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Everything posted by 81X

  1. As luck would have it, my 231 is in overhaul and has a fairly pitted crankshaft that is already at its service limits, so I'm in search of a new crank, which has a 14-15 month lead time from the factory. I'm taking a shot in the dark to see if anyone has a serviceable TSIO-360 Crank part number 653129 or old/superseded part number 643627.
  2. I remember the same. I was training for my PPL out of Republic on Long Island. It was a starless, moonless night and my instructor had me doing a bunch of hood work. About 30 minutes in, he said to go ahead and take the hood off and fly straight. Much to my surprise- we were over the water with no lights anywhere to be seen considering the direction we were pointing. It was like being inside of a black cloud and was a lot more difficult to control the airplane at first as the tendency without the hood was to look out and fly visually. I think that also kept me out of trouble until I pursued my instrument rating a couple years later.
  3. A couple of things to check- I’ve sometimes had to manually change the weather and traffic sources to fis-b within GP. If you have a cellular plan and don’t have that cell network turned off, that could be a symptom once you get some altitude and lose cell service.
  4. I also had a JPI830 in my 231 and was hesitant to have everything in multiple screens with using my G3X EIS. After flying with it for about 150 hours, I can’t say I miss it at all especially with the configurable alerts. Also, being able to stream and view all the engine data simultaneously on Garmin Pilot and then view it after the flight is exceptionally useful, especially when diagnosing issues.
  5. They were some led strips tied into a new maxdim dimmer which allowed me to get rid of that old dimmer which had the fuses made of unobtanium. I don’t recall the exact strips used but they did turn out really nice especially with the new panel labels.
  6. I kinda went hybrid/somewhat cheap and did the 10” G3x with EIS and used my right panel space for an iPad running Garmin Pilot so I can have full size or split screen whatever I want there- engine information, portrait IAP’s, synthetic vision, traffic, charts, etc. it uses the air data on the G3X for airspeed/altimeter and even adjusts/syncs the baro when updated on the g3x. It’s not as good as a second g3x, but for the price, you can’t beat it. The G3x pairs with the GFC500 so well, you can use the mechanical AP controller, or you can punch in whatever on the screen if that’s more your fancy. you’ll need to have the shop do real panel surgery to be able to fit it, but it’s worth it. I was also able to flatten the CB panel and remove the center stack hump which was kinda cool as well.
  7. when I was on a flight review a couple years ago, my GTN750 was intermittent and gave me LOI a couple of times which was odd. Turns out the instructor had a SPOT running in his backpack in the back seat which is right under the GPS antenna. So, don’t rule out interference by things like this and other portables.
  8. the picture won’t show, but If you are at idle, this is probably “normal” because let’s say your alternator produces 20 amps at idle and a full load is 27 amps. if this is at cruise RPM (or at least say 2000 RPM) this is not normal, you’re draining using all of your alternator output and are drawing 7 amps from your battery, and thus not charging or maintaining your battery. your alternator should be able to produce 50-60 amps above 2000rpm or so if you’re -7 there, something is wrong. This commentary above is predicated on it being configured as an ammeter to/from the battery, not a load meter of total electrical load.
  9. I ended up calling support and Erin figured out my issue- a somewhat Un-intuitive setting which was toggled off by default on my new install. More (or Home) -> Settings -> Logbook -> make sure Steam Flight Data Log In-Flight is toggled on. Having this on allowed my EIS to stream.
  10. I think this is a bug in the new version of Pilot. On my iPad mini with 10.7.5, the EIS streaming works fine. On an iPad I tried today with Garmin pilot version 11.2.3, it does not stream- and despite the app being connected to the G3X, it doesn’t even see the EIS but it does stream other stuff such as the AHRS data.
  11. I had this same issue a little over a month ago and then magically it started working again a few days later. I don’t recall if I had updated IOS or the Garmin Pilot app, but I also messed with the private WiFi settings which may have helped.
  12. When I redid my panel last year, I put a wx500 in. It’s really nice to have in the southeast.
  13. My 231 prime button will pump at the same rate as the high boost, not the low boost. Just in case anyone wondered, the low boost goes through some kind of resistance or voltage reduction box to slow the pumping rate- it’s behind the panel on the pilot side in mine.
  14. Best value in aviation period. The cost to usefulness can’t be beat.
  15. Are you running the preflight test before launching? From what I recall, failure to do so before flight CSM lend to some funny behavior happening.
  16. Before I did multiple upgrades, I had a G5 HSI below my king FD AH (KI256 I believe). I did not do the recessed install and it fit fine.
  17. Respectfully disagree. $700, not priceless! Mine were put in this past weekend. They may help with nighttime taxiing, too! They are very nice but certainly not free.
  18. More or less continuously if in turbulence, but it’s not as continuous in smooth air.
  19. For me- it depends on the vertical mode- Alt hold- rarely oscillates but I have noticed a little oscillation in very smooth air. Funny things is I never noticed this for the 2-3 years when it was driven by the G5, I only noticed it after I got a G3X. Maybe I just didn’t notice visually earlier looking outside or at the smaller G5 screen. VS mode- nothing noticeable IAS climb- seems to hunt for the airspeed which materializes as annoying pitch oscillations. M20K 231.
  20. Evan at Palmetto avionics (one of the most knowledgeable Garmin dealers out there) was one of the main dudes configuring my new avionics and we tied the gear position into my G3X for this very purpose- one more thing to help prevent a gear up. The alert is pretty cool and prominent. Also, a shout out to Palmetto Avionics for their work- they made sure they had every part in house before starting work. In hindsight and after reading more install delay horror stories, it’s clear they were making this efficient for everyone and aren’t scared to ask questions to the powers that be for things that make sense, like this topic.
  21. IMO, it probably also highlights some of the neglect for our fuel systems- with our non-training aircraft regularly going well over 10 years before overhaul, that’s a long time for the rubber and other non-metal parts soaked in gasoline before they need replacing. I couldn’t believe how bad my components were after 13 years on what I would call a very well maintained and operated aircraft. I think we probably need to put a greater focus on the calendar as our average flight hours per year changes.
  22. One of the things I found when my brushes were wearing down is that it gradually took more RPM to make it to the regulator limit of 13.3v with a given load on taxi, so it was somewhat gradual.
  23. I hope to see this in person at Oshkosh!
  24. Looks like this closed down, does anyone know of a replacement?
  25. Anything like SSI with the hotel next to the FBO?
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