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Everything posted by Skates97

  1. Who was the underwriter?
  2. Oceano is fun, we're hoping to get there May 12th. Be on your target speed and it was plenty long for my plane. With brakes we could have made the first turn off but chose to roll out instead. (Jump ahead to 2:50) I agree. A couple of my better landings were my first and only times at Harris Ranch with it's 30' wide runway and Oceano with it's short runway and clouds off the coast eliminating a go-around unless I was going to take my non-IFR equipped plane and myself (a non-IFR pilot) into the marine layer. Those things had me very focused on airspeed, vertical speed, and alignment resulting in good landings. Some of my worst ones are at fields that I am very familiar with.
  3. Very true, I was just comparing that it was similar that Global came in much lower on this renewal when my original Starr was the best quote.
  4. It's been entertaining each time I had a kid start working and they get their first paycheck only to find out that a good chunk of the money is missing... It has the effect of starting some conversations about the government.
  5. My insurance is with Falcon (their USAA division) and the first year was underwritten by Starr. I was at similar numbers to you and it was roughly $1,500. When I went for renewal they had it underwritten by Global Aerospace. I don't have an IR but put on about 140 hours in the Mooney that first year. The renewal came in at $1005. They didn't tell me what Starr was quoting, just that Global provided the best rate.
  6. Whenever I have the cowling off to do something I like looking around just to see if something looks odd. Not that I really know what I am looking for but you just never know what may stick out. Last night I noticed that the maximum RPM adjustment screw has a hole through it for safety wire but no safety wire on it. Should it be wired, and if so what to, just around the arm that it sits in?
  7. Not a flight but some hangar time yesterday. I went straight there after work, got started about 7pm, called it quits at 11pm, and will finish up stuff Saturday morning. Changed the oil. (Still need to cut open the filter) Replaced the gasket on the oil fill tube that was leaking. The old one was hard and brittle but I think this will take care of that pesky leak. Cleaned and rotated the plugs. Took a look around in the cylinders with the borescope. Checked to oil screen. This is the first time I have done this myself and it is the beast that everyone has said it is and was probably 2 hours of my time with about 1.5 of that spent on the stupid safety wire. I can think of about 20 different things they could change in the way everything fits down there that would have made it a lot easier to safety wire it. After doing it this time I learned a few things and could probably cut that time significantly next time. The screen was clean with a couple little black flecks that crumbled when rubbed between my fingers so I am assuming carbon? Still to do Check water levels in battery Ground run then check for leaks Button everything back up and go have some fun
  8. My wife sent this to me yesterday.
  9. I enjoy a good political debate, unfortunately they tend to quickly devolve into name calling and finger pointing. I appreciate that this forum is mostly free of it.
  10. Amazing, professionalism at its best.
  11. Come to California, they will help you get closer to that number than Alabama...
  12. Thanks, all the credit goes to @mooneyflyer and @MrRodgers. Phil gave it a place to happen and was an amazing host. Mike created the West Coast Mooney Club, worked on sponsors, got the message out, etc... Without the two of them it would have probably been 5-10 Mooneys somewhere having lunch, which would have been fun, but with them it was awesome!! I can't even imagine the hours they put into making it the success that it was.
  13. At their home airport in Lakeport, CA. Lampson Field 1O2 Closer to you than the one down in Paso Robles.
  14. I have it on the calendar!
  15. Loved the fly-in yesterday in Paso Robles. I hope you enjoy the write up as much as I enjoyed the event and writing about it. If you build it, they will come... KPRB Fly-In
  16. My take on the Fly-In, it was awesome! (I did steal a few pictures from some of you that posted them, I hope you don't mind). If you build it, they will come... KPRB Fly-In
  17. Do we have a final number of Mooneys that made it? I know there were more that showed up after the video was shot, a few that came in after lunch began to be served.
  18. Congratulations, glad you found a new one and got to make it to the fly-in.
  19. Something doesn't seem to be working. When I go to download it I only get the file name with a size of 0 bytes.
  20. Can you look under along the rails and see the pins when you hold the bar up? If not it is probably worth taking them out and checking to make sure the pins that hold it in the rails are on each side. I don't know if that is what it is, but the seats are very easy to remove so you might as well.
  21. Here's a couple, my wife has a bunch more on her phone. Can't wait to see the drone footage that @thinwing took. It was great to meet everyone. A huge thank you to @MrRodgers and our host @mooneyflyer and his wife for all they did.
  22. Couldn't have ordered up better weather! Even to Airmet for low level turbulence is no longer active (which my wife will appreciate). Heading to the airport in about 10 minutes, looking forward to meeting everyone.
  23. There will always be things that come up and someone who signed up won't be able to make it so I'm sure there will be food.
  24. Don, thanks for posting that. I also enjoyed getting your video from you a couple months back. As others have said, I think it's worth the small investment and is a good review tool every so often. A couple of questions. When you reduce to 16" on crosswind you are also reducing RPM with the prop control, leaning out the mixture and closing the cowl flaps? Then you reverse and go mixture rich and prop forward on the GUMP check abeam the numbers? I see this is for flying a closed pattern. Do you add the extra steps on crosswind so that the student gets used to the way they will be set up coming into the pattern after a cross country flight and descent?
  25. Windy.com is a great tool as well. The wind forecasting is pretty good. You can see an overall picture with sliders for time and different altitudes. If you have it set to display airports it will show current conditions and clicking on one brings up the METAR, TAF if available, METAR history and a forecast going out four days.
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