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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. That unit looks brand new. Awesome! Nice to have “people”. That is a cost effective solution to gain ADSB compliance. AND you got a nice upgrade on your transponder. Sweet. I would of given you our AT50a we pulled. Got a little on Ebay so I hope it is soldiering on for the owner.
  2. You are not picking up what I am laying down in the first paragraph. The release is ingrained as is the shot from different locations on the court through practice and visualization. Practice against other teammates would add in new elements such as a fade away or quicker shot due to influences of defender. I am all for practice in various conditions so you can gain comfort and set limitations. I know I can land my plane with no or partial flaps. Did it for a few years. Softfield in my Mooney? Nope. Know technique, but don’t practice. Stalls, slips, go arounds, engine out all with instructor. I want somebody that is doing them weekly and that is GRADING me. Thompson airline is very boring. When (IF) I start “sucking at landings” I will get an instructor in the plane to evaluate and provide input/assistance. I am if anything a little high on approach (which just means I take power out earlier). I shoot for numbers, but down in first third is my personal grade. I better be flaring by second hash. I always crab. I am not a cross-controlled wing low guy. My plane crabs fantastic. I have only experienced a cross-wind beyond rudder (my capability) once. I elected to land on the grass after a go-around. (That I expected)
  3. When Jordan or any player shoots a jump shot are they trying new ways to release while practicing or are they trying to ingrain a set manner? Are they practicing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again to increase their odds of making the shot every time through muscle memory? Why do pro’s in every field make it look so easy? Because they practice. If something is NOT working i.e. a putt from four feet THEN they might try a different grip/stance/putter but the goal is to make the putt, right? In landing an airplane practice in the same plane helps. What helps me is doing things the way I have done them before. Temperature, wind (direction and velocity), weight, my physical/mental state are variables BUT I know from practice and experiencing landings over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over (I won’t do this 973 times) what a good landing should look and feel like. I know what to do if it is NOT looking and feeling like it should. Practice makes well, you know...
  4. Just poking for fun. Fly your plane however you want.
  5. I used to ride my motorcycle at night with tire under pressure with a big fat dude on the back just in case I ever really had this happen. I felt it made me a safer rider. I would occasionally ride without a helmet just in case I left it at home. Sometimes I would wear sunglasses at night in the rain just in case I forgot to take them off so I would be ready if it really happened. I would close my eyes for 30 seconds just to make sure if I lost my eyesight I would be ready. I thought I was a better rider for when something unexpected happened. Maybe I was just trying to kill myself and the fat dude?
  6. The big difference is that you seem to care about how I fly my plane and mitigate risk. I could care less how you fly your plane. I used to take off and land no flaps until Mooneyspace convinced me that was NOT a good idea. I do all kinds of wiz bang new stuff during my time with instructors. One even pulled power on downwind as we were doing touch and go’s. I had a gear up. Good times...
  7. Lots of “chain” stuff here to ponder.
  8. True and I state as much early on.
  9. There were many mitigating factors that the landing “technique” didn’t cover. My personal take for me (my introspective evaluation on my exposures and how I attempt to mitigate) I maintain my airplane. If something is wrong or I suspect something is wrong mechanically I get it fixed/looked at. I preflight checking oil/visual inspection of fuel (looking in tanks) and I test fuel for water. I do a mag test if a mag doesn’t pass (over 100rpm drop for me) I don’t go until it’s less. I am at a towered long (over 5000’ runways) with options to reduce wind impact. I see this as a positive NOT an opportunity to get lazy. I have in plane ADSB weather on three devices. I check the weather and as a VFR pilot if MVFR I have OUTS if weather deteriorates. I will NOT land on a runway less than 3000’ unless I practice alone and am “current” for this task. I do not overload my airplane. I always take off with full fuel. I have a fuel computer. I have a pre-stall audible alarm in my headset that also alerts for gear. I use a checklist on my knee. I read the checklist out loud or my wife/son does and I respond “Check” for phases of flight. I go two three four weeks without flying. I understand that I am NOT 100% because of this. I don’t fly for “fun”/“sightseeing”. I fly to get from point A to B faster. If there is a question on weather: I/we don’t go. I take off and land by the numbers as a reference. I fly pattern at 100 and I don’t overbank down low. I fly final at 80MPH and I land full flaps. I am power off with runway made and after round out I hold it off. I am so conservative it makes my wife angry on weather. She knows that what I say goes. I welcome her input, but I decide. Read the articles on why people fly and die. There are usually many “chain” reasons for the result. New information on the Palo Alto Angel Flight continue to come in. Since my gear up (while under instruction) I have added to airplane is trying to kill me the two following contributors: My CFI/Mechanic/Wife are trying to kill me. I love ‘em all, but I trust ‘em about as far as I can throw ‘em. ME? I trust me even less. Verify. Trust, but verify. All that and weird weather, the plane breaking, another knucklehead pilot, a deer, a bird, a health issue etc. etc. might try and kill you. Flying is dangerous JUST like riding a motorcycle. I quit riding a motorized bike. Too many people trying to kill me...Flying? Not yet.
