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Everything posted by PeteMc

  1. What are the extra strips to the side supposed to do?
  2. My O2 bottle and regulator went in for a check and there has been ZERO leakage from the system. Shop sends back a report to the mechanic that the regulator is leaking internally and externally and has a big $$$ estimate attached. Mechanic doesn't agree and told them to send everything back. But if it was broken, by them or taking it out of the plane or who knows how, I still need to get it fixed. So suggestions on the best shop to send the regulator to? It's a Scott system out of a 1980 K/231 but the logbooks are at the mechanic, so I can't tell you the exact model of the regulator.
  3. I'm sure they were already told the plane was empty. Not much rushing and potentially getting injured would accomplish. No real clue about firefighter training, but there are so many things where you learn in training that a steady consistent pace is ultimately faster than rushing and having to do thing two or three times to be able to move on to the next task.
  4. I had a Mooney near me on the ramp at FRG just becoming a giant birds nest. Airport does have a clause in the lease about the planes being airworthy, but that's a last resort. This particular plane was apparently being kept by the wife, who know very little about flying or owning a plane, because it was her late husbands and he loved to fly. So she wanted to keep it. It did eventually go away and hopefully it could be made airworthy again. I think the airport might have pushed the issue when they leased a big section of that ramp to an FBO and the Tie-Down list started to getting pretty big.
  5. Higher speeds are great on final, but you still have to stop the plane from flying at some point. And I'm guessing the no flaps in the higher winds is because of the greater crab angle that can disrupt the airflow over the elevator & tail if the flaps are down.
  6. A couple of winters ago KFRG was working on Rwy 1/19 that was the predominant Rwy with the winter winds. LOTS of interesting landings on 14/32 that year. I don't remember the numbers now, but a strong wind to begin with and even stronger gusts. I knew it was going to be a "we'll see" approach to see if the rudder or the x-wind was going to win. All was great right down to where I was pulling the power back and the current gust went away and I dropped and bounced. So I got to Go Around and try it again! (Should have logged an extra Takeoff and Landing on that one!)
  7. On the wings... My wings never looked like that, but doing a lot of flying through the rain they started to. I could see that if I never repainted that eventually they would have easily looked like that. So as long as it is just surface and nothing really deep into the skins or inside the wing, that's an easy fix. I actually just repainted my wings and I got a lot of years out of the paint before I ultimately repainted the whole plane. Now some of the other stuff... That's for an IA to address.
  8. I'm with @carusoam... Go into your avionics shop and have them clean and reset all the cards and see if that resolves the issue. If not, then I guess you need to talk to them about finding out what the issue is.
  9. Interesting. I noticed it at my first oil change when I got my plane and at every shop I've gone to, which just happened to all have been very knowledgeable Mooney shops. I'll have to ask what they do at the shop doing my Annual now, which is new to me and NOT a Mooney shop, though in asking around they have a good rep.
  10. You can create a per altitude profile. I'd suggest doing it on their Website as it is much easier to type on a keyboard and most or all of the sheet is in front of you.
  11. New. From my tech life I know that some used stuff works forever, others fail in a short period and you'll never really know. Talked it over with my old mechanic and he concurred that he's changed some and never had a problem, others the same micro switch or one of the others would fail on the used switch and the owner is then spending the same amount that the switch would have cost AND double the installation time. I'm keeping the other one and since there's no rush, I'll see if it is fixable and then I'll sell it. (Have to see what the process is, if any, for a repair certification.)
  12. Loving it, or at least for the flights, then home and one other short flight before my time expired for the Annual. It is a bit thicker on the sides, so a little more snug. But I think that's more "different" than it really is that we lost much space.
  13. FINALLY got my LED Recognition lights in!! I just had the (new to me) shop do it when I went in for Annual. Haven't seen them yet, plane's done except for a couple of things they're waiting on to come back like the O2 tank. Is your plane done yet?
  14. Sure, you can use what you have. But I'd seriously consider the GI275 if you do upgrade. And rather than the GPS175, might I suggest you look at the GNC355. You'd then be swapping out one of your Nav/Comms with a GPS Nav/Comm And you'd have the second original Nav/Comm for VOR/ILS/LOC as needed.
  15. Cost or some other reason you're not going with newer digital equipment?
  16. If you're not flying a Retract now, start doing it. I don't know the magic number, but the more Retractable time you have should help with your insurance cost and the number of transitional hours they want you to fly. After you're all done with whatever time they require you to have, look into the Mooney Safety Pilot Proficiency Program (PPP). You'll get some much more in-depth train both on the ground and in the air for your specific Mooney. They're held in different part of the country throughout the year. Being able to tell them you took a PPP the next year should also help cut down the Insurance costs. (At least it used to, not really sure with the Insurance Co these days.)
  17. Question for the IA & APs here or to ask your guy. I really don't know, but if the output was blocked, I'd think there would be higher pressure going in and less coming out. But again, depends upon where the pump is and where the sensor is. I'm just thinking about the flow of liquids in general and how you can get different pressures at different points in the same line. But I don't know anything specific about your engine and how the oil flow. And my guess is this shouldn't apply, but there is an adjustment for oil pressure, at least on my engine. Don't know how it would get changed, but that is one other variable.
  18. Okay, "eliminating" dumb question round... With the change in Wx you didn't up the weight of the oil? By any chance did you add more oil than normal? Did you completely fill the oil filter before spinning it on? If not, here is one I'm just tossing out there as a NON mechanic thinking of what could change the oil pressure. I've "heard" stories about oil filters coming apart inside if you don't fill them fill them first and then startup the engine. It sounds a bit far fetched and I'm guessing it is an old hangar tale or it had to do with older style filters on maybe radial engines, but maybe it is true. If the filter is defective and there are now extra material in the wrong place, might it not change the Oil Pressure indication. Depending upon where your oil pressure sensor is, it might be backwards and you'd show lower pressure if it was a defective filter. (Mechanics???) And do you just muscle the cowling off/on or do you have something to support it. I used to do it alone but it was really hard on the edges.
  19. I was taught to look for the power POLES. Yes there could be lines running across long distances, but usually they put poles along the road to give them a little more stability in that area. And to be quite honest, you could be lining up for a real nice long field and get down to the "threshold" and find a power line running along the edge of the field right in front of you.
  20. I can't find it, but I think there were some studies that showed it was an old wives tale and there were excellent results with landing on a road. Not talking about a stop'n go roads, but more open roads with less traffic. So a rural area like where this plane landed is a perfect example. Wish I could find where I read or heard this...
  21. [Sigh....] And I really do know how to read... really!
  22. I think that's the lawyers talking, not that it isn't a possibility. But for a battery in good condition and fully charged, I believe you will get the 60+ minutes. And I'm wondering what it says in the paper work for the G5 since they're both Garmin products?
  23. The above wasn't here. He said it was on Aerodon.
  24. Are they trying to swoop in as you and redirect the payment? I'd think that would be hard to do if you've already been in a conversation with the buyer.
  25. What exactly did you want to lock down that needed a hubcap change? I was looking at them online and don't see any reference for an option of a locking or non locking arm.
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