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Everything posted by Browncbr1

  1. If your main gear discs are too far worn, they change the geometry of the nose gear trailing link and can cause the 8 second ride. If your tail is sagging to the ground, check that.
  2. i got rid of my old B-11 years ago when putting in G5s... G5s do it all via heading signal function
  3. Hey guys.. haven't been here in a long time, but here are those files.. generally, hook it up just like a cessna AP, and just tweek the voltage levels until you like it. Brittain G5 Dwg Rev A.pdf G5 Hook Up, No Transformers.pdf Brittain B12 Accu-Flight install manual.pdf
  4. Thank you Rick!
  5. Does anyone happen to have the installation .exe file for version 3.41 that wouldn't mind sharing? or bundled with GTN 6.73?
  6. Saw this on BT https://www.beechtalk.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=226372
  7. Hey guys, I haven’t been on here in forever, but saw Tim’s post and thought I would chime in. imho, these schools that have these ‘accelerated’ programs should just call them what they really are; rubber stamps. I’ve heard too many times of schools that ‘have their own DPE’ with a wink and a nod. Sounds like a conflict of interest to me and a total lack of fiduciary. It smells like the papers they wanted implicate them.
  8. You have to hoist the engine, remove the two top engine mount firewall bolts and tilt the engine/mount forward enough to get the two bottom vibration isolator disc bolts r&r. You will need to remove the lower cowl also to do this. When you finish replacing discs, file the old firewall bolts to a point and grind off the bolt head. Then drive new bolts through from inside the cabin with a ball pin hammer. It is very tight under the panel, so you can also use a rivet gun to hit the new bolts in place.
  9. I meant, with conventional mags, you can limp home rather than end up with a costly and burdensome AOG situation.
  10. It takes just one alternator failure to realize surefly mags aren’t a great solution. Yes, better starts, but you’re grounded if the charging system has a problem. I had a SF for a long time and loved it, but now I just feel better about conventional bendix mags
  11. I saw this recently happened in central TN. High winds blew this 150 off its tie down straps on to this rare M22. That stinks
  12. Here are photos. One side goes to the DG adapter box, the other goes to the HSI. I THOUGHT this box transfers the same left/right signals, but does not have a gain adjustment like the DG box has. However, it DOES also have a gain adjustment for the DG on the back of the case.. I’m pretty sure that this just blends the left/right signals from the DG and CDI, so you may be able to use just the bug signals alone and the output is gain adjustable just like the DG adapter. Hence, 2 additional pins on the hsi side but iirc, the dog box has an input plug from the TC for ship feedback
  13. There is enough room to move them right or left of the Aera You can’t use the air gizmo dock though. You have to fabricate your own behind panel mount. You can just make an aluminum bracket to bolt the standard garmin dock to. It’s tight, but if you reposition your ASI and TC far left as possible, it works
  14. If you put the Aera in vertical format next to the G5s, it makes a great mfd with backup syn vision. That frees space to put the gmc in the center stack. You have no need for a 750 sense you have an Aera.. charts and plates can be used on the Aera and you can get the 650xi and get the glide feature. IMHO, 750 is not the best use of money and space. you’ll love the g5/Aera flush mount combo
  15. I have an HSI adapter. I don’t know if it will work with a simple DG or not, as I have not tried to compare pinouts. However; They do use the same plugs and I recall the dg adapter plug only using a couple of the pins. I am pretty sure the extra pins allow for two additional +/-v wires for accutrak interface.
  16. yes, the bushing intentionally allows movement for the engine/exhaust
  17. When you get the rod end, iirc 10/32 female threads, add a large washer under the castle nut. That way, if the ball ever pops out of the rod end shell, your mixture control won’t be lost completely.
  18. If you have a guppy mouth, you can reach in there with a crow’s foot in your fingers and adjust. Iirc, 1/2turn (3 nut flats) is only a few psi difference.
  19. Interesting. I haven’t been able to find that anywhere in the FARs.
  20. I don’t want to start an argument, but someone may be able to post a letter or far showing otherwise…. I understand that a student by definition receives instruction. Therefore, it is not permissible to instruct students and log unless they meet the minimum requirements of 61.83 it seems to me that no matter what, the minimum flight experience requirements for ppl certificate can only be logged starting on their 16th birthday.
  21. Wow! Thank you for your very kind words, Tim! It was great working with you and wish you much enjoyment in your nice new J model!
  22. Must be 16 to obtain a student certificate
  23. Cleaning out the hangar... I found my original OEM 67F visors if anyone needs it.
  24. Sorry, yea CAD. I was thinking about the pushrod tubes. All my steel parts were CAD plated before assembly. Makes it looks nice.
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