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Everything posted by MooneyBob

  1. My avionics guy insisted first to put MPH since my POH has only MPH numbers. But my ASI is in KTS so I really resisted the idea. Then somebody in the shop said that the G5 is not a primary ASI and it can be set up either way. So we did KTS. I don't even know MPH numbers for my plane. I do all in KTS.
  2. Similar experience here after my first real test flight today. Intercepting is very smooth. It looks like it takes its time but it is very smooth. Shot bunch of approaches and I am very happy with the performance of the combo G5 GAD Century IIB. My G5 airspeed differs from my ASI few knots. Not sure how they calibrate that or should I do it in the air and match it to the ASI in the setup? To your item 9 - The airspeed tape should match what is in your POH. If you have both KTS and MPH in you POH I would match it to your ASI obviously. It's not good to have to different speed units on the panel. It almost sounds illegal.
  3. Edited. I realized you are talking single G5.
  4. I played with both knobs and didn't notice any trouble to press and turn the knob. My hands are not small either. I hope that my " major upgrade " will be next step when I am going to put in GFC500, new remote transponder, Sandia 340 and who knows what else. Then it will be probably new panel cut out. I wear reading glasses and my vision sucks in general. No issue reading the display. It is very crisp. Really nice.
  5. That's right. And I already had installed Sandia 340 as my backup AI and I was excited about vacuum removal. Unfortunately Sandia had to go out ( not enough space in the panel). Once the GFC500 is available the vacuum will be removed and Sandia goes back.
  6. It was their very first installation for this configuration. The GAD29B just came out. They didn't mention any surprises or difficulty during the install. The cost was $ 10,499. I don't recall how many hours they billed. I have to check if the invoice is broken down like that.
  7. First flight today from avionics shop ( Tomlinson Avionics @ KFMY). I have downloaded and read the G5 manual few days ago to get familiar with it. After short overview with the engine running, pushing and turning few buttons I was on my way home. Nothing into it. Works as advertised. I was able to follow magenta line in the AP heading mode and changed the course with the heading bug with the GPPS OFF on the G5. Nice and smooth. Then I have loaded RNAV 35 approach to KMKY and enabled GPPS on the G5. The AP stays in the heading mode. I never had it before. The thing flew the whole approach itself. Again very smoothly and precisely. And it was very bumpy up there. Since I don't have pitch control all I had to do is watch and trim for my altitude and control the power in order to stay on the glide slope. I know people say that there is really no value to the G5 ADI since I had to keep my vacuum AI but it is a big improvement to what I had before. Next I am going to shoot some ILS and VOR approaches but I hope I will never use them again.
  8. Mine with 2 G5’s, GMU11, GAD29B and new ELT should be ready tomorrow too. Manual downloaded and studied.
  9. It depends. I am getting 2 G5s, GMU11, GAD29B installed. I hoped I can remove my vacuum since I have already Sandia 340 installed as my AI backup. But I also have Century IIB AP and that uses my existing vacuum driven AI for the roll input. So it has to stay in. I don’t have any more room in my panel and I have to remove my Sandia and use my existing vacuum AI as the backup. Once the GFC500:is available I can remove my vacuum and put the Sandia back.
  10. The wings pyro-detaching device. You flip the switch and you have 10 seconds to leave you hangar.
  11. I was just kidding. I never drink sodas. I have no idea what's better or worse. This was my first Coke in probably 10 or more years. And only reason to have it was that they had literally nothing else. No food, no drinks, no chips, no snacks. Only Coke and alcohol.
  12. Never crossed my mind. Do you know anybody who has that kind of experience from Bahamas or somewhere else?
  13. Yes, that was most expensive Coke I ever had. But I think it tasted better then one from the supermarket. Bimini arrival fee $50, departure tax $29, taxi cab $5, 20 gal of fuel. View from the cockpit priceless. Next trip will be scubadiving.
  14. Finally had time to check the Bahamas - Bimini. Short trip this morning, had a can of Coke at the local restaurant and I was back home for lunch. Easy in and out. No issues at Opa Locka.
  15. I know. It seems a lot. It's time for some negotiations.
  16. I've got estimate from my guy. I have existing GTN750 and Century IIB AP. 2 x G5 GMU 11 magnetometer GAD 29B $ 10k installed once available.
  17. How did you find out? Did you call the shop to investigate your parts origin or they called you?
  18. Not yet. I put everything on hold to see how the Garmin vs Aspen will develop. Need a little more research to do. Maybe he can clarify it for me too. Thanks
  19. They quoted me almost $ 20k as they tried to sell me the EA100 even I told them I have only Century IIB AP with no pitch control. They insisted I need it. So I called Aspen and sure enough I don't need it at all.
  20. Can you tell me what shop?
  21. No way the EA100 is included in this price. Is it ?
  22. That's one big picture.
  23. Anybody has one? Show it off.
  24. Very nice. I wanted to make something like this for a long time. I have no idea where to get the parts. I probably ask around in the shops. I started with this.
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