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Everything posted by GeeBee

  1. So if I go to a paint shop and get the airplane repainted in Imron instead of Jet-Glo I am illegal?
  2. Dealt with both, they are all fine folks.
  3. It has to do with monitoring. A lot of towers used to be open 24/7 so no remote monitoring equipment was installed. Now that more towers are closed, the equipment is incapable of monitoring because remote monitoring was not installed. As to critical areas, the uncontrolled airport I fly out of has a critical area, but of course you are dependent upon others not intruding. Best way out is to have WAAS GPS, LPV capability. Also remember, when you go missed at your destination, you do not have to go to your filed alternate. In fact, ATC does not know what your is filed alternate. If you decide to divert, pick an airport and go for it. I regularly file KATL as an alternate even though I have absolutely no intention of using it. I am more likely to go to KPDK or other area airport, but KATL is an easy file because it is manned 24/7, has everything on 5 different slabs of concrete and has a 24h TAF.
  4. I sent mine in, 3 weeks ago. Still waiting for it to come back. The price for new has went way up. As in $7500.00 !!!!!! This price was quoted to me by both Mooney and CAV.
  5. I would agree that they are positional and not individual runs, however, it is based upon repeatable data. The NA's are more consistent than the turbo's because the airflows in the turbos are pressure which is harder to create create repeatable data.. However all that said, my Ovation runs 0.2 gah differential which even GAMI admitted they cannot improve upon. Further it is a lot more than the competition is doing. https://www.csobeech.com/files/TCM-InjectorSID05-7.pdf
  6. You need good injectors, but you also need a strong ignition. Do not forget the ignition component. LOP is impossible with weak mags. For Continental, I was surprised to find that the factory tunes the injectors during the test cell run. They are indeed different for each cylinder.
  7. The auto paint store I go to can create a color match and bottle it with a brush and agitator in it. Works great for small jobs. They can even load it in an aerosol can for you if you are doing larger jobs. Just tell them what you are doing.
  8. M20R. Have to replace a nut plate on an wing panel. In the cavity resides the Garmin flux gate. Mooney installed aluminum nut plates. They are identical to the MS21050-l08K on the other panels, but rather than steel, they are aluminum. Anyone know a source?
  9. Talked to Corrine today. She said they themselves are not too affected but that UPS and FedEx are having problems more by Covid than by fires. I had a landing gear actuator reworked on Tues and while Lasar did their part exactly right in getting it back to me overnight, UPS dropped the ball in getting it to OAK and it missed the airplane to SDF for the sort. So it came in Thursday rather than Wednesday. I have also had numerous shipping problems with other suppliers. A package from SkyGeek that was FedEx ground bounced back and forth between CLT and MCO 5 times! Finally got them to pull it and ship it to ATL where it was supposed to go. I don't even want to talk about SafeFlight right now.
  10. You know, I am in Georgia, and like most places in the south, it is hot in the summertime. Added to the fact, I am half dog. I need a breeze in my face, somehow, someway. I thought I need AC, but I installed one of those scoops on the storm vent and it is more than adequate to cool me until I am off the ground. I just don't see the need for the added weight of AC. Once I am through about 3 to 5 thousand, things cool off quickly and sufficiently.
  11. Part 91, you only need nav lights, and with LED's a battery lasts a long time. Nor is there a requirement for runway lights VFR. You can land RL out. I have ferried a lot of deaf and dumb airplanes, and I have even called the airport manager to ask him to leave the RL on since I could not call them up. Lots of possibilities. At JFK one day, tower said line up and wait. I did my usual check of final and said, "I don't think so as an A340 passed in front of my window. My usual habit pattern when I start to take the runway is to recite, "Final clear, lights on, flaps, speed brakes, trim, brake off, airplane will fly"
  12. Think about this. What if it were a no radio airplane? Like a crop duster. Would he have broken any rules? Would you have called him to chew on him? The guy may not be using all available resources to create the highest level of safety, but he broke no regulations and if it had been a NORDO airplane you would have been at fault without a doubt. So what to learn here? It is your responsibility to clear the final before taking the runway. By the way, I've been cleared to line up an wait at tower airports too, and I ask, "What about that airplane on final?" where upon I get "cancel previous". ALWAYS clear the final before taking the runway, it is your real.
