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Everything posted by elimansour

  1. I looked at the manual of the Inogen One and the Varon device and I noticed one key difference. The Inogen operating environment is states as sea level to 10,000 feet while the Varon device states that its operating environment is sea level to 5,000 feet. This may mean that while it may work above 5,000 the heat dissipation etc. may cause it to fail. This may be a deal breaker but the price is so much lower...ARGH
  2. I found it for sale on Amazon but it's a little more. Amazon Link I'll try the direct website to see if it will accept my payment and if not I think I'll go for Amazon!
  3. Has anyone tried https://varoninc.com/products/varon-nt-01?variant=41210516668605 it seems to have similar specs to the Inogen but is a fraction of the price.
  4. Your dad sounds like a very interesting dude. My condolences for your loss.
  5. What’s not to love about the new paint scheme!! You have a beautiful aircraft!!
  6. My son named our plane: Mooney McMooney Face
  7. What a great video!! So cool to be able to share with his granddaughter!!
  8. One additional data point, uAvionics has a portable ADSB transceiver used for ultralights, gliders, etc. https://uavionix.com/products/skyecho/#resellers but for some reason FAA did not approve it for sale in the USA. The unit can be purchased for ~$600 overseas for use in other countries. It also can interface with flarm. If FAA approved it for sale in USA I would imagine it would easily solve the issue.
  9. I think the technology is getting there. uAvionixs is selling an ADSB solution for UAS that weighs 26g so could easily be adapted to PG/ PPG. (https://uavionix.com/products/ping2020/) It should not be too difficult to adapt to PG/PPG with some sort of battery solution.
  10. Lots of us in SoCal make position announcements on 122.75 especially near some of the busy areas and to also let C or D towers know when you're transitioning over their airspace since it can get pretty crowded - usually within 1000' of the top of their airspace. Not everyone does it but it's good to make as many people aware that you're out there and the controllers seem to appreciate it. I think it may be less frequent than before since the ADSB mandate came into effect but lots still do it. Our airspace is a crazy patchwork of B and C and restricted airspace with, in some cases, very narrow tunnels of E airspace to go through so it's good to let people above and below know where you are.
  11. This one hits close to home and is very upsetting. In addition to being a happy Mooney driver, I also fly a Caravan EX and PG and PPG. My PG flying has only been at official USHPA sites and my PPG tends to be out in the desert away from any populated sites. I have not done any cross country flights in PG or PPG and frankly don't quite get the appeal...but I guess the Mooney spoiled me! The Caravan is a massive aircraft and I was shocked to see that it went so out of control that it sustained the damage that it did. Perhaps the PPG must have been hit near the strut which may have separated or altered the wing leading to loss of control. A terrible tragedy. This accident happened at 4800' and I believe that any ultralight operating at such an altitude should have air band receiver and should be transmitting position reports if near any uncontrolled airport traffic area or at least monitoring the relevant controller. It's not just common sense but this concept as well as airspace and right of way, etc. was also reinforced when I got my PPG (USPPA) and PG (USHPA) training. Unfortunately training per the syllabus approved by the relevant national organizations is not required to fly either PG or PPG. I also think that anyone flying an ultralight anywhere near controlled airspace should have an ADSB transmitter. The technology is getting pretty inexpensive and is necessary in congested airspace. I suspect that this will be a requirement at some point but it is terrible that we have to see such horrible accidents to cause a regulatory reaction. Prayers to all involved.
  12. C'est magnifique!! Merci!!
  13. What a beautiful aircraft!!! Should sell fast.
  14. There's a bunch of Mooneys in SoCal - you should check out the West Coast Mooney Club!
  15. This sounds fantastic. Plane is in annual but will definitely come to the next one! Have a great time.
  16. Thank you - that makes sense.
  17. Hi Don. Fantastic tips! Thank you. I do have one question - can you explain the +5 in the idle power column?
  18. I'm seriously considering getting sheepskin for front seats. My leather is in very good shape as I keep it clean and add leather cream to keep it from getting dry. Will having sheepskins on dry out the leather or damage it? Or do you have to take the covers off every so often to clean and moisturize the leather? Any feedback appreciated!
  19. Congratulations on the upgrade, what a fantastic panel!!
  20. +1 for Coast, they are a Mooney Service Center. Crownair is no longer doing maintenance.
  21. Congratulations!!! That is one lucky new aircraft owner!!
  22. That's good to hear. I could not figure out what weather products are displayed on the IFD from playing with the iOS Sim. From what I have seen, it looks like the IFD displays some but not all of the available ADSB weather info. Still trying to run that down.
  23. @WarrenI went through that went I added the Aspen to the panel. I lost the ADSB feed to the MX20 as they used it with the Aspen. I am not sure I understand your comment. Are you saying that if I went with a GTN I would be able to retain the ADSB on Aspen and GTN and add back to MX20 or would it be the same as I currently have?
  24. @BaldEagleThanks for the great reply. I've been playing with the iOS sim but may definitely take you up on the offer to look at the actual unit in a Mooney/ similar configuration. For the no weather - is that due to having a GDL-88 or only ADSB-out on another box? I have a GTX345 and have not heard of ADSB connectivity issues with the IFD and that unit. I think I also have a single 5amp CB for GPS on my panel...Oddly I have 2 10amp CBs labeled as COM1 and COM2/NAV2 but changing the CB is no issue. Both my GNS units are WAAS so I don't think I'll need to upgrade antenna. I believe the avionics tech may only need to add a couple of wires to the audio panel and between the 2 units...Will PM you separately to set up a time to visit with you. Thank you!
  25. @FlySafeThanks for the feedback. I am on the fence on what to do with the the AP. As the KFC150 is working great with the Aspen...I might keep for a while.
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