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Everything posted by larrynimmo

  1. If what you say is true…limit of 2,600 pounds…. factory rated gross is 2740….and that includes pilot and passengers So the “towed” plane will always be under 2,600 lbs.
  2. One of the many reasons why I felt that I could get my pilots license was because of four flight. back in 2017…I bought my Mooney and started flight training. I was so impressed with the features of foreflight that I gave up my latest and greatest passion for Samsung products. I hated to say good bye, but flying and foreflight was my new passion….and I still get the “latest and greatest” but now it’s apple products. I keep a mini6 on the yoke and a mini 4 on the copilot panel ready to spring into action. And if you are thinking about a new mini get the 6 because it runs cooler abs it’s so much faster. RAM now makes a dedicated mini6 cradle that has improved plastic reinforcements reducing vibration or flex. my apple doesn’t fall far from my tree!
  3. That’s where I got mine 3 years ago….perfect replacement
  4. I am big on this philosophy…and I want to add, this doesn’t happen much with LHS…but as long as I have at least 2k feet of runway remaining, I will add power, level the plane, and carefully attempt to land again….if it doesn’t feel right here, it’s time to go around
  5. In 1977 while taking pilot lessons (which I didn’t complete during that century) a good friend took me up for a ride in a C and it got my dream started. I regularly flew C150s topping out at maybe 100 knots under the best of circumstances…now I was in a sports car. the M20J purchased in 2017, will likely be my only plane…
  6. You can’t just say that…tell us what is unique in your situation to drop your rate….
  7. Without casting any “probable cause” here, we all need to take pause and think about our individual pilot skills to go around. The sad truth is that go arounds can be more dangerous than a poor landing. early in my training, to build hours I would travel to many airports and do a touch and go, to accumulate cross country hours. On one of the shorter fields, I touch down a little late, and as I started to climb out I didn’t have hardly any power and if there had been an obstacle, an accident would have occurred….what went wrong…very simply, I had been cruising at 2200 rpm, and I failed to push the prop in to full. we all need to know the runway length, know the markings and have a go around point, and be disciplined with our check list to ensure we can pilot a successful go around.
  8. Another conspiracy theorist…I literally have only heard of one single event where gear failed to drop due to a failed “no back spring”…therefore that shouldn’t even really be in the equation
  9. I have documented my issue with fuel pressure years ago, and the problem hasn’t gone away, I have learned to live with it.my Lycomming factory engine was installed in sept 2018 . Ever since I have had an issue with excessive fuel pressure developing after shutdown. on occasion when I would stop somewhere and when I would go to use restroom and get ready to fly again…I physically could not move my mixture or my throttle lever…both would be fully out. Left sitting there eventually the controls would work again. Twice I had to send out the servo to get it rebuilt due to associated high pressure damage…rebuilder stated it appears it was exposed to pressures greater than 100#. after getting second one on the plane…I let the plane get into this situation with my upper cowling removed and ready to check. Controls were stuck…with two wrenches I cracked the fittings for the fuel pressure transducer…in less than 1/10th of a second all pressure bled off, and controls were no longer stuck. I don’t know how to fix this, but I have learned to live with it…I literally bleed down my fuel pressure on shutdown as part of my procedure…not happy about doing this. Lycomming and precision both want to point to an airframe issue.
  10. This is what I use…I highly recommend…it makes the job really easy…I put the plane on jacks, pull down the tail and pump my grease and do so every 25 hrs when I change my engine oil…and at least at annual I stop the gear half way to better lube the MLG
  11. If you look this up, you can easily make these yourself
  12. Here’s the issue with that….you have a plane worth 150k…you insure it for 60k…you have a 50k gear up event….guess what insurance is going to do…they will not be handing you that 50k check to repair…they are totaling the plane, and they will keep it, giving you that 60k check with a smile….
  13. My J …1981 insurance history year. Value. Cost. Level proficiency age 2017. 65k. 2,800. Student 62 2018. 135k. 2,400. Pilot 63 2019. 135k. 1,850. Pilot 64 2020. 135.k. 1920. Instrument 65 2021. 135k. 1980. Instrument 66 2022 150k 2320 instrument 67 Haven’t paid my 2022 policy…have til 6/6/2022…cost between 135k- 150k is about $100
  14. That’s why I got rid of my 195 alpine skis and downsized to 169…much better fit in the plane…much easier to skid turn, not so great for stopping though
  15. I have met with the insurance aviation adjuster from the gentlemen’s car insurance. he looked the plane over and has agreed with everything that has been done and spoke directly with my AI…he was very supportive of replacing the elevator with a factory new one…as long as the cost would not be excessive…and actually I was shocked by what I have been quoted. First item is the elevator… second and third item is for skins (which I won’t need if I buy the pre-assembled elevator) fourth and fifth item are the root fairings. all will need to be painted before installation
  16. With supervision of AI I replaced the sensor with a new stamped copper gasket…I didn’t take a pic of the new sensor, but it had a ridge allowing for perfect centering of the stamped copper gasket…the second picture shows a loosely fitting copper gasket
  17. If you remove it from the mounts, it’s also 4 bolt removal….neither method is especially easy to do. Keep in mind if you remove then engine, you should be removing the engine mount to get it inspected and repaired as necessary, and then repainted
  18. WAs able to get most of the twist out of the empennage…the spacing by the stabilizer fairing is down to less than 3/32”. The empennage is extremely rigid and was re-riveted strong…a doubler installed…long term temporary repair made on the elevator ( to be replaced at annual along with the stabilizer fairings) surprisingly…plane flew neutral in a one trip around the airport
  19. I never got that pm
  20. A year ago I bought 2 caps for $80 a piece to have at least one as a spare…I am willing to sell you one for $100 plus shipping if you have no alternative…I bought them to keep a spare on the plane and a spare in my hanger
  21. I have mine on full volume …when I had the kma24 audio panel the sound was almost not enough…but it was very helpful and usable. with the new Garmin audio panel it’s a little to loud on full volume but I never attempted to lower it…after all, I don’t want to miss the “wake up” call i continue to offer my old kma free of charge…just pay me shipping and I’ll send it to you…you actually can change it yourself as the faa allows you to change slide out avionics (I think)
  22. Well….as a matter of fact!
  23. If I am not satisfied with the flight characteristics, believe me, I won’t live with it…I will do whatever it takes to make it right…this plane is special to me…and it is my forever plane… when it’s done, I will let people know how it turned out…I am hopefully optimistic…I haven’t seen anything (so far) that gives me doubt.
  24. I did all of that. On the top drawing I started with the red 2” longer than green. It is now less than 1/2” on the bottom drawing red was 1” taller than green (once the plane was leveled). Now I am within 1/2” and measurement of the twist at empennage is less than 1/8” all of these measurements are without any tension applied. (But not riveted up again) the plane looks absolutely perfect except for the horizontal stabilizer fairing on the pilot side…it will be replaced…and the empennage is rock solid…I assure you I will log everything and take pictures… it would be good if some of my fellow mooneyspace group would go out and measure what the distances are on their undamaged planes…I would be most curious my mechanic told me that if you remove the empennage from the plane, that you really need to have a jig to rework it, or it will end up in worse shape
  25. The repair is amazing…the mechanic drilled out a bunch of rivets and got the twist out to within 1/4” one way and 1/8” the other way. And he is preparing to do all the riveting. There is no doubt that the elevator will need to be reskinned, but I am absolutely amazed by his magic…when it is done, you will never know except for the log book entries
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