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Everything posted by MooneyBob

  1. I can't believe that oil analysis were normal? What lab did you use? Could you post a copy of the report by any chance? Thanks.
  2. I don't know the cost yet as we will discuss the options after they tear it down. I will post it as soon as I know.
  3. I will continue on this topic. I was busy with my moving to Florida and other work related things. My engine got shipped today to Aero Engines of Winchester today. I had elevated metals in the oil according to the Blackstone lab, I found some metal flakes in the filter. I have removed two cylinders yesterday and found that lifters are like a surface of the moon. I could see some scars of the cam lobes too. After I have removed the engine I found metal in the governor screen and oil suction screen. Nothing crazy but it was there. So the governor and prop needs to be check ( both overhauled last annual). Engine is 973hrs since new in 1999 but previous owner put little hours for last 15 years. I have flown 500hrs last 3 years when it finally gave up. I will wait for the report from the shop and we will decide next steps.
  4. My engine got shipped today to Aero Engines of Winchester today. I had elevated metals in the oil according to the Blackstone lab, I found some metal flakes in the filter. I have removed two cylinders yesterday and found that lifters are like a surface of the moon. I could see some scars of the cam lobes too. After I have removed the engine found metal in the governor screen and oil suction screen. Nothing crazy but it was there. So the governor and prop needs to be check ( both overhauls last annual). Engine is 973hrs since new in 1999 but previous owner put little hours for last 15 years. I have flown 500hrs last 3 years when it finally gave up. I will wait for the report from the shop and we will decide next steps.
  5. Same here. After last annual they did something to it and it is really solid.
  6. 1. Is he left or right Magneto? Anyway, beautiful dog. He will be smart and sweet. You can tell right away. 2. We fly our two dogs and two of my daughter dogs all the time. We live 1 hour flight of each other and I fly dogs back and forth depends on who is taking vacation. The biggest is over 100 lbs and smallest 20 lbs. For the small ones I just put something soft in the baggage compartment and large one sits on the back seats. Just like in the car. They stare out of the window and noise doesn't seem to bother them at all.
  7. Maybe I am missing something, but I have one really stupid question. What is the exact reason for not performing run up on the ground? I probably called sick when they talked about it in the ground school class.
  8. Good question. I don't really have a problem to be at the right speed with this RPM setting. But in my mind in the case of sudden missed approach I am ready to climb. But it's me. Unless it's totally wrong and dangerous.
  9. 18"MP/2500RPM between IAF or IF and FAF. Flaps and gear still up. Confirmed speed around 110-115knts usually already leveled at the FAF altitude. Drop gear and half flaps at FAF. GUMPS. It slows me down to around 90-95knts and 500 ft/min descent to stay on the GS. Trim to maintain the speed and adjust throttle to stay on the GS. Usually it requires minimum adjustments. Maybe pull back to 17". GUMPS. Further action depends on the altitude I broke out, wind and my mood. Usually it takes 13" on short final to slow down and trim for nice regular landing. GUMPS. Touch down.
  10. Based on Trek's answer would you say that your plane has higher vibration levels than usual?
  11. Push it off the cliff. It will restart. ( Sorry couldn't resist).
  12. I am sorry I was out for few days. What data should I provide? I can go through log books and also send everything I know from previous owner. I also have pretty consistent oil analysis since I got the plane 3 years ago.
  13. Great job from the pilot. I can see the gear is down. Would you put the gear down if you have to land on very rough terrain? Just asking not judging.
  14. I've already said too much.
  15. Dirty and rusty hangar, taxiways full of rocks, chunks of asphalt, no mechanic or other services on the field at all, restaurant closed, expensive fuel, everything is broken on the fuel pump. My overhauled propeller looked after one taxi to the runway exactly the same as before the overhaul. I can't wait until it snows as I regularly find 5 ft pile of snow mixed with dirt and rocks in front of my hangar door every time I need to fly out. How much would you pay? I pay $ 475/month.
  16. Not yet. Next oil change.
  17. Of course it did freak me out first. I stopped flying immediately and was afraid even taxi. Then I took a closer look and didn't really find any substantial amount of the metal particles even with the magnifying glass. I use the tempest filter with the magnet and it has absolutely no traces of metal on it. Then I have posted it here and got no real answer or explanation. Then I asked for used filter from my friend ( different engine - Continental 540 I think ) and did the same thing. The magnets picked similar substance from the filter but the amount was smaller. Maybe 1/3 of mine. But it still was there. I flew 25 hours since then, sent the oil to two different labs ( similar results - elevated iron but not catastrophic) and sent the filter to the AV Lab ( see top of this topic). Since there is no dramatic change in the amount of metals I will fly down to Florida to my new location and take it from there. Compression check , bore scope, cylinder removal, IRAN, ... Thanks.
  18. That's exactly what I did two oil changes ago following your advice from different topic on MS. I used your method ( which I like a lot) and very strong rare earth magnets. It picked fair amount of " metallic substance ". Not really visible metal parts ( see picture) . But together with elevated metals in the oil and last filter analysis done by the AV Lab I will do compression check, borescope with good camera and probably pull the cylinder to check things out. As Clarence and DXB says it will not get better. Now I just have to diagnose the issue precisely so it is not waste of time and money to get it right.
  19. Yes. Wing South Naples.
  20. Yes. I just changed the oil. I will fly few hours locally before I fly down to my new location in Florida. I will change the oil and check the screen before the trip. The good thing is that my home is my hangar now and I can work 24/7 on the engine in good warm conditions.
  21. Yes. That's what I am going to do. I will pull the jug(s) and take a look at the cam and other things. I bought the plane with a new engine that saw little activity in 15 years. I put 500 hrs on it with no issues but the cam is probably giving up by now. Thank you.
  22. I think I am looking for something like " You don't have to ground the plane immediately ". I hoped to get some opinions from people with similar experiences. However, I don't know how many guys perform the oil and filter analysis at every 25 hrs oil change.
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