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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. I’d also listen carefully through a mag check to see if you might be able to tell if it’s ignition noise? Is it happening with the engine off? Try pulling the field wire breaker or otherwise removing power from the alternator too just to see if that changes it. I’ve definitely had loose plug wires make static.
  2. Awesome, thanks skates! just to clarify, is there a gasket on the pickup at all? Or maybe you didn’t mess with that?
  3. You guys that have done this, I have a couple questions because I’m just starting to get a very faint fuel smell in the cockpit, or maybe it’s just that “old airplane” smell. No stained carpet yet. 1. To get to the senders and pickup, do I just remove the interior side carpets and the insulation and then they’re right there like the pictures at the beginning of this thread? 2. If I need to replace the gaskets on the senders or pickup, can I remove them with only access from the cockpit or do we have to go in through the tank access as well? 3. I see the senders have a newer rubber gasket. Does the pickup have something similar? I hope it’s nothing, but it’s getting close to annual time and I want to put eyes on it. Thanks!
  4. Exactly what skip said ( @PT20J). Also remember that approaching takeoff speed, your rudder is pretty effective. Being light on the nose is not going to cause directional issues unless you cause them with the rudder. On the other hand, being heavy on the nose can cause problems as skip described.
  5. That’s exactly what I carry! I’m a much better pilot than mechanic, so I couldn’t make use out of more anyway. I carry the screwdriver and a set of pliers for that annoying bolt/nut on the front top cowl. I want to be able to remove the cowling to look for leaks and to be able to tighten any loose exterior screws/fasteners. More than that and I’m going to need a real mechanic for help.
  6. Great that you found it! Stuff happens. I noticed noisy radios after a pretty extensive annual once and started thinking through what we had done and what was causing it. Could have been anything from tip to tail and the noise was real bad. I was getting worried about ripping everything apart again when I read a post about loose spark plug harnesses… so I did a mag check and it was slightly changed but still there. Still, I checked the plug wires and found all 4 on the pilot side were barely finger tight! Mechanic apologized and said he must have got interrupted putting her back together. It doesn’t take much.
  7. Fair enough. Luckily the previous owner of mine did it. Getting strobes and removing the coffee can beacon has to be good for 1 knot, no? I’ve only had mine for 7 years but I sent back the tail led because it wasn’t working (replaced for free) and one wing nav/strobe filled with water (still working) which was also replaced for free.
  8. Definitely. I have LEDs on all the “outside” lights but the gear lights are just fine. And there’s a good backup gear indicator on the floor.
  9. True, but they also don’t have LED gear lights as standard. Some changes have been made. I wonder if there's a compatible LED that can fit in yhe iris socket or if that changed as well?
  10. Good call, definitely wouldn’t fly it anywhere until it’s fixed. Let us know what he finds.
  11. Well he’s showing the tea pour just like when he’s level. Look in the glass, it doesn’t move side to side at all. He’s flying a perfect 1 g, coordinated roll so it’s just like he’s in level flight the whole time.
  12. Well neither. Personally I use 10 gallons as my minimum for ~1 hour of fuel reserve, but you’re right, day vfr, 5 might meet the requirements. If I’m going all the way down to 10, I’ll want it all in one tank. 0 in the other.
  13. And in addition to this, LEDs are not good on our ancient dimming circuits. Often they just don’t work. The dimmer for most of my panel is overhead the copilot on a ‘68F. However, my gear lights have the individual “iris” dimmers.
  14. Good question. I also notice that after ~6 months, my handheld shows good battery % remaining and it receives fine, but dies the instant i try to transmit. I think these things are nice to have but not perfectly reliable.
  15. @M20Doc is your new best friend (or should be). He is a fantastic Mooney maintainer, runs an msc in Canada, and has a good handle on the market for M20s in Canada. That’s where id go for a prebuy and I’d talk to him to see if he knows any other aircraft that might be available.
  16. If you’re actually going for efficiency instead of just very low ff, being just barely lop, like 0-20 degrees c is a pretty good spot (depending on your power/altitude). You should be at 65% power if using peak, 65-75% id be more like 10-20 lop depending on CHTs. More than that and the engine will be more likely to miss a little and you are falling off the bsfc curve. Lop, 9gph will equate to 65% power, so you’re way below that.
  17. So we have somewhere between $5k and $60k. That would’ve been my guess too!
  18. Smoke is definitely cleared out, but the weather is turning cool. Be careful with icing. Definitely want to be vfr as it cools down. But smoke isn’t an issue anymore.
  19. I swear mine has “25gal” written on the tab with an arrow pointing at the bottom of the tab, below the hole. Anecdotally, I use the tabs a lot and find that it’s very very close to 25 gallons at that point. I have a pretty accurate setup that I’ve checked.
  20. Even with your changes (aux tank, new avionics, new prop, battery moved), I’d be pretty surprised if your cg was as far off as you described. I bet you’re right about the error(s). Mooney’s are very forgiving with respect to loading and relatively tough (but not impossible) to get out of cg.
  21. I figured that out right after I posted… tried to delete mine but you were too quick for me! Yeah, I do it just like that too.
  22. I have an F, so the cowling is a little different, but it’s pretty common for the #1 CHT to be a little lower than the others just based on where it sits and how much airflow it gets. I’m sure everyone isn’t the same, but I generally see ~350 in cruise on #3, while #1 shows something like 290. The EGTs are similar between all 4 cylinders.
  23. If it’s coming out, he needs more going in (dehydrated)!
  24. I have a small section of weather strip along the bottom of the door on my F too. Essentially where the door brace hinge messes up the seal. I will say that you have to be careful that the HD weatherstripping doesn’t hold in water. I have closed cell foam but I’ve noticed it a little squishy after washing and had to dry it out. Not sure where the water is or if the oem one would be better?
  25. At some point, they switched to putting them on the door instead of the fuselage. On my ‘68F, both the door and baggage door seals are on the fuselage. These threads always confuse me because folks have used different kinds of seals and put them on either the door or the fuselage. I wonder if Mooney changed the door edge at all when they started putting them on the door itself? I think it’s @Skates97 who did a really nice job putting a seal around the door itself, but I bet his airplane originally came with it on the fuselage?
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