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Everything posted by Stetson20

  1. Well I just signed the intent to buy. I'll be minority shareholder with my credit union on the 1985 Rocket that was listed on All American Aircraft. The pre-buy went well. Thanks to Chris @MIm20c and Paul @PJClark for their helpful input! This plane has had one owner since the mid-90s. It's been well taken care of although the panel, interior and paint are dated. The engine and airframe are solid with no major issues. First order of business when she's mine is to name her then install an engine monitor. The owner flew it for many hours using the Rocket Engineering suggested power settings. I'm super excited to start my Mooney ownership journey for the 2nd time.
  2. Foreflight shows a route cleared today of: KTOL MUDHN SMUUV FIYER OBK KPWK, 16k to FL 270, turboprob and jet for UGN it's KTOL KGYY KUGN (avoids the overwater) 5k to 6k, piston Personally I would fly around the lake. YMMV but I don't like cold water
  3. I have many concerns and am open to any and all advice on addressing those concerns. Thanks for the input!
  4. The pre-buy, if satisfactory, will be the first part of an annual. That's my plan, anyway. Check for big issues (corrosion, engine making metal, etc) then complete the purchase and put the plane right in to annual.
  5. Looking at N58089 (M20K Rocket) and arranging a pre-buy. The O2 system is empty. How would you check it to make sure it maintains pressure if you're not at an airfield that has oxygen? Thanks.
  6. Part of a pre-buy? My question wasn't rhetorical. I'm looking at an M20K with O2 system, but want to make sure it's functional. I can't just fly it to the nearest O2 filling station... suggestions?
  7. If the aircraft oxygen system is empty, can you pressurize it with air to verify no leaks? Anyone have experience with this? TIA
  8. I'm going one further and planning on talking to him about a few of the airplanes they have for sale there in east Texas... I like the Rocket, but am re-evaluating wants vs needs.
  9. It seems to me that paying for a buyer's broker with Mooney experience (and more specifically Rocket experience) may be the way to go. Anyone have a broker they'd recommend?
  10. I'd be mostly using it to commute from central MI (9D9) to Chicago Midway. Occasionally, me and my wife on a weekend trip within a 800 mile radius of home. NC, TX, KS, FL where we have friends. We're empty nest and it would be us two and a couple carry on sized travel bags. That UL is reasonable to me for my mission.
  11. @xavierde very nice. Check DMs. Any more pictures available?
  12. Anybody care to comment on why this Rocket has been sitting on trade-a-plane for so long? I'm shopping now and this is an interesting plane to me. What am I missing? https://www.trade-a-plane.com/search?category_level1=Single+Engine+Piston&make=MOONEY&model=M20K+305+ROCKET&listing_id=2390460&s-type=aircraft
  13. Gorgeous sleek panel. Two thumbs up!
  14. Just emailed Jimmy yesterday, in fact!
  15. https://www.trade-a-plane.com/search?category_level1=Single+Engine+Piston&make=MOONEY&model=M20K+231+MODIFIED&listing_id=2391004&s-type=aircraft# Is this fairly priced? Trying to see if it's a fair price. I noticed that the next annual and IFR cert weren't listed. Engine time seems okay. Engine monitor listed but I couldn't identify it in the pictures. Thoughts? I realize it may already be sold or under contract.
  16. Either the Stuka or the Swoopenhausen!
  17. So there are several J models on controller and trade-a-plane. Are they all overpriced and/have major flaws?
  18. Funny story that happened to a friend. The Navy T-34 had a pee tube. It was a venturi, so you needed to open the spring loaded valve FIRST. My friend filled the funnel and then tried the valve. He shorted out the radio stack, got pee all over himself, and they had to do a lost comm landing. Lessons learned.
  19. On my reading list. Thank you!
  20. I have all four books ordered.
  21. Wind 17G35. From the looks of his aileron position, it was a right crosswind. Perfectly acceptable to line up on the upwind side of centerline IMO. I was taught that technique in the Navy flying T-34s. Worked like a champ.
  22. Yes!
  23. ... of my aviation time and experience is with turbine engines. Any good books on the wonderful world of reciprocating gas engines? My flying career has been military, then commercial. Relatively little experience with GA light aircraft. I remember once, getting checked out in a Cherokee (I think?) with a local CFI. He said something about carb heat and I got the deer in the headlights look. Kinda funny, but it’s a knowledge base that I’m lacking. I bought a M20E a couple years back, and has to sell it and move before I could gain any real experience in it. I’m shopping again, and now have a better understanding of what I DON’T know. I’ve ordered all four of the Mike Busch books. Any other suggestions? Thanks! Roy
  24. Hey Paul where’s your map of Mooney peeps? It’s a great tool. Hope it didn’t get taken down over privacy concerns?

    IF it’s still available, may I suggest pin it to the top of one of the forums.

    Apologies in advance if it is still active- I just can’t find it.

    1. gsxrpilot


      Yep, it's still up and available, but not posted anywhere intentionally. 

      There are a lot of MS members who won't share their location, are concerned about privacy, or just think it's all a bad idea. So consequently I've made it just a private thing to be used by those of us who participate. In other words, if you are on the map, you can have a link to the map. Otherwise it's restricted access only. 

      So just bookmark it in your own browser, but please don't post the link or share it anywhere.




    2. Stetson20
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