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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. Marauder - have you tried it out? How's the construction? Seem sound? what about the mess - does it look like it's going to leak or anything? Durable for a couple years? Thanks for the PIREP!
  2. Thanks for the comments and the videos - exactly what i was looking for!
  3. Guys (and girls) - I'm going to be a new Mooney owner in the next few months... just gotta find exactly the right one to pull the trigger. I've read a lot on what to look for, but I'm still wondering about the significance of the compression values. I know basically what they are (compression in each cylinder), but what is that telling me about the health of the engine? What if I see an aircraft that has about 1000 hrs SMOH and it's 71, 75, 78, 76? Does that 71 mean the engine's not healthy? Something's about to get expensive? Thanks for your advice and expertice.
  4. Anyone else got a PIREP on these (other than Phillip, not that I don't trust him)? I'd just like to hear if it works ok, seems reliable, doesn't leak, etc. I'm comparing these to the Artic Blast/Ice which are $200 more. Not sure what else you're getting for $200 if anything? Thanks!
  5. I'm a little late to the party on this topic, but would like to add my 2 cents... I previously flew F-15Es and we could easily have a weight change of 35,000lbs (80,000lb max gross weight aircraft) between takeoff and landing (combination of fuel burned and ordinance dropped). In the pattern, we flew only AOA, nothing else. This made sense because the critical AOA of the wing never changed, but the stall speed (level, unaccelerated flight) changed dramatically. Now I'm flying the T-6 Texan II and teaching young Air Force pilots to fly. We (only) have 1,000 pounds of gas compared to a ~6,000lb airplane. The speed (level, unaccelerated flight) for critical AOA doesn't change as much. However, we teach using a combination of AOA and airspeed in the pattern. We have a minimum airspeed during the turn to final and a minimum airspeed once established on final. At the same time, there is a minimum AOA that you can't go below - i.e. you must fly the faster of the AOA or airspeed. In this way, the AOA only becomes a factor in two circumstances - First, you're heavweight (i.e. near max gross weight). Second, your bank, turn rate, pitch, airspeed combination in your turn to final add up to nearing the critical angle of attack. This is where the AOA really helps - I have seen students at a normally safe airspeed, but a very unsafe AOA by demanding too much out of the aircraft (too tight a turn DW to Final). Remember, you can easily stall your Mooney at a "safe" airspeed by pulling around the turn too hard (bank + G). AOA will warn you there. Hopefully soon, I'll be a Mooney owner and get a little more "cred" here, but thanks for letting me post my thoughts...
  6. I have a question that plays right into this discussion between buying the really nice F or the middle of the road J... is it harder to get parts for the F because it's likely 10-15 years older or do the parts/maintenance costs work out about the same?
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