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Everything posted by PeteMc

  1. i would *hope* the device either defaults to full flow or has some sort of alarm that it is not functioning correctly. On the O2 savings, I'm actually surprised at the claim of 40% savings over Oxymizer Cannulas. This number would not surprise me at all with the use of regular cannulas. But the point of the Oxymizers is to reduce the flow so that, in theory, there is little or no wasted O2 coming out of the tank. The reservoir is supposed to allow you to use a much lower flow and capture the flow between breaths and during your exhale. Then you get the same amount of O2 as if the unit was at the higher rate for regular cannulas with the continuous flow just going out into the cockpit. So I would have not been surprised if there had been some savings, but 40% seems... um... surprising. Hence my question if that made sense to people that know of actual daily use of the device.
  2. If you're not used to high altitude, in addition to what everyone else has said, you may not want to go FULL Rich on landing at ABQ. First time there in a Cherokee Six I had started my trip basically at sea level on the east coast. Gorgeous (hot) day at ABQ and I did my usual landing, which included mixture FULL Rich and actually greased it on... Rolled out to the next Rwy exit and as I slowed to turn off the the Rwy the engine died. Luckily I didn't have a brain freeze and actually instantly knew what happened. Turned a couple of tweaks out on the mixture and got the engine to start right back up. For the rest of the landing as I continued west I just didn't go full rich. Remember that at low power it doesn't matter how much you lean you will not hurt the engine. Just remember you primary training where your CFI probably taught you to use a flat open hand and shove EVERYTHING full in if you have to do a go around. One other note, this was years ago and the discussion of Ground Leaning was a prevalent. But even then I had done some research and knew to lean for all ground ops too. Which I did from that point on too. But ABQ was really my first airport above 2,000' and wasn't really into the High Alt mode yet.
  3. I didn't know that much about the MHOxygen systems, so I did some checking. According to their sales team, the On-Demand System (O2D2 orO2D1) will save an additional 40% over just using the Oxymizers with the built in system (Mooney). Anyone know if this is true? That's a pretty substantial savings and it might be worth the investment if most of your flights are in the teens or FLs.
  4. Sounds like you need the Aspen EA-100 to get your autopilot to take cues from your PFD. (Or confirm that you don't already have one and they didn't wire it correctly...) Another option would be to look at the Garmin GI-275. It works with a number of autopilots, but I'd still think you'd want to drive the autopilot from your Aspen vs. reaching to the non primary display to make heading changes, etc. But the GI-275 will let you get rid of your vacuum system if you get the correct version. With it you'll have another screen to dedicate to traffic or other duties to have less clutter on your Aspen.
  5. The connector is the main item you need to be concerned about. Pretty much any mask will "work" if you have the right connector. My '80 K's factory O2 uses Scott Connectors, so there is a good chance yours will too. If the owner has masks now, ask them to send you a Pic of the connector. And the mechanic that did the pre-purchase should also know what kind of system is in the plane you're looking at. Here's what my connector looks like: https://www.preciseflight.com/general-aviation/shop/product/all-one-connector-kit/images/scott-style-connector/ And as others have said, be sure to get one of the Oxymizer type cannulas (big mustache). They will really save you O2 and are much more comfortable when flying below FL180. ALSO, make sure you get the correct flow meter for the Oxymizer. The standard flow meter will still just have you putting out way more O2 than your breathing. If you're going to venture into the FLs, the mask with the mic will make life much easier.
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