  13. Sad to execute a forced landing successfully then have that happen.
  14. That is correct. You should read the Bulletin and determine if your cylinders are covered. I have to say, I was impressed with Continental. They really stepped up. We called them this morning and they covered it under warranty. They are shipping a new cylinder kit and crediting me 11 hours of labor. Here is a photo. of the crack after filing. The brown stain is alodine we used to quickly verify the crack
  15. A greater emergency did not exist, there was no reason to switch mags. If the engine had quit or was developing insufficient power, yes but since that was not the case you did the. right thing.
  16. Executed this AD today. After grinding away the casting flashing, found a crack on the #6 cylinder revealed after the flashing was removed. You want to get this one done sooner rather than later folks. There are some cracks out there hidden beneath the flashing. Will post pics in the coming days. Engine has 654 SNEW.
  17. I don't believe that T&G's are dangerous, I just believe and have been proven, they develop bad habits. If you are prepared not to transfer that bad habit in a time of stress 100%, be my guest. I however, believe in training like you fight and fight like you train and for that reason, I discourage their use.
  18. With the factory re-opening,, this tale of woe certainly makes one wonder about the value of a CPO program.
  19. The question is when you break out at 200' with rain pounding on the windshield, hopefully not at night, with the ALS glaring in, glassy runway, do you want to be stabilized so the only thing left to do is land, or do you want to be fumbling for flap switches, changing pitch, descent rate and speed and the view out the window. Me? I want that runway to stay in the same reference in the windshield. So important to me is the point that if I am in an auto land airplane, anytime I am below 400' ceiIing auto land the airplane. If not, like my Mooney, I want the airplane in a steady decent, speed and closure to the runway. I recently performed a 200 and 1/2. approach at night in my Ovation and I was actually was a split second on the throttle to initiate a missed approach. Only being fully stabilized allowed me to continue to a safe landing and I would hate to be messing with flaps, pitch and power below 200' in that circumstance. All I had to do was continue the descent, pull the throttle and land, on the TDZ. Don't make it more difficult than it needs to be.
  20. You must have done great on the check ride for him to complain about this minor and indeed absurd point. As stated, engine failure in the soup on a 3 degree slope, reduced flaps are not going to get you there. I find if a guy is complaining about issues like this, he has to find something to make himself valuable. Just take the white slip and thank him for his observation. Here is the thing. When you are IFR, at 1000' be in on course, on path and in a position to land the airplane in the TDZ with all your checks complete. The only reason for reduced flaps is tail plane icing. This reminds me of the time I was checking out a new Captain, which requires an FAA observance on the final 2 legs to insure that I made the right call. This guy was flying a great ride, absolutely, nothing I could complain about. Then on the last leg, cleared for the visual, turning left base to final he turns, points and says, "Oh look there is my girlfriend's house." I smack my forehead with my hand, he smiles.I debriefed it and the FAA guy said, "Watch the sterile cockpit" and left. Walking back to operations he said, "I knew I flew a great ride, I decided to give you a debrief item." Now that is confidence, LOL!
  21. Wait until you go boat buying It will make aircraft salesmen seem like Mensa candidates.
  22. Got to fit that chute somewhere!
  23. With a new cowl and NXiII upgrade this is going to get expensive, but really, you have to do it to protect the value of your airplane. I for one am glad at the same time moaning as I reach for my check book Hope the market stays up to pay for all of this! Bless the folks in Kerrville, I hope this thing flies!
  24. Either the factory or CAV or it's authorized installation centers can install FIKI. Even the factory installation is in fact the CAV system. They engineered, they built it, they certified it. Yes, it cost you a few knots, 7 or 8 seems to be the number. The peace of mind it brings me is worth the speed because I am never in a hurry, but I do weather fly and the dispatch rate of the airplane is superb considering it has no weather radar. There is no difference between factory or CAV installed units. The factory complies with the CAV drawings. I bought the airplane with FIKI on it. You have to be prepared to keep the system operational. The biggest part of that is using it once a month, no matter the weather. Exercise all pumps, airfoil and windshield systems. That means you have to keep fluid stocked. Amazingly, I find Amazon has a good price on gallon bottles. It also means from time to time you have to shell out some AMUs as in right now my heated stall warning vane is at Safe Flight for overhaul. 1800 bucks.
  25. Outer doors
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