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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. The 20 year extension gave it way for me, they should have made it 5 years and it would have been more convincing
  2. Try Falcon Ins. they gave a buddy his best deal, I'm going over to them in the near future, @ragedracer1977 the IR helps a bunch on ins along with the hours
  3. Its a CFI check ride
  4. I ended up removing the hoses at the cooler which made it easier to get everything to lay correctly under the shield and get the clamp bolt started
  5. Just behind the shield, mine was around both lines, the lines were replaced and I added fire sleeve which made the clamp too small and had to step up to a larger Adel clamp and re-shape it
  6. You might look into a brace of some sort, a glove or wrap that might allow just enough resistance to keep you thumb place
  7. Mine has one clamp, just aft of the shield
  8. WOW, don't think I've ever heard a pilot say that before.... The C, D & E are short bodies, all but a few D's (fixed gear) have been converted to C's. There are some heavily modified C's out there that are pretty fast. The C & D are carbureted so "Hot Starts" aren't an issue on quick turns. If speed is truly not an issue the G might be an option as well, Mid Body and carbureted
  9. I use to fly my buddies C from the right all the time, what I used was similar to @takair technique above. Index finger to push the release button, slight forward pressure on the bar and a twisting (back and forth) motion on the grip. This the technique that worked for me, also make sure your FAA examiner is aware there is only brakes on the LH side. Good luck on your check ride and let us know how it went
  10. Do either gauge read "Empty" with the master off?
  11. My E has the large round vents front & rear, the dome light is about half way between them and offset about 10" right of center
  12. The fine tuning comes after the travel broads...who's to say that this aircraft hasn't had multiple tweaks over its life time and is no longer in proper rig? You can't just jump in the middle and work your way out, you might get it to fly hands free but is it truly in rig, i would say no unless you got extremely lucky. Years ago I flew a C-150 that would fly hands free, I went by while it was in for an extensive annual and they were rigging the controls, still flew hands free when done but felt different (better) and was 5 mph faster.
  13. out of round or a flat spot?
  14. Not sure about that, maybe someone else will jump in
  15. ESNA-22-NA1K-02 is what mine shows but for the earlier birds.. Does your IPC show the panels?
  16. Sounds like someone used shop air (high PSI) to blow through the pitot tube trashing the airspeed indicator
  17. 2#’s? It’s a 34 page booklet at best, maybe 4oz, this is the original, the reprint in a nice binder is stowed in the side pocket next to my left leg
  18. My check list is a full sheet, back side has W&B info and graphs, POH was printed the half sheets on light weight card stock, hole punched and put in an zippered day minder binder. Both the check list and POH are also on my iPad in PDF's and pulled up when needed in the split screen function of Wing-X. By the way the original POH (FAA Approved & Required to be in the plane) is on the hat rack.
  19. no idea what it is for a mac, but publisher would work on a windows box, will your printer print both sides at once or do you have to feed the page back through for the other side?
  20. Couple of photos of the rendering above
  21. The 2nd photo looks like it has stalagmites growing off it, some of the other stuff looks like dried lube and dirt build up. Most of the hardware needs replaced
  22. As others have said, Airframe, Powerplant, Prop and Appliances are all seperate searches. The Appliance AD's is the ones that are a pain to look up, but doable. Cross reference it with the current AD Compliance Record to catch the one you missed plus any that were missed in the past. In a strange way it's was a fun research project when I did my E and I'm currently doing a 172
  23. NDH is a plus but not a deal breaker, at least not for me. Damage that is repaired correctly might not even show up visually on even the best of pre-buys except for the log entries. Retracts gear up or have the gear collapse or get wing smacked against something all the time and I would venture to say more than we would like to think of are not documented in any way, they just get fixed in a closed hangars and returned to service.
  24. I'm not sure you could make the locking collars that cheap, hell if your an amazon prime member it would be faster....
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