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Everything posted by TomR

  1. Agreed
  2. Sent mine via PayPal. What a tragedy how this is turning out. Let’s all pray for his recovery as quickly as possible
  3. My very non governmental expert two cents: The faa invested quite a bit in the 978 solution. I’d be curious to find out but I’d imagine that some air carriers will be utilizing the 978 portion of the system. Once they have invested millions on 978 the FAA won’t be able to suddenly mandate 1090 because the airlines lobby will be rightfully able to prevent them from doing so. I have 1090 in and out and honestly think the value provided is worth it. With that being said I’d plan on doing what you think Canada will be mandating as that’s where your based.
  4. Knew it was getting about that time of year. I should be there this year weather permitting. Missed a great crowd last year I think
  5. There are too many. Know your limits and be careful out there guys
  6. Definitely fuel available. Never want to speculate but 24 gals total is not enough fuel to get to Columbus county airport. Not to mention the fact that CPC is the place you go for cheap fuel. So fuel was almost certainly on the pilots mind. Why the quantity in the aircraft was not checked is beyond me.
  7. So sad to hear espically since it’s less than 20 miles from me. Prayers for his family
  8. Oh man that’s a shame. Honestly no bright side to this, new engine notwithstanding. In any case good luck
  9. An MSE! I’m sure your already happy with her. Best of luck !
  10. I’d be interested to know myself. Just starting to get a weep in my tank so it’s on the horizon for me as well
  11. I had the same experience with Starr. The provided my coverage last year on my new plane. At time 150 hrs instrument no complex time. Quoted at 3000 per year. Went to renew and have put 100 hrs in the mooney yet Starr jumped to nearly 4200. Went with qbe I believe for approx 3000. Was very surprised but I think it’s true that Starr just didn’t want to write mooney policies this year. Hoping next my rates will come down, fingers crossed
  12. This seems on the surface to be a real ball of wax. None of us can speak to the actually condition terms etc except for you and the mechanics doing the prebuy. I’d say if your seriously considering, budget a substantial amount of money for things that are discover 6 months down the road. You know the state of the engine but the ancillaries are likely to add up in a big way
  13. Weber aircraft out of Lancaster aircraft are also good people. For pre buy / advice, Dave is definitely a good choice
  14. That’s what the conclusion was during my annual. It seemed to only happen during the bitterly cold weather. Fortunately it seems like nothing was wrong with the autopilot. Just that the servos were fighting binding in the flight controls. Picking up my airplane Thursday so hopefully this will solve the issue for now
  15. Yep I’ll second what everybody else has said. If your antenna is bare wire any ice could change the inherent gain of the antenna or worse yet short it. However any ice on any antenna is going change it’s gain and potentially cause multi path problems. GPS tend to be most susceptible to this because the received power is quite small. Long story short unless you can actively de ice an antenna, any conductive material near the antenna is going to cause interference.
  16. I own an MSE 96’ and I can tell you it is substantially longer takeoff run then a standard j. I’d be much more concerned with landing performance. I’ve been in and out of a 2800 ft grass strip multiple times last year and it’s ok as long as everything is a ok. Crosswind, wet grass, etc. I wouldn’t even try it. The thing I notice with any mooney is on landing they don’t “stick” to the runway the way a Cessna or piper can. So you have to slow down a bit before you can really get on the brakes. I’m sure a great pilot could operate a mooney our of short grass strips but that way out of my skill level.
  17. Great to see everybody today! Had a great time
  18. Unreal. That’s gorgeous
  19. Congratulations! As a 1 yr ir rated pilot take your first Solo Imc flights seriously. Know the weather in and out and have an out to clear weather when you shoot your first practice approaches. Things are very different the first time there is no instructor next to you to help out. But seriously you should be very proud
  20. Yes absolutely. Always use Michelin now but this tube is original since I bought the plane so who knows what it is. Thankfully there is a great A&P onsite at my airport who's great for minor fixes like this. But yes I'll second Michelin stuff it is by far and away the best in my experience
  21. On Dans advice I purchased a sensorcon when I got home from Summit 5 last year. Dan what a great piece of kit! I can’t recommend enough that EVERYBODY purchase a Co detector. Cheapest life insurance you’ll ever find
  22. Guys first off thanks too everybody for all of your advice. Amazing the wealth of knowledge here. Was gonna take up the bird tonight but a flat nose tire was what welcomed me when I got to the hangar. In any case I’m definitely going to keep troubleshooting this. Again thanks so much I’ll report back when I find out more.
  23. Sign. Never been to the airport but sounds like quite the political nightmare. Good luck guys
  24. No binding at all and trim works as expected through the electric trim switch. I’m gonna look into Servo age and report back here tomorrow.
  25. My kap 150 autopilot has been a learning experience form the get go and a new issue has cropped up. Since getting the plane I had the autopilot lateral adjustment go out slightly but with a little advice from the avionics shop its dead nuts perfect. Now though I’m getting two distinct issues in regards to elevator/vertical control. First issue has only happened twice which was some extreme proposing +/- 20 degrees at speed and at altitude. The autopilot would just runaway and would run the trim up and down thru nearly 50% of its travel before I disconnected it. Only happened once on New Year’s Day but feeling a bit of g got me nervous. Now however I’m seeing minor altitude excursions in cruise. The autopilot will cruise nice and level then a minute later allow the plane to speed up, climb about 100 feet, run out of energy, the descend 10 or more knots slower. From what I can gather when this is happening the autopilot is not compensating at all just allowing the slow proposing up and down. I imagine I need it looked at just wondering if it’s something dumb that’s easily addressed. I’ve also noticed in cruise that my elevator is not level with the horizontal stabilizer. It appears to be about four or five degrees down while in cruise. I wonder if this has something to do with it. Thanks in advance to all Two details... when fixing the lateral adjustment only the roll null setting was adjusted. Second I have no flight director and no pre select if that matters.
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