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Everything posted by KB4

  1. Reasons why members have left. Some just feel the need to personally attack and criticize without any substance to their posts. Please reread the post. This isn’t for you! It’s for those that follow or want to follow the MM. not for those that know more than the manufacturer. Didn’t always agree with him, but he shared his insights here and many including me, valued his Mooney knowledge. Who? Try searching gsxrpilot. He’s gone now. Why? Only reason I’m sticking around is for Clarence not you or anyone else who chases the good talent away from MS.
  2. I know the haters will hate. Do what MM recommends against. This video isn’t for you if you have macho invulnerability. it’s an example of what CANNOT happen if Mooney MM is followed. That’s all. Not an accident investigation video. There are no cases to be made. No axes, sorry to burst ur worthless addition to the thread. Your comment has zero substance, just weird, speculation and conjecture without any basis of support. Schmucks are what they are.
  3. Is pulling down the tail unique to Questair? or whatever that thing is. No bud it’s not. I think I posted to a Mooney site No? Why? Many here use this technique despite MM guidance, and I don’t want any member to experience that.
  4. Brown Aircraft Supply 5/8”
  5. Think he may be looking for better than new. All roads lead to Hector if that’s the case.
  6. Plan on removing some radios, very limited access up there too without removal For lights, it’s a twist connector visible after slightly raising front of GS 3-4 inches sometimes on Px side, you will see the + & - wires. Tape up inside bottom of windscreen to protect it from GS as you remove it with some persuasion. It’s a tight fit.
  7. No. Not for the M20, that’s not correct information. I said before it’s all up, all down, or all in transit the chances of only 1 doing any of the above alone is so rare.
  8. 3, but they act as one. So, if 1 folds, the others will follow generally. It’s either All up, All Down or All in transit.
  9. Did Piper include wings? And something to hold them to the fuselage? My goodness, looks more like a submersible now.
  10. It’s in there. Jar sitting on a 5 gal to capture, engage fuel pump, pull up on ring for 5-7 sec, switch tanks repeat process.
  11. Sounds like someone did a Ram Air delete instead of buying a 30 gasket and some LPS2. Gives 1/2-1” increase in MP. pull 2 screws on annunciator panel, my bet is bulb for Ram Air is missing throw 1 in there, if it lights up, you had Ram air b4
  12. Just tighten the nut on back to keep it from spinning.
  13. See if this company can duplicate it for u. https://customductsaircraftsceetandscat.com
  14. Horrible situation. Look on bright side you don’t have to pay for removal of the stolen items when new panel goes in. Name of the field that transient folks should avoid? We’re you the only 1 hit?
  15. This should help This should help.
  16. What about safety? No contribution to there? Don’t get it twisted, manufacturers are in business for business not safety. Only 1 professional will hold them accountable. Im not a products liability guy but kudos to them for uncovering a defect with Tempest.
  17. May not be listed, but a working engine is required equipment for IFR so no you cannot legally fly the app. If glide advisor says you will make Rnwy, come in high and land, if not gonna make Rnwy, inform ATC, get ground contact ASAP, Still have ur AI, know what degree gives you want you want. Set a shallow descent get below and assess your glide distance and landing options.
  18. 1st clue, everything is well below market value. 1st item sells for 1500 easy and fast. It’s a 2 month wait for new, No way he has 1 at 1k unsold. Or a 430W for 4, comon Alan can’t even beat that. when it’s 2 good to be true…
  19. In world is 205J.
  20. That’s a personal decision, If Paul was around here still, he would say—- No, it’s been flying for 40 years after the repairs.
  21. I hope he gets his asking. Looks to be a good platform to do your own thing. Also makes 205J at only 100 more a great bargain for new buyer.
  22. Run out, analog J asking 184, and the new market standards must be low IF that’s a 7 outta 10 interior https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/215902333/1997-mooney-m20j-piston-single-aircraft
  23. Yes, oil cooler failed at 5.5 as a student on a night XC, Instructor landed. Being glued to the six pack as student, never saw the oil pressure drop which happened quick, fortunately for us HE did. the little Lycoming gave us 2000-3000 rpm’s all the way down, no need to pull dipstick as the oil was all over lower half cowl, wings belly etc… Oil sump was dry. I asked the only mechanic on field how long could that engine could run without oil, he said he didn’t know cause we were first to make it back. He had a warm hanger with his P51 and M20J All goes back to private training and the quality of ur CFI some prefer to pound things in the students over worked brains. During your patterns in random spots, Ask yourself if I had engine out, could I make the Rnwy if NOT you are too far away.
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