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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. I guess it does depend on what else you have powered by the vac system, but I have a mechanical HSI, fixed step and no speed brakes, so yes, a G5 by itself will let me remove the vac AI. The real problem is if you have an attitude based autopilot (my STEC is rate based), then you have to keep your AI to run the autopilot. The OP has the same year as me, so fixed step. Maybe he has a vac dg or attitude based AP, but otherwise, he could easily use a G5 to replace the vac system.
  2. Garmin, G5 will replace the vacuum pump on my F when it dies. Maybe $4000 more than you’ll spend, but worth it I think.
  3. Yeah but we save enough gas running LOP to make up for buying all the new starter motors!
  4. This discussion and the PTSD from getting a new trim tube from the factory inspired me to look at mine today (it’s in annual anyway). Is the only wear place where it goes through a bulkhead just aft of the battery/avionics bay door? Mine seems to have black blocks installed on the bulkhead that support the trim tube just above the bulkhead instead of it setting on the bulkhead. My IA said “sacrificial material”. It still has black lines on it from rubbing against this material but is not “cut” into like the op pictures. Is that just how they wear? Wear on sacrafial blocks until those wear down and then wear on the bulkhead if you don’t catch it?
  5. Cold vs Hot depends on lots of factors like wind/parking direction, temperature and time. You may not know for sure. I use 100 degrees oil temp as a rough guide... however, if in doubt, I’ll always try a hot start procedure first because no fuel is added-just crank it like you left it shutdown. If it doesn’t work, you can always add fuel for a normal cold start. However, If you prime for the first start you are stuck with that fuel and can easily be stuck flooding it and moving to a flooded start if it was hot. Theres lots of techniques for each. Don’t burn up your starter.
  6. My plane is in annual right now and my IA is 6’5”, 230lbs. He was already mad that I was having him put new seals in the parking brake hydro solenoid. He gonna love me telling him to check for/take out extensions! But heck, the seats are out and he’s working right above the pedals already...
  7. Maybe that’s why I can’t fit in my plane?! I’m 6’3” and barely fit with the seat in the back hole... how hard Is It to tell if there are extensions on there vs what it looked like stock? Easy to remove?? thanks for posting this!!
  8. It’s fun if you need a new one. Ask me how I know... had to have it replaced at annual at Top Gun. Expensive, took very long time to get a new one from the factory, expensive. That about covers it. well, that and previous annual was at a different msc and they didn’t mention it... did it get that bad in 1 year?
  9. $30 electric space heater, dryer ducting, heat tape. Shove ducting in cowl flap. Cowl plugs, blankets on the cowl. I like to put it on low the night prior to heat the whole engine to ~75. 2 hours prior works ok to get 50. All that in very cold Spokane Wa. Has anyone figured out a reliable and CB cell switch because that’s my biggest complaint?
  10. Honestly, the OP technique sounds fine, although I wasn’t there to see the float and touchdown spot. In my opinion, shortest possible landing is more about aimpoint control and holding it off to an exact desired touchdown point while actually touching down at slowest possible speed. I teach my students to land on the first runway stripe, slowest speed. Approach is basically normal with an aim point short of the runway. At least that’s what I teach as a CFI/CFII... now if you want to play the game of 50’ obstacle at the threshold and a short field, backside of the power curve, limited float, etc is probably good, but you probably shouldn’t be landing at this field in the first place!
  11. Funny you should say that... I once picked up my F at the FBO after they finished my ADSB upgrade and drug it over to the fuel pump to top off. While getting gas noticed a family looking through the fence with young kids. Asked if they’d like to check out the airplane. Showed them in /out. Said goodbye, hopped in and cranked for taxi to hangar. Saw the bright red Bruces plugs with flags and strap go flying across the ramp. Shut down, picked up plugs and pride off ramp, waved to kids still watching, got back in, crawled into my hole to hide.
  12. Got one of those for an F laying around? IO-360A1A?
  13. Just curious, who’s “they”? Ray Jay or another builder? Would definitely be nice for my F out west...
  14. To me, that’s 1 qt every 4 hours. Basically just counting the 2 hour lunch run from 6 to 5.5. The first part is just putting oil into your filter. Anything over 6 quarts will definitely be on your belly, and if the dipstick isn’t right you may be running 6 1/2 or 7 quarts and not realizing it. not great, but not terrible. Better than Lycoming advertised limit. Mine is like 1 in 6.5 hrs. To me, this seems like break in didn’t go right. Borescope be good. Compressions be good.
