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Tony Starke

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  1. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2018/may/pilot/technique-spreading-ashes
  2. Check it out, forward to the 30:15 mark. Whose Mooney is this?
  3. Everyone repeat after me, “it is safe and effective “, “ safe and effective “, “ safe and effective “. Keep repeating this to your friends and family. - brought to you by “Science” the doctor formerly known as….oh never mind, I’m just an internet conspiracy nut.
  4. Not to mention there are like 3 peanuts per box.
  5. I haven’t opened my Christmas gift yet… the anticipation is killing me.
  6. Are you saying that the vaccine possibly doesn’t work? Come on man. Repeat after me “safe and effective”
  7. There is no news anymore, just propaganda.
  8. Go ahead and ban 100ll, just don’t touch my chaca-chaca.
  9. If I was betting man, I’d say Chicago area.
  10. Unfortunately the biggest thieves are in charge of things right now. So the petty thieves have nothing to worry about.
  11. C’mon man! Cognitive impairment is a conspiracy. Flying is like riding a bike.
  12. You might consider removing this post from a public forum. At the very least file a NASA form.
  13. Is that a gluten free option?
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