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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. Bought these lights, still too big as designed. I removed the bulb cover and they now fit perfectly and give decent light. Not sure how long they’ll last like this, but they run cool. That torpedo light is a tight fit as designed!
  2. Mine was done as part of my last annual, signed off, and included in flat rate. Now I definitely paid for lots of other stuff, but this inspection seems to be pretty easy.
  3. No worries, thanks for the info! I found a couple videos online and they look smooth as you said. I hope the aoa portion eventually works for you. Good luck with the IFR training!
  4. Strong downdrafts or mtn wave can definitely make your airspeed change that much as the autopilot corrects. They can also be felt much higher than you were flying. However, hitting a strong downdraft and having an engine problem on the same flight sounds pretty unlikely. Too coincidental. Gliders get up into the 30s and 40s near the Sierras and Rockies. No kidding. It’s mighty cold up there with no heater too! Mtn waves can be much higher and a very long way from mountains.
  5. Any chance you could do a short video of the attitude indicator and aoa screens in flight next time you’re out? Thanks for all the info/pirep! sheesh, I have a lot of questions.. just thought-how does it deal with aoa and flap settings? Critical aoa increases with flaps if I remember correctly?
  6. Awesome. I have a jpi temp probe right there too. How’s your av-20 attitude and aoa? Are they smooth and useable? I think I’ll install one if I can get some pireps, but I may not add the oat probe .
  7. Ok, let’s say I installed the AV20-s, but I didn’t want to put in a new temp probe... can I use the temp probe for my jpi 930 to feed both units?
  8. I got the solution right here on my yoke!! AV20 going in for stupid “Super Clock” and my 1968 windup clock even works!
  9. Yep, agreed. I’m just hoping they’ve fixed that issue.
  10. Any idea if your setup uses the gad29b? I think that’s where tge dual arinc requirement comes from. Trig said something about it on Beechtalk but I ain’t no BT member!
  11. Bumping this just to see if anyone has this setup working - gtx345, dual g5s, gad29b to stec 30, gns-430w with traffic and weather. ie- does it still require both aric 429 ports on the 430w if you install 2 g5s and gad 29b and thus losing the gtx345 info on the 430w?
  12. AL12-P70 is correct. Ref: https://m.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pdf/plane-power-pma2013.pdf Ok, generally I agree with all you guys about fixing stuff. Brushes probably easy enough, but there’s something to be said about starting fresh too. Maybe don’t tell your wife that-she May think you’re talking about more than the washing machine!
  13. Or you can get a new Planepower alt from Spruce. I got one from them about a month ago. Maybe $550. Probably coulda had the brushes changed for my “airboat” but I like new vs 50ish year old and my IA won’t play that game.
  14. No problem. Hopefully they get done “quickly”, but doing a survey like this late in the game doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in the speed of the process!
  15. I’ve been staying in touch with the Surefly folks. Today they sent me the below. They need some help with a certification survey. I did it and it’s real quick. Hope they’re done quick! Dear Future SureFly Customer, In order to permit aircraft owners the use of SureFly's advance timing feature, we are required to first collect the average CHT and Oil Temp in both climb and cruise configurations for stock configured certified aircraft series (for example, Cessna 172). We need your help in obtaining this information. Please go to www.surefly.aero/survey and complete the survey.
  16. 2-3” down from full should leave significant blue stains somewhere. Significant. You sure it was full, level, and nobody had access?
  17. I’ll try that, thanks!
  18. Ok, I looked at the LED torpedo conversion instructions a couple years ago and thought it was pretty nice, but I don’t have a lot of time for it and my soldering skills are lacking... has anyone found an LED bulb that can function in the torpedo lights as they were originally designed? Unmodified? I bought some a while back and the bulb part was too big to seat in the torpedo properly. As for the overhead/baggage light, is anyone using the “67” light mentioned earlier? Is it working well?
  19. Definitely not the normal gear airspeed safety switch. That’s a big brass diaphragm connected to the pitot line right behind the airspeed indicator.
  20. Huh, wouldn’t have thought they would change that mid year, but don’t think mine has been mod’d. Guess they did what they want, when they wanted to!
  21. I’ve got a 68F and it’s green up to 175mph. Was it just the short bodies that had the lower green? Definitely can descend in the yellow... cruise power, trim for 500fpm descent, you’ll be yellow arc below 10,000’ or so. I’m usually cruising up around 10k though, so more like 130 or 140 mph indicated in level flight.
  22. I have 201 windshield, no access plates. The fill tube/valve runs through the firewall and is easily accessible with top cowl off.
  23. It’s not something simple like oil cooler and intake manifold design/location is it?
  24. Mine drips on my foot occasionally, so I know there’s fluid in it!
  25. Awesome, thanks! Good to know it’s an option for turbo as well. At least it should have less maintenance than traditional mags for them.
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