  15. Sorry, off the oil leak, but takeoff picture has pretty high cht on 2 & 3... is your mixture set rich enough? Whats takeoff fuel flow? At 4 C oat, 430 degrees cht seems very high to me. I usually have no more than about 380 on the hottest cht.
  16. Cylinder 1 running around 30-50f cht cooler is normal for my F on jpi930. Lots more airflow over it. Also have to know if all the cht probes are same type & location before comparing.
  17. I guess I should have bought a J?! My annuals have been $3k, $9k, $3.5k, & $3k. Not including 2 new cylinders in between annuals. I haven’t been able to owner assist which could save some $$, but the maintenance manual calls for about 40 hours to annual my F, and my AP/IA is $90/hour, so... I think I’m getting a discount at that!
  18. I too have my son up front and wife and daughter in back of my F. Back seat is great once they’re in. Difference is kids are both 3 years old. They ride fine like that though. The hard part is packing 2 car seats for the rental car and all our luggage! Plane gets real small real fast!!
  19. I use 120mph clean while vectoring for an approach, but slow to 90mph & takeoff flaps & gear on the ils. 120 mph is the max gear speed for my 68F, so that’s clearly too fast to be flying the approach. 80 is mushy... 90 works great. 100 probably ok. I use 40% power from the JPI 930 as a starting point at glide slope intercept. As you mentioned, there’s a good bit of extra airspeed to dump after you break out. I generally just leave the flaps, but pull some power and retrim for 80-85mph. Usually runways with precision approaches are long and it’s not an issue, but 120 mph on final definitely too fast for me.
  20. 1.0” more mp for Ram air like Marauder and Bob B. 1968 M20F, JPI930 and consistent. More importantly, ~3-4 knots better cruise at 9,000’!!! That’s better than gap seals+cowl closure+inner gear doors! Several 4 way and 3 way ground speed checks, and that door does make a little difference. of course I didn’t use it all summer in Washington because I couldn’t climb higher than all the horrible wildfire smoke. I know what that’s doing to my lungs, and I don’t want it in my engine!
  21. Thanks. Guess I always thought that’s what folks were talking about when they mentioned doghouses. Are those particular to a model, year, or engine? Mine is a 68F... woulda thought doghouse originally?
  22. Ok, I’ve had my F for 4 years and these are the first pictures I’ve seen of someone else’s doghouse... I don’t have that?! At least I don’t think so. And yes, I remove the cowling often. I just have thick silicone pieces that seal against the cowlings to guide the airflow. Temps are great. What gives??
  23. It will depend a lot on your cruise power setting, LOP or ROP, IOAT, and altitude, but my 68F generally runs about 290, 330, 340, 300 in cruise at 65% power and 25 degrees IOAT. So a 50-60 split seems ok. Definitely different airflow over each cylinder from our old intakes. I have seen them all 40 warmer on a hot day ROP, and I have seen them all sub-300 LOP on a very cold day in the winter. Btw, i have the lasar bottom cowl closure and JPI 930.
  24. Clarence was right, it was a cap covering the antenna connection on the #2 radio rack. Had to use a scope because there’s 1,000’ of wiring in a 3’ x 8” space behind the instrument panel. I’m sure nobody else’s is like that, right? It’s not far up there from the bottom, but no chance I can get it back on without taking the rack out. Think I’m just gonna leave it alone. thanks for all the help!
  25. COLD, I do the procedure from your original post except I leave the mixture rich or close to full rich after priming (fuel pump on, 5”, off), then engage starter. After she fires I adjust for 1000rpm and lean as far as possible until it almost quits. Now HOT, is a totally different approach. Don’t touch anything from shutdown... throttle ~1/4, mixture cutoff, NO prime (no fuel pump). Crank. Be prepared to add mixture when she fires. Will take 10-15 blades if normal start is 5. There are 100 other feasible ways to hot start.
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