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Everything posted by Stetson20

  1. Wow.. that’s shocking. Not in a good way, either. I see why they say get the airplane you want.
  2. So can you share in AMUs how much this cost? To the nearest 10AMUs would be enlightening. Understand if you’d rather not put that number in a public forum. It’s beautiful, BTW!
  3. Donated for 2021. How long until the ads go away? TIA
  4. I like the 21st century avionics. I'm 51 and don't care to wonder if the avionics package I'm manipulating is older than I am. YMMV
  5. Bought my first house in 1992 in Enterprise for $62,500. I was sweating bullets because that was the most debt I'd ever been in at the time. Flew a rental airplane once or twice out of Enterprise too.
  6. I randomly typed in 3 letter identifiers- the first one turned out to be a USA airport; the second- not sure. I'll look it up on world-airport-codes dot com!
  7. Probably a dumb question. What is a good website or app for quickly finding airport ID info. I see LOTS of posts that say something like "great burgers at HTS!" or "Cheap gas at XSE!" Etc.. Would be nice to quickly search that ID and determine location, etc. Thanks! (From near 74P- see! You want to look it up, amirite?! Pahrump NV Calvada Meadows Airpark for anyone curious )
  8. We have friends who live in Leland. Really nice area!
  9. Thanks, Steve! Partnership route is very attractive to me for several reasons. All: any inputs welcome- good, bad, other. Im sure there are partnership horror stories as well. Roy
  10. I saw exactly this in the video. The pilot was forced to do 2 more steep turns near the ground to align with the runway. I'm not sure how much altitude it would have taken to be successful, but a *left* turn to the crossing runway seemed the logical choice to me as I watched the video. I think the left turn would have kept him over cleared land throughout the turn. Just an armchair QB observation. Regardless, kudos to the pilot for putting it down safely.
  11. Steve- not to hijack the thread, but maybe could you post an 'after action report' (new thread) on being in a Mooney partnership? Good, bad, ugly, etc? I'm thinking of going the partner route for a couple of reasons- mainly to save money, get a nicer plane for the price, and to keep the plane flying more throughout the year. Thanks! Roy
  12. We crossed paths! I overnighted in Buffalo Friday night.
  13. Wednesday or Thursday afternoon.. I'm staying at the Westgate. 616 seven five five 2996 cell- text MOONEY to me
  14. Sounds good! Wednesday evening is good and Thursday afternoon, too. Tournament starts at 10a Thursday.
  15. I remember your plane- distinct paint job. Beautiful! Yeah if you're around later this week, I'd love to pick your brain about your plane and flying in/around Vegas! I'm at the Westgate 22-23rd. I'll buy the first round. Let me know..
  16. This is the kind of adventure that makes me want another Mooney! Enjoy the trip, and keep posting updates and pics!
  17. Steve I'll be in Vegas 22-23rd at the Westgate. Do you get in to Vegas often?
  18. I'll get back to you on that if my schedule permits. Waiting to see if/when I'll go to training in Dallas. Schedule permitting, I'd love to buy you a coffee (or adult beverage) and pick your brain about your plane! Roy
  19. Enjoy! I'm on a trip myself over those dates. Let me know the next time you're in Vegas!
  20. I may have to take a rain check. If all goes well, I will be in Dallas for CA upgrade throughout June. I'll definitely take you up on meeting when schedules permit.
  21. Anybody interested in meeting up in Vegas? Would like to get together with some fellow Mooney enthusiasts! I live in Pahrump, but can easily meet anywhere in Vegas. Looking for a couple guys who may be interested in exploring a partnership, too. Just exploratory stage. All topics Mooney, GA and other interests are on the table. Anybody looking for some airline insight, we can talk about that, too. I'm a senior FO at Southwest, looking to upgrade soon. Just to throw out a date or two: 22nd or 23rd in the evening at/near Westgate casino. I'm staying there a couple nights for the annual Southwest Poker Classic. Wish me luck! Let's get together- first round is on me! Stetson20 (Roy)
  22. Mike- check your PMs. :)

  23. If it's me alone, I wouldn't need a break. But I expect *most* of the time, my wife will be flying with me. Not sure on the budget this time. Hangar rental is very limited, so I'd have to most likely buy a lot at the local air park, and put up a hangar (or some shelter- summer is brutal here) to protect my plane. I had a Mooney previously, but flying was mostly flatland and my primary mission was commuting about 1+15 back and forth from central MI to MDW. I desire to make it to central WA comfortably in a day, not necessarily non-stop. amillet said he made it easily at 10k-12k alt nonstop with a J model. I should start looking there.
  24. Nice! So what altitude(s) did you fly? I'd be looking at a break halfway in any case, to stretch our legs, hit the restroom, etc..
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