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Everything posted by Stetson20

  1. Mother Rucker as a student 1988-89 Again as an instructor at Cobra Hall 1992-94. Now a FO for Southwest. Just bought my first Mooney, too. Hope to take delivery in a week or so. Welcome!
  2. Somebody's got mad skills!
  3. It's all in fun, of course. We have a mounted deer hanging in our little party store in central Michigan. Had a "Name that deer" contest. My wife won that one, too. Winning name? D*ckhead! The locals have a saucy sense of humor! ps not sure how to turn a picture orientation, but you get the idea...
  4. A little fun with the name game
  5. Probably patch for now. I hope to fly it over to Guitarmaster's home field and ply him with adult beverages and a steak dinner to go over it with me! Very knowledgeable person and he's helped me a lot with this first purchase.
  6. Update: pre-buy went mostly well. Only squawk was seeping left fuel tank. Owner agreed to reduce the price by 2AMUs, approximately half the repair cost. It's a very well kept plane and I'm excited to be the new owner. One last hurdle before the sale is final. I sent off the oil analysis to Blackstone today. Hope to have the sale finalized next week. Weather permitting, I will bring her home then.
  7. Where is this located?
  8. Winterization kits for oil coolers? I'll have to look those up.
  9. And no issues with icing while IMC in winter? I found a website for a phone activated power pack. Pretty cool!
  10. Tell me more about this cell switch, please. And when you flew instrument training, you weren't IMC, were you? Unfortunately, west Michigan is pretty overcast throughout the winter.
  11. What does this service run per year?
  12. Does anyone do something like this in winter here in the US or Canada? Looking ahead to winter 2017/18. Or do y'all try to fly whenever the weather permits? Clear, cold day flights?
  13. Is the location listed somewhere? TIA
  14. A stones throw from my store! Jason- I finally bought one! Waiting on the pre-buy next week! I'll be basing it at 6D6
  15. Yes I will have the funds for an overhaul if needed. It would hurt, but I could manage it.
  16. Hi all, The escrow agency that is handling my purchase has offered me title insurance at $708. Here's what they wrote: "If you would like title insurance on your new investment, the one-time premium for as long as you own the aircraft is $708.00. The premium protects the investment for many issues that could arise after we close. The three major items are the State and Federal tax liens that are not shown in the aircraft record and any claims of lien that may appear after closing. Claims of lien are against the aircraft not the owner and if anything shows up that you as the owner did not do, one call to an attorney would cost more than the insurance premium to clean up the issue. The policy provides you a legal team to handle any issues that may arise after closing. I have attached what you would be covered for as you have the choice." Feedback desired. Thank you!
  17. Doing an oil sample and filter check as part of the pre-buy.
  18. Eccentric- crazy, but with money!
  19. I know. Getting it borescoped and having oil sample sent off for analysis. The current owner, as I understand it, lost his medical. The 2+ years of sitting has caused me some concern, but several sources have told me that, even sitting for extended periods, engines this far along toward TBO don't *usually have a catastrophic failure. They sorta slowly get worse until it's apparent that it's time for overhaul. What are your thoughts? Thanks for the input!
  20. Yes. MDW based- for Southwest. I have family in Hammond, Griffith and Calumet City. I live up in Michigan and will base the plane at 6D6
  21. Well you got me thinking, too. I need to check on the fuel tanks. Part of pre-buy look over item.
  22. It was hard to keep my buyer fever down through the winter, but I'm glad I waited. Nothing worse than buying then having to sit &a wait to use it! Thanks Matt (GuitarM) for all the advice! I owe ya many adult beverages!
  23. I wish! Add a few zeros!
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