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  1. To me the issue is more the 60+ year old engines or avionics that are still put into aircraft. The challenge is more that nothing has been done to keep certified aircraft affordable. In 1960 a brand new M20A cost $16,000. (that's $156,000 today) but a brand new M20V costs well over a million and yet the overall airframe and engine are not that different. Ultimately this is where my retirement project goes. I loved flying my Mooney, the flight characteristics are what I want. So can I build a family flier with modern composite wing?
  2. A fun experimental airplane. The Mooney is a perfect airplane for me and the family. But I want a different engine, one not designed in 1940. I want avionics that are current without costing more just to have a piece of paper that goes with them. Interesting. To me - having the fuselage is more important than the wing. I really like the roll cage of the Mooney.
  3. This is all perfect information - and what I thought but could not find any details on so thank you. what I plan to study over the next few years is maybe your M21A…. I want to use an M20A composite wing to build a modern composite wing for a J fuselage. (Yes I know it will not be cheap)
  4. So I have been scouring the internet as I plan my retirement project. (At least 5 years from now….) Does anyone know how the wing changed over the years from the A to a J? Other than adding gear doors, winglets and the such. More interested in the aerodynamics of it. Is the airfoil the same? Overall length? or recommended places to research?
  5. @GoldFingerM20R Looking at 4 seat aircraft - I have been toying with buying another Mooney (previously had a 78 J) or a Sportsman. Would love to hear your comparison.
  6. @Dream to fly I wanted to share a quick story with you to hopefully get you back at the real core which is your dream to be airborne. You have been through an ordeal for sure. My very first airplane was a Grumman yankee. I lost 2 cylinders in flight, and barely made the runway back. The mechanic on the field and I decided to swap the engine from a 235 to a 290. Everything was great and the plane flew like a champ with the extra HP. Couple years later, couple annuals later, different IAs later, I take it to a different shop as I had moved again. I tell him I am selling the plane, but she’s going out of annual and there is a crack in the windshield. The plane is listed for $18k. A month later he hands me a bill for $14.5k. This was a big name/brand shop, I was upset but had very little recourse. I sought counsel who advised that I pay and move on. what got me truly back into the love of general aviation? Flying a passenger!! Friends, wife, dog, even a stranger a few times (friends of friends who wanted to go) sharing the gift of flight is amazing. A good mechanic can get you through this. Use this network to support you and then take a copilot flying. For some different passengers, Volunteer with Young Eagles or Veterans Airlift and find a way to accept this drama as the past. we will be here to be a sounding board or to let you vent. But do not let some bad apples ruin the end goal for you. I look forward to seeing this thread closed as the plane is no longer for sale.
  7. Looking for PIRPEPS with regards to noise in the cabin when comparing the J and K. I have very limited K time and it seemed to be a much quieter ride. The K had a 3 bladed prop vs 2 blade in the J. Which is more significant though? The prop or the 6 cyl turbo vs 4 cyl muffler.
  8. fair points! and different situation for me. (also I never thought about the 1 yoke thing)
  9. Why not put one screen in front of each yoke?
  10. @Drumstick Whats the stats and asking price for your C? Couple of pictures? I may have two people who would buy off you in the next month.
  11. Feature that would be cool to add to the search - distance from my house - cost of transporting a plane from east to west coast for example should be factored into buying an airplane.
  12. As a J owner has thought it would be nice to have turbo normalization (and to quote a classic poet...) Let it Go.... to add a turbo today it would cost at least $30k in parts and $10k in labor. Cost of acquiring the STC will add to this cost. It’s just not worth it. When I bought my J there were comparable K models for not a lot more - I chose not to have a turbo charged model. If someone wants a turbo charger they are better going with one designed for it or looking at Missiles/Rockets.
  13. I have a Stratus 2S that I just got back from SPORTY's. My STRATUS 2 was broken and Sporty's took it in and replaced with a 2S, just got it from them about 2 weeks ago. I use non Foreflight products for work and would like to get the Stratus 3 so that I can stop taking both an iPad and an Android into the cockpit. (Yes I know there are other products out there, but they do not work for my usage).
  14. Matt - give me a few days. I had been unsure of what I was planning with my Mooney, found out I am moving to japan this afternoon so will probably sell her. Just need a couple days to process.
  15. Either of these would be free if they are useful.
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