My kap 150 autopilot has been a learning experience form the get go and a new issue has cropped up. Since getting the plane I had the autopilot lateral adjustment go out slightly but with a little advice from the avionics shop its dead nuts perfect. Now though I’m getting two distinct issues in regards to elevator/vertical control. First issue has only happened twice which was some extreme proposing +/- 20 degrees at speed and at altitude. The autopilot would just runaway and would run the trim up and down thru nearly 50% of its travel before I disconnected it. Only happened once on New Year’s Day but feeling a bit of g got me nervous. Now however I’m seeing minor altitude excursions in cruise. The autopilot will cruise nice and level then a minute later allow the plane to speed up, climb about 100 feet, run out of energy, the descend 10 or more knots slower. From what I can gather when this is happening the autopilot is not compensating at all just allowing the slow proposing up and down. I imagine I need it looked at just wondering if it’s something dumb that’s easily addressed. I’ve also noticed in cruise that my elevator is not level with the horizontal stabilizer. It appears to be about four or five degrees down while in cruise. I wonder if this has something to do with it. Thanks in advance to all
Two details... when fixing the lateral adjustment only the roll null setting was adjusted. Second I have no flight director and no pre select if that matters.