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Everything posted by toto

  1. Would be good for @microkit to weigh in.
  2. Yeah, unfortunately callouts below 5 feet are only available for experimental. It sounds like your unit was incorrectly set. https://landingheight.com/faq/
  3. Agreed. It’s not like the federal government updates weather sites very often, but never is a long time, and there needs to be an upgrade path short of bricking hundreds of expensive devices.
  4. Mine is an Arduino model with a D1 mini board.
  5. Details here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02u5tBv5TQ7KDyfqtPKhkmwGddjB4DUNymYcY9Kvzacm1YPUH35d5eEjNyHy8Cvb1sl&id=100057498007091 (This is a public post, so those of us who don’t use Facebook should be able to access.)
  6. Heard back from METARMaps. The aviationweather.gov migration was the cause, and maps built before 2022 are not capable of remote software updates. There are a bunch of updates on the MM public Facebook page here: https://m.facebook.com/metarmaps Looks like there are some hacky workarounds brewing.
  7. Seems to have happened within the last week or so. I’ve tried powering down and powering back up, to no avail. All of the LEDs cycle through on startup and they all stay white. I suspect this is related to the aviationweather.gov migration, but I have no idea. Has anyone else encountered this? I did send a support request to METARMaps, so I’ll report back here with info. Hoping this is a simple fix.
  8. Much of the display functionality is replaced, but the G3X still depends on the 750 for its nav source. The G3X has a reversionary GPS that is VFR only iirc. The 650 would be a perfectly adequate replacement for the 750 as a nav source. The only real difference between the 650 and 750 is the display size, and with the G3X it matters much less.
  9. Anyone know whether this promotion will be expanded to other Garmin products?
  10. FAA P-8740-15 Maintenance Aspects of Owning Your Own Aircraft [hi-res] branded.pdf A bit more detail from FAA
  11. I don’t have ForeFlight, so I can’t help there - but basically any J model or 201 profile should work if you have a 2740# gross weight. If your aircraft has a 2900# gross weight then use an MSE profile.
  12. I had more or less the same impression. He was clearly flustered, and he may well have had a panel full of certified gear, but the iPad issue was a huge distraction. I have absolutely seen this in instrument rated pilots, where the presence of an inop iPad just throws them for a loop and they find it hard to concentrate on anything other than the tablet (even though the avionics in the panel are more than capable of getting them safely on the ground).
  13. Here’s the direct link to the presentation. https://web.stanford.edu/group/scpnt/jse_website/documents/Enhanced_Loran_rv2-short.pdf
  14. I’m not yet ready to put my old LORAN receiver back in the panel, but the government is definitely concerned about over-reliance on GNSS, and one of the top contenders for an RNAV backup is E-LORAN.. everything old is new again https://gps.stanford.edu/research/early-gpspnt-research/enhanced-long-range-navigation-eloran
  15. I despise vacuum-driven instruments today, given all of the better options we have. But I’ve had a number of vacuum pump failures in my flying career, and they normally give you some notice. Even when the pump fully fails, your AI typically continues giving attitude indications — it gets increasingly sluggish while the gyro slowly winds down, but you don’t go from “working” to “not working” immediately. Still, I’d strongly advise having some kind of AHARS backup if you’ve got a vacuum AI in the panel. A Stratus or FS210 or Dynon Pocket Panel would be a welcome sight when the vacuum shoots craps.
  16. Compliance with the Lycoming SB requires about 15 hours of shop time, but it’s not the same as taking the engine off the plane. If no damage is found, they reassemble and you proceed as usual. SB533C-Recommended-Action-for-sudden-Engine-Stoppage-Propeller.pdf
  17. Long discussion over here .. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/46690-ifr-equipment-and-capability
  18. I tried to search the ASRS database for “Predator” but all of the results were for drone events.
  19. I agree completely with this sentiment, but I do think it’s offset at least in part by one of the least pleasurable aspects of aircraft ownership… unplanned maintenance. Depending on the exact circumstances of the tie down, the unplanned maintenance delta might be small. But unplanned maintenance sucks, and having the plane in an environment that you control is one of the best ways of avoiding it. Showing up at the airport for a quick flight and finding something unexpected that needs to be fixed would certainly kill the spontaneity. Not a reason to pick the far-away airport necessarily, just a discussion point.
  20. If you have a flying companion, asking them to drive to the hangar also means that you can do things like reviewing weather and notams during the drive. That can offset some of the drive time cost, since you’re going to be doing it anyway.
  21. Yep. Buying an upgrade-eligible economy ticket and upgrading with points is the best use of airline miles imo.
  22. Right, this would be a backup to the certified vacuum AI in the panel.
  23. You could always get a Dynon Pocket Panel. Less than 1AMU and zero install cost. That would buy you some time to gain experience in the aircraft and make avionics decisions down the road. https://dynonavionics.com/pocket-panel.php
  24. It really depends on whether you get more satisfaction from selecting the avionics package that’s best for you, or getting the cheaper acquisition price. When you buy a plane that someone else has upgraded, you’ll get the upgrades at a discount, but almost certainly the PO will have made different choices than you would.
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