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Everything posted by alextstone

  1. Here's where I've had success with purchasing overhauled cylinders: https://www.jjairparts.com/
  2. I'll try to remember to take photos the next time I'm at the hangar.. Tomorrow. One battery minder, yes. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  3. Yep, that's fuel. I think that panel is the speed brake access panel. The fuel is not coming from there, though...it's seeping back from another location in the wall of one of the fuel bays.... I'm not a mechanic but I play one on the internet...
  4. I found this Service Letter from TCM It does not look like there is a provision from the OEM for "on condition"....However: Depending on your engine model and serial number, you may qualify for an extension of 200 hours (newer serial numbers) and another 200 hours (flown an average of 40 + hours per month) as is noted in the chart in the service letter: "1. If an engine consistently accumulates 40 or more hours per month since being placed in service, add 200 hours to recommended TBO. 2. Engines with Serial Number 1006000 or higher, add 200 hours to TBO as noted in table above" Also, it references the use of the Hobbs meter as the "official" hours in use. How many hours does your engine have?
  5. @Airways, just out of curiosity, where are you going with this?
  6. I've been in touch with the BK rep regarding the AeroCruz230 to Aspen 1000 pro integration: On June 8th, this was the exchange: My email: "Hi Peter, I am still interested in the AeroCruz 230 for my 95 Bravo. Any new updates on the integration with the Aspen 1000 Pro PFD?" Peter's response: "Good Morning, Apologies for the delay in responding. I unfortunately do not have good news. I was updated last week on all of the current certification, upgrades, and timelines for all AeroCruze 230 activities. It looks like the AeroCruze 230/Aspen interface will not be finalized before the first quarter of 2021. There are number of reasons for this time slip. The primary one is that we have experienced a major reduction in staffing within the company. As a result, we had to prioritize the items that we are currently working on and the interface between the KFC 230 and Aspen had to be pushed back to a later date. We will still work on obtaining the interface and if our situation improves (our financials start to improve), we may be able to see the interface sooner. Let’s plan on keeping in touch with one another. Always feel free to contact me at any time." UGH....
  7. One more thing: You have to let the Aspen system fully boot up, waiting for the AHRS fail light to go out BEFORE doing the AP self test. Otherwise the AP will not receive attitude info from the EA100 and your test will fail.
  8. Someone obviously forgot to fill the left hand Twin Magnetic Funk-Reducing Fluid reservoir.
  9. Unfortunately, I had many issues as well...check out this thread: There could be several things going on from improperly shielded or inferior quality CAT5 cable from the 1000 pro to the EA100 to incompatible software versions to My issue turned out to be that the EA100 converter was loaded with software version 1.1 and it requires software version 1.2... find the EA100 and look at the label on it, that should tell you what version you have loaded. Also, have your avionics shop get in touch with Andy Smith at Aspen. He is the technical support guru. PM me for his number.
  10. I must be a slow learner...I'm on my fourth Mooney!
  11. Whoa, pricey isn't it?
  12. They could not find any signs of failure in my data...
  13. @philiplane right on. Here's a link to my post showing what the engine monitoring looks like in real time DURING an exhaust valve failure....
  14. That's the best advice you could get....
  15. Thank you, Matt, for the follow up. How is your aircraft running now? Were you made whole by the insurance company? Alex
  16. Yep, agreed. BTW, I sent an email to PPG asking about this issue and within a couple of hours, on a Sunday during Memorial Day weekend no doubt, I received this response: "Alex:As long as you are using 100LL AVGAS, and apply and cure correctly, you should have no issues. PR-1005L has been used successfully as an aircraft slosh coat for 70 years.There can be potential issues if you use Mogas that contains alcohol.Remember that this product cures via solvent evaporation. Make sure you have good airflow through the tank.Regards,Bill" bill.keller@ppg.com Makes me wonder if the mechanic might have also failed to allow the sealant to cure with proper ventilation prior to closing the bay and refueling...in any case, it's a great relief that@mattbucy did not suffer any injury.
  17. @mattbucy I am in the process of repairing a fuel leak in my Mooney Bravo and I ran across your thread. Do you or anyone else for that matter have any updates on whether this product is indeed indicated or not? Did you get any testing done as you mentioned in one of your posts and if so, what was the outcome? Third-hand oral communication just seems too weak to vet source of the problem. I checked the PPG website and they still have it listed: http://www.ppgaerospace.com/Products/Sealants/Specialty-Products/PR-1005-L-Buna-N-Slosh-Coating.aspx Also, I cannot find any Service Bulletins, etc from Mooney or others warning against its use... I'm going to try to get something in writing one way or the other from PPG... Alex
  18. Yep. It's crazy in the era of internet forums that a niche business would throw a quote out like that...don't they know we talk to one another, compare quotes and work product, etc? Perhaps Sarasota has become so popular that they are only looking for BizJet work now...
  19. Hey, @Davidv, Sarasota is planning on learning how to install GFC500's on your dime...
  20. Vernatherm testing and replacement steps...
  21. Here's a thread that I posted a couple of weeks ago describing the evaluation and replacement of the vernatherm: I'm not suggesting this is your problem but it is one component of the oil system that influences temperature.
  22. Or, one could opt for an exclusion for the same with a lower rate???
  23. Here's a thought: Have you considered wearing an O2 mask? The silicone type that provides a good seal? Your student could wear a level 3 or N95 mask and between the two, you would be adequately protected from aersols. Weird, but what isn't right now???
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