only takes 2-3 days to get it. I believe when I got a rod end for my rudder last year it came from them and ran about 30 dollars.
  14. Air shows are exciting and enjoyable, it would be a shame to loose them or see them diminished. On the other hand I absolutely hate to see people killed doing something that is an optional activity. I don’t have any answers. very sad situation.
  15. Having gone through this in my last annual I'm not sure it would be prudent to order anything until you get it all apart and can measure everything. In some cases you will be able to replace the standard bushings and in other cases you may need to use an oversize bushing. It just depends on how the parts wore. I had the same thought but ended up with a lot of extra parts and had to make several orders. Might have been better to wait. LASAR ships quickly if they have what you want.
  16. I was thinking the same thing. When I have the plane trimmed for landing it's more nose up than takeoff ( above the takeoff mark). Your plane seems to be the opposite, meaning that if the relationship between the settings is the same you would be extremely nose up at the takeoff trim setting. I suspect something is out of adjustment.
  17. Yes! Muriatic acid is what is used to clean concrete but be careful with it, that stuff evaporates into the air easily and you don't want to breath that stuff in. I've had a couple instances where I got a big whiff of it and it's not something you want to do. After though make sure to use a sealer to help prevent future stains. Concrete is quite porous and will readily stain. A sealer will greatly reduce surface porosity.
  18. I did this exact set up at my last annual except for the fact that I only have one sender per tank. It was maybe a 10 hour install. The Aerospace logic gauge can be temperamental so make sure everything is grounded properly. The gauge and the senders must be grounded to the same location, but not to the screw that grounds the sender to the fuselage. Also according to Aerospace logic the gauge must be installed with a dimmer otherwise they don't consider it to be airworthy. It has an internal brightness setting but that is only legal according to them for a day VFR only airplane.
  19. I flew under Avemco with basic med, was a non issue.
  20. I upgraded to the CIES senders and an aerospace logic fuel gauge at the beginning of the year. After making the upgrade I wouldn’t ever want to go back. I get the desire to save money but this is an area I wouldn’t choose to skimp. I created my own calibrated dipstick by emptying a tank and adding 1 gallon at a time and creating a chart based on the measurements.
  21. I fly short final at 80mph and normally chop power a couple hundred feet before crossing the numbers, this allows me to descend and slow so I avoid coming in with too much energy. Difficulty holding the nose off I think is just a characteristic of the Mooney. If I really try I can only keep the nose off the ground for a second or two before I run out of elevator so I wouldn’t worry about that other than setting it down as gently as possible.
  22. That part number seems to be a bushing. I don’t remember any kind of boot covering my trim jack screw. Just to verify, are you taking about the jack screw in the tail of the plane that causes the tail to pivot?
  23. First, Congratulations! Now some may disagree but the 430/530 are getting pretty old and support for them is declining. That’s not to say they are the “wrong” choice but something to think about. Also in a vintage Mooney a 530 takes up a lot of space, especially if you want to also fit an auto pilot in there. Currently your only real choice of auto pilot is the Garmin gfc 500 which is also going to require other significant upgrades like a G5 or GI275 AI and magnetometer, etc. to make it work. The Trutrack auto pilot is a budget possibility but its roll out has been a slow motion shit show. So who knows if or when that may actually be a possibility. You may want to consider converting the pilot side panel to 8 pack first so as you make upgrades you don’t eventually have to redo stuff if you were to make that decision later. Do you have ADSB yet? If not you may want to consider the Garmin 375. If you do then you may want to consider the 355. They are great for upgrading to WAAS gps without paying to duplicate current capability.
  24. GI 275 can also interface with old radios. I have mine connected to a King KX175b, an ancient piece of avionics. I believe the G5 requires a modern digital Nav radio like an SL30, 430, 255, 650 etc.
  25. I'm currently flying with just the GI 275 HSI although I have the AI on order and will get that installed as soon as the shop has time to fit me in. I would consider the GI 275 over the G5 as it has more functionality and much better backward compatibility. Also two GI 275s replace the sixpack versus the G5 instruments only replace one instrument each.
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