  10. I thought I made that one up. Curses...
  11. Too slow=Bad. Too fast=Bad. Conditions/weight/experience determine being “Right” When I start measuring inches from centerline to grade my landing is....NEVER. What an Enginurd.
  12. Yes, check with me. I am free for consult like next March Mooney brother...
  13. Um, O.K. Whatever gets you through the day Mooney brother...
  14. Good for you. Water off my back Mooney brother...
  15. His name is SantosDumont...
  16. I have been 100% satisfied with the quality of work provided on my E from MXO. Brian O and his “associates” have brought my plane back from hanger queen status over 15+ years of ownership. A Mooney Service Center is definitely NOT the only way to go on receiving quality work on your Mooney. Find someone that is well regarded, competent and approachable. Marry them...I mean trust them with your and your loved ones lives...I mean pay them for their work...BE actively involved in decision making. Trust but verify. I always stay in the pattern for a couple circuits after the plane has been de-cowled. Fly safe.
  17. I personally despise character defamation on a website. We have the rule of law and courts in the United States. Cujet this is NOT the venue to “voice your concerns”. It strikes me as lowbrow and beneath character of those I would care to spend time with. I am glad Don has taken the high road. On another note: I used to be a very loyal MAPA guy. The information for a new owner was VERY valuable. I did not care for the online section. Their escalations made me, YES ME, look tame. The magazine became stale for me as I gained knowledge and experience so I discontinued participation. For a new owner those articles are G.O.L.D. This was “pre” Mooneyspace...
  18. If this information is correct this gentleman had a lot of experience conducting “Angel Flights”. Much discussion on 31 being the prevailing runway and he landed on 13. While 2400 feet is adequate for a pilot that is on their game I would not land with that length with passengers and unfamiliar. (Personal minimum exceeded). I am so pleased that his passengers survived. I hope they recover from the injuries sustained quickly and the issue that made them travel there as well. Possibly a touch of tailwind? I have been there and done that. My E floats like crazy in summer with even a couple knots quartering from behind. So many factors playing against our fellow Mooney pilot. He was doing a service and paid th ultimate price. My heart weeps for his family and friends. Definition of a very bad day.
  19. Love the cool scoop. When flying I flip forward and it “catches” keeping it out of my left shoulder. Otherwise it swings and “bugs me”. The thing is ALWAYS used in summer on the ground. We taxi with the entry door held open too. The right knee vent install was also a must for extra ventilation on ground and in climb. Once up high I always close the roof vent as It costs a couple knots and it is LOUD when open. In the climb it’s open to give some more air.
  20. O.K. I tried. I did an extensive post with photos and specifics years ago. The stuff is “there” Some are kind enough to re-boot again. Good on them. I am not that guy. Carry on.
  21. Search is your friend. There are step by step “how to’s” within. Search window replacement etc.
  22. Calories and waistline and an aging metabolism NOT laziness made me change from my beloved stir-Krazy to microwave. Sigh... I remember going to movies with my now 27 year old daughter. We would be through our second large tub BEFORE start of movie. Ahhhhhhh, the good old days when waistlines were stagnant and you didn’t wonder if you were going to get shot for going to a movie. Glad you can still enjoy Sunday games. SJ warriors ruined movies and Pro football. I am sure Saturdays are next. I would block that ScottfromIowa too. What a dick.
  23. Don, I find it difficult to fathom your loss. Our mates are so much a part of our lives. They are our everything. You have my deepest sympathy. Think of the good times together. They will always be there...
  24. A&P did my transponder ADSB update. NOT a Certified Avionics shop. Garmin has some approval that allows selling and install by a non-Garmin certified installer...
  25. Go to avionics header in Mooneyspace. There are lots of threads on ADSB solutions there. Been done movie. We needed a new Transponder so did 335 Garmin. With rebate our hardware and install was <4.5AMU’s. The world is likely going to end before 2020 mandate based on Mainsteam media. I would hold off...
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