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Everything posted by Browncbr1

  1. So is the ps6000b using the same rack as the garmin 340? I just saw a ps6000b go on eBay for $260
  2. Thanks guys. Yea. The ps stuff seems better and more modern. Perhaps worth the extra coins from a CB such as myself. Any ideas on install costs?
  3. i currently have just the basic audio switches and marker beacon on my panel, but want to upgrade to get rid of the bulky intercom boxes I have all over my cabin. I was looking at a second hand kma 24h. In this case, I would have to retain my marker beacon separately. I was also considering to find a used pma6000b. Does anyone have any CB solutions that would have integrated marker beacon and 4 place intercom in one unit? I picked up some Lemo plug Bose headsets on the cheap, and looking to utilize the Lemo plug wire kits that came with them. Any ideas on what I could expect as far as labor cost to install a audio panel that would include a marker and intercom?
  4. I got the JPI 830 for $2100, as it seemed to be the best value at the time. But, some have argued to go ahead and get the 930, as you can sell your original gauges to make up most of the difference. At the time, for some reason, I was thinking redundancy doesn't hurt either, so I went with the 830. I think, in general, any of the GEMs are good... Some just have more eye candy than others
  5. The previous owner of my plane got 3500hours out of the previous motor (without ever changing cylinders) running 25-50LOP down low and 25LOP-PEAK up high... he said he decided to overhaul the motor because of all the oil leaks and figured he'd gotten his money out of it by then. This is how he flew the current motor for 400 hours also without problem, so i'm sticking with how he ran it... i think the key is to be mindful of %HP before leaning..
  6. i would think less people would want it, thus reducing resale value. I'm one of those who find that tail as about as ugly as can be.... it takes away what makes a mooney a mooney, imho..
  7. Where was the oring debris from? Pump, gascolator, spider??
  8. That's a lot of cantaloupe to be smuggling in TN.
  9. i send my stuff to Rudy Instruments in Arkansas... $220 for altimeter overhaul, 2-3 days turnaround.
  10. I had my entire fuel system rebuilt immediately after taking possession. Money well spent in my opinion. Is sounds like the Winchester, TN C that went down the other day may have had something bad in the fuel system after sitting so many years and a quick "annual inspection"
  11. I had this on a truck once. The bendix grease was dried out with dust and sticky. You could hear the starter spinning free without engaging the flywheel.
  12. Yea, the damage was already done. Don't know what would possess someone to add power
  13. I put the Whelen in before my NVFR instruction. I was amazed at how much it lit up the sky and entire runway. You won't be disappointed. But, the real bonus of going to the LED is current draw and reliability. I heard that leaving the light on tends to act as a bird deterrent. I don't know if that is true or not, but I think leaving the light on during all flight may provide some added safety as anti collision. If you have a generator, then I think the LED is a must. I think I paid $230 from spruce. Cheap safety feature I think
  14. Update, my entire unit turned out to be toast. Antennas, wiring, connections seem ok. Slid another radio in and it is ok.
  15. D r o o o o l . . . .
  16. +1 on the johnson bar and hydro flaps... But, I have a little different take on purchase timing... I bought my F a couple weeks before soloing my CFIs 172... because, after that part of the training, we went into the cross country bit.... i'm really glad i did it this way because i was able to build dual time as required by FAA and insurance, as well as continue working on PPL. It also saved me money from not renting the 172 for the balance of PPL time. I pull it back and get the 7gph while still going well faster than the 172... I figure I saved about $2500 on 20 hours of rental.. So, I got an EDM830 with that money... Plus, i'm building time and saving on 15 hours of dual instruction and fuel I would have had to pay for if I had waited... If you have any plans on kids, the get an F... If it will be just you and your wife, then you could get a really nice, well equipped and modified E with less money and go a little faster. I think if you buy right, you'll be happy either way.
  17. the GPS map 295 is pretty capable. Removed for upgrade. It comes with the hardware kit, external antenna, computer cable, manual, and quick release mounting bracket, which was used to mount to panel as in the photo. Also included in the package is a GPS Plus 3. It's a good little lightweight GPS. Haven't used it in a long time. $225 shipped/insured.
  18. I have the hartzell scimitar. I don't have anything to compare it to, as it was on there from the previous owner. He said it is quieter than the original. There is a torsional vibration restriction between 2350-2500rpm above 24" mp. Other than that, it seems good. I have never had a problem with climb or TO performace, but I haven't flown in high dens alt. when I was looking for planes, I didn't look at any with 3 blades because the mooney is already nose heavy. Additional nose weight requires more drag at the elevator to keep in cruise trim, thereby slowing down. I also heard the 3 blades are louder. My 2 cents.
  19. Hi Vance, I have the same plane and Weldon pump as you. I just had mine rebuilt and currently has about 12 hours on it. It warbles the same as you describe. Before the rebuild, it warbled and that's why I had it rebuilt (10years since last overhaul). One caveat is that I don't really trust that the company that rebuilt it did too good of a job. They sent it back with all the pressure and leak test paperwork, but there was no evidence of fuel having been in it and upon installation, it leaked bad and had to send it back to them to correct. So, no telling what they actually did inside. Needless to say, I won't be having them do any of my stuff anymore. The certainly fake declaration of testing makes me wonder how many customers they may have killed. Craig
  20. your first time flying, try to pick a stable air day. The control throws on the yoke are much heavier than the 172 and also there is less throw, so less input on the yoke yields more authority on the control surfaces. Also, mind the trim.... continual trimming is required and make sure you are trimmed on final for hands off idle... you'll get comfy after a while... good luck.. that's a nice plane.. i had been eyeing it just like every other sick person on this site..
  21. I flew for 3 hours the other night and the LED lights and rheostat all stay cool. I recommend getting a rheostat that works with the LED current draw though because they are either on or off. When your eyes final adjust to night and you continue dimming panel lights, when you turn on the torpedoes, they blast too brightly. Without dimming ability, they are too bright to leave on continuously. I recommend not doing the LED mod unless you also deal with the rheostat so it will work with the LEDs.
  22. does anyone want a narco ADF 31 with all wiring, antenna, rack, etc? I tuned it a few times and it picked up signal rather easily. . Just pulling to free up panel space. I don't really know what it's worth, but maybe you do.
  23. I'm still learning about the systems on mine as well, but I think the flaps hydro system is shared with the brakes? Do the brakes work ok?
  24. Perhaps there is a way to make it a modular design so a collar is added for a 201 spinner and no collar for others??
  25. Man, I hope this thing ends up affordable and doesn't need that 201 spinner! Looks cool!
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