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Everything posted by Skates97

  1. I always make sure it locks in but I may start putting something behind my seat. Either that or I start having my son sit behind me instead of my wife and let his legs stop me.
  2. Maybe you can hitch a ride with someone?
  3. Can do, just need to borrow a handheld from someone, or this is an excuse to buy one. Anybody have any experience with this one? YAESU VERTEX FTA 550 VHF HANDHELD RADIO - AA BATTERY PACK
  4. I did not have much trouble raising the gear in mine, but lowering it and putting the handle back up into the block took some effort and a little twist to get it to lock. Based on a suggestion by someone else on the board here (I don't remember who) when I had mine on jacks for annual I lubed the shaft where the handle slides up and down. After doing that it is very easy to slide in. I think it was the little bit of added friction when pushing forward that made it difficult, the lube solved that.
  5. I'm happy to help if I'm given some instructions.
  6. No pictures, but I went out to get some landings in for night currency. Mine would have expired today and we will be making a trip to AZ arriving after dark this weekend. Got to the hangar and did preflight and then cleaned her up while waiting for darkness to arrive... While sitting in the run up area going through everything another Mooney came on the frequency taxiing down from the west end. Nobody else on the radio so I took the chance to invite him to the KPRB Fly In (we have to get more planes than those Texas folk). He didn't know about it but is based out of San Luis Obispo so said he will probably come. After getting my landings in, fueling her up, and putting her away I drove around and slipped invitations to the fly in under the hangar doors where I know two Mooneys are on the field and then left invitations on three more that are tied down, slipping them between the flap and the wing, sticking out where they will see it when they go to step up in the wing walk. (Did I mention the effort to get more planes out than the Texas people? )
  7. Setting the bar pretty high for the first Club Fly-in!
  8. There are a few Mooney's at Corona that I don't know if they are on any of the boards. I am going to print off Mike's flyer, leave it on the one's parked outside, and slip it between the doors on the ones where I know their hangars are.
  9. I imagine some may disagree strongly with this, but... I fall into the camp of wanting to be very involved in the maintenance and annuals on my plane. I would rather open the whole thing up myself and go through it with an AP/IA than just drop it off at a shop and hope that it is all done up to the standards that I would want. I don't have the experience of a big shop, but I do think that working with someone experienced that together we will have the plane maintained as well as if it just got dropped off somewhere. It makes me think of something my dad (who spent 20 years in the Air Force working for the government) would always say when we would be working on some project together. He would say "That's close enough for government work, but we aren't doing government work" so we would work on whatever it was a bit more and make sure it was to tighter tolerances, more precise, stronger, etc...
  10. This is awesome! When I started the thread to try to get some people together I was hoping to see maybe 8-10 planes. You starting the West Coast Club and working with Phil who was generous enough to host have taken this thing to a whole new level! Thank you to both of you.
  11. Which could leave you SOL if you (like me) are looking for the CBO (Cheap Bastard Option).
  12. Beautiful, love the Statue of Liberty shots. What do you have lighting your panel? Is it a light strip under the edge of the glareshield?
  13. We just need one of the non-Mooneys to take a trip around the pattern with someone to takes some pics of all the Mooneys that will be sitting on the ramp.
  14. Mine is a 1965 and had just over 5,200 hours on it when I bought it in Dec 2016. It also came with all the records on the plane, with the exception of the original prop log but the prop had been replaced 7 years prior and the log for that one was complete. The case of paperwork that I received even included a letter from the original owner written to his friend that he sold the plane to explaining why he was asking for a certain price, that he didn't know of any issues with the plane, but "you can't ever know everything that might come up." (What you might expect one friend to say to another if he were selling his favorite car). I am the fourth owner and have been very happy with the plane. I spent some time getting to know the owner that I purchased it from, I personally think that vetting the person selling the plane ranks up there in importance with the PPI. You can learn quite a bit about the plane by learning about the owner.
  15. I had something similar but with much larger fluctuations, ended up that the pin on the connector was loose. They repinned it and it has been fine ever since. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/24478-edm830-new-install-erratic-rpm/
  16. I see that wasn't the issue for the OP, but I keep a set of vice grips in the little tool kit in the baggage area after reading stories of inside handles breaking off.
  17. @TheTurtle, who was your guy that you used?
  18. You should be able to find it in the downloads section. https://mooneyspace.com/files/categories/
  19. Thanks, I just saw that there are 22 signed up, should be a lot of fun!
  20. Wow, that would be awesome to get that many there! Can't wait!
  21. I hope so, my last kid is almost 14 and I'm looking forward to my empty nest days.
  22. My 13 yo loves the bumps. If they are good enough that his back side is coming out of the seat and I have to tighten his seat belt they put an extra big smile on his face.
  23. My FF is just over 15 at take off/climb. In cruise I see around 9-9.4 if up around 8,500-10,500. Cylinders 2-4 run within about 5-10 degrees of each other. At high power 3 is the hottest (by 5-10 degrees) and in cruise 2 is the hottest (again by 5-10 degrees) Cylinder 1 consistently reads about 65-75 degrees cooler which I attribute to the sensor as it mirrors the other three in temperature increase/decrease. Before I had the EDM 830 I planned for 10gph and while I always came out under that I liked to err on the side of caution.
  24. I'm hoping that some of those folks will have some stuff coming out of their planes that I can put into mine...
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