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Everything posted by Browncbr1

  1. David, any ballpark idea about what the cost will be ??
  2. Good points PTK, your logic is why I went with the JPI 830 rather than 900.
  3. I see the but aspen is about $5k. Is it safe to say installation doubles that?
  4. Thanks for the great advice everyone. I do like that I already have an electric turn coordinator... It sounds like I should definitely overhaul the one I already have and add another somehow rather than replace. It sounds like I could cover plan a, b, and c as mentioned above. I understood the ilevil2 SW can be plugged in and later interface with The navworx AdsB box later and it can still be powered by us but or serial ports. I understood the Difference for the AW is piping into the pitot/static system, which isn't legal in my plane as it is now. But, I now see the remote antenna difference. Anyhow, I refuse to fly at night, that's for sure. The 3 hours in my log for ppl is enough for me. Step by step, I want to setup the best / safest systems possible for the money. I thought autopilot and engine monitor systems were big safety things, so I have already invested in those in recent months. So, for me, I'm trying be smart without spending thousands. Great feedback guys. Keep it coming!
  5. That's beyond my skill and economic will. I'm just starting to work on my instrument ticket. At this time, I have no interest in every flying hard ifr. I just want to have tools and ability to break through a layer or two and cruise in Vmc. I have no interest in loitering in soup or launching with ceilings below 2500-3000 agl. I'm still way too green to be thinking beyond that.
  6. Flying the other day, I noticed that my original vintage mooney attitude indicator might be lagging a little and in need of overhaul. I can overhaul it for about $350. I'll soon be doing a panel makeover and wondering about what others think. I am pretty sure I want a backup solution. On a limited budget, would folks recommend overhauling this one and getting an ilevil 2 sw so I could have backup ahrs, weather, and limited traffic data? I have an iPad mini with fltplan for weather and traffic and iPhone 6 plus for ahrs. Or does anyone have a better idea? Mid-continent battery backup electric horizon?? Is there any real advantage of newer style horizons compared to the old other than graphical presentation? Thanks!
  7. Part number 700900-1 with fittings removed for upgrade. $150 shipped within cont USA.
  8. Doesn't surprise me. Probably got the call phone number illegally
  9. It turns out this family is from my home base. My friend knew the wife My wife read something this morning that there is also a daughter that just graduated UT that is at home. Her family gone. Absolutely Terrible.
  10. I was charged $1700 to install my 830 and I got all the addon features. I think the main difference for the 900 are the fuel senders. I think most everything else is pretty much the same.
  11. thought this was entertaining. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ru_kwBi5CFQ
  12. Do the right thing. Whoever buys your plane will probably research and find this thread. There are several posts here already that are flags for me never to buy a plane from those people. Cheap routes that just hide the problem equate to negligence in my opinion. Try to separate the issue of seeking the plane from what needs to be done. Just my 2 cents
  13. I think there are two different kinds. One that is flush with the skin and the other drops down a bit that looks like a bolt with a hole in the middle. One picks up lower than the other. Jose was talking about the lower one can pick up contaminates easier.
  14. True, I see many planes still on the market 6-12 months later. Some sell within a couple weeks. There is a nice J for sale that was on the market for a long time because the tanks leaked. The owner flies 120 hours per year. I think it didn't sell because of the leaky tanks. Well, he just resealed the tanks and kept the price the same. Now it's a deal I think, but many people probably pass over the listing because they saw it a few months ago with leaky tanks. This example may be out of your price range, but just recheck old listings from time to time, as sometimes people update them.
  15. So, the roadway infrastructure in Canada is funded 100% by fuel tax and they even did away with toll roads. That's reasonable. I don't know why Atc can't live by the same rules.
  16. If I were single without kids, and I am comparing unmodified planes with the same avionics, I would have an E. No doubt about it. There are many die hard C guys here and there were many more Cs manufactured.... There is a slight difference of overhaul cost, but I think you possibly get more miles out of an E because it's faster (less time enroute). I've seen great Es for sale in the low $30s... But, rarely all things are equal, and many Cs are well modified. A friend of mine had a C with 201 cowl and windshield and all gap seals, etc. and nice avionics. He really loved it, then got an ovation. I think if you found a super clean C that has a good waas panel GPS, good looking 6pack or glass panel, cowl and windshield mods, I would take that over a more originally equipped E if the price is similar.
  17. Drapo, you pay a hefty fuel tax, right? Are roads not maintained by fuel taxes in Canada? I don't remember. In any case, indeed, it is cultural.... I used to live in Canada and I was amazed by the general acceptance with what we consider high taxes. I think I was paying over 35% income, 15% sales, and I recall really high fuel tax. I was in an entry level position. Not a high earner. Property tax and insurance was astronomical. The taxation drove my employer (at the time) to reincorporate in the U.S., after Nafta passed. I bet they will try to structure a user fee like property tax, whereas they 'assess' the value and compute that tax due as a % of the assessed value. Then, like every local municipality, whenever they want more revenue to continue bloating and wasting money, they just raise the assessment so they can continually collect more and more while claiming that they haven't "increased taxes". (%). Disgusting. Whatever you call it, tax or fee, it's all the same and politicians use these words as spin when they need to. US Supreme Court confirmed this on obamacare.
  18. Hi mike, Thanks, yea, that's what I was looking for. Just basic vfr with Aera 510. Cheers!
  19. Thank you all for the great input. Does anyone have a link to that adapter that converts nmea to analog signals? Brittain and others I've heard of have run accutrak from handheld GPS like area 500 series or 795...etc. I was also wondering about doing it with an ilevil2 sw and iPad because it has an nmea output also.
  20. Yea, I knew the accutrak could couple to panel GPS, but I didn't recall if that is a nmea source or something else.
  21. I saw the ilevil2 sw has nmea out. My Aera 510 does also. Does nmea work with Brittain accutrak as nav input source?
  22. Those are fuel sumps with a bit of fuel leaking
  23. I've seen a pile of junk for sale at almost $60k, I wouldn't have given half that. Likewise have seen a few steals. The seller might just want to get it gone.... I don't think asking price is necessarily an indication of condition.
  24. I guess that's a submarine doing that. I wonder from where
  25. I wonder if she will dump him once the bill is passed.
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