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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. I think if you’re expecting an airworthy engine that’s going to last more than a very short time, you’ll be sorely disappointed.
  2. Curious why you think the SF EIS slowed you down? Are you pulling back the MP to realize the fuel savings? Do you have the advance enabled? Mine is a couple knots faster with the SF running LOP. It’s the same speed as before ROP. Different engine though…
  3. As long as you make sure there’s nothing unfixable (corroded spar can total one), you might be fine. I’d go in expecting to pay for an engine overhaul and some new avionics or at least avionics work. In this market you might still come out all right.
  4. That is a common problem. A better mechanic will chime in, but there are reasonable ways to clean it. Many of them go until it gets hard to turn the trim wheel before people realize all the gunk. But yes, an MSC probably should notice that.
  5. How many other accessories are you doing at the same time? Governor? Fuel servo? Mags? Electric fuel pump? Mech fuel pump (or is that included?)? Sounded like you’re doing new hoses. How about the engine mount? Good time to send in (or do yourself) for inspection, sanding, painting? Ive tried to think through how I would handle my OH when it comes. I think it’s kind of like avionics… do it all at once so you don’t have to go back in. But the price goes up.
  6. I hope @GEE-BEE AEROPRODUCTS takes you up on that! I think we’re going to need options other than the OEM in the future…
  7. Sheesh, I don’t have more than the one on my plane. We gotta find an unserviceable one and hope he comes through.
  8. Yeah it was a TBM too. I fly a Meridian for work and I work hard to do a continuous full power climb or steep descent through any ice. With ATC in the northwest you can usually work that out. I have had my normal 130 kts, 1500fpm climb slowed to 130kts 200fpm as I popped out the top of the clouds with a good 1/2” on the boots before. I don’t wish to repeat that. Maybe not so easy to coordinate in the northeast.
  9. Me too. I don’t like all those threads about people looking for serviceable boots. We need to convince gee bee to make a silicone one.
  10. Ill be following as well. What was the timeline he gave you? I assume DLC coated lifters? Did you consider ordering a factory reman and continuing to fly until it showed up? Roller lifters, etc? Was it just a cost issue? Ill definitely enjoy hearing how it goes and what it actually costs! Thanks.
  11. If you drop the lower cowl to fix the landing light, whatever you do, don’t mess up the Ram air intake boot! When you find out you’ve successfully fixed the landing light but grounded your airplane due to unobtainable parts, you’ll likely teach your hangar neighbors some new curse words!
  12. The guys gave you some good reading about “upgrading” with interior LED lights, but I’d agree with @N201MKTurbo… proceed with caution. If you were talking exterior lights I’d be all for it. They last forever, you can just leave them on all the time and they draw much less power. Some are expensive, some not. LED landing lights are pretty awesome now and you can just leave them on for increased visibility. Interior lighting is more a mixed bag… my airplane has all led exterior and it’s great. Interior I have some of each. The old dimmers don’t work, the torpedo lights are a little difficult to modify vs just getting a new bulb, etc. I will say that I have led rings around my round instruments set into the panel and I like them. The led light string @Skates97 mentioned is pretty good too. I don’t think there’s as much bang for the buck on most of the interior lights, and led can cause issues with dimmers.
  13. Agree in general, and I agree that the guy in the pattern likely had (at least sort of) the right of way, but the warrior pilot needs to be better about talking on the radio and listening for conflicts. While I agree we don’t need a radio at an uncontrolled field, when we have one we should use it effectively and not make excuses for students and pilots who aren’t current. A simple call by the warrior pilot to the Mooney after the Mooney repirted 3 miles dw saying he would extend upwind or was turning crosswind and didn’t see the Mooney probably would have avoided a conflict. I’ve given enough dual to know that if both the student and instructor are task saturated in the pattern, they are missing lots of other important safety issues and the student is unlikely to be learning much when they are that far behind. I think we should hold ourselves and others to a higher standard instead of making excuses for being behind. And doing it respectfully… Now that’s much easier said than done, but that’s the hard part about being an instructor!
  14. Very sorry for your loss. We would still be speculating for sure, but these are questions we’d all ask if you ever wanted to share… Was there a prepurchase inspection on the airplane? What was the pilots experience level and certification in total and in this type? What did he do for a checkout in this particular airframe? Do you have pictures of the inside instrument panel, maybe from an advertisement? How often was the airplane flown in the last few years? Again, it will just lead to more speculation, but those are things that people will wonder about. Again sorry for your loss. Aviation can be safe and it’s very rewarding. We just need to set good limits like @aviatoreb said above.
  15. It’s been like tat for a while. Takes a lot of perseverance to spend your money! Thank
  16. And just to be clear, we’re talking about a different pilot in the Meridian than in the Washington crash. We don’t know the experience of the Washington pilot yet.
  17. Just keep an eye on it, because a bad plug will cause an egt rise during a mag check right up until it fails to fire at all. A weak plug doesn’t ignite the fuel as well, so it’s still burning down the exhaust, thus hot egts. When the plug finally fails completely, egt gets colder. Its not perfect, but watch your egts during a mag check. Normalize mode helps on your eis. When you switch to a single mag, you should see a similar total rise on each cylinder. Total temp is likely different, but amount of rise should look about the same for one mag. Between the two mags you might see a small difference if the timing isn’t exactly the same.
  18. And it was real windy, moderate turbulence and rain showers.
  19. I looked it up after writing, and I’d personally apply the part about the “lower aircraft” being the one on crosswind with the right of way. Again, this guy was definitely having some issues, but if he’s on departure or crosswind leg in the pattern (not departing the pattern), I’d say he’s “landing”. If I was entering on a 45 to downwind, I wouldn’t expect conflicting downwind traffic to breakout for me, even if I was to their right side (left traffic pattern) and generally right side converging has right of way. You just have to apply as best you can with a dose of common sense and caution that the other guy might see it different (or not see you at all). I don’t think there’s a real clear answer for that one.
  20. I’m definitely with you on his lack of communication and sit awareness, but doesn’t he have “right of way” since he’s established in the pattern and you were trying to enter the pattern? Im definitely not trying to say you effed it up, he was clearly having some issues, but I think the AIM says aircraft “established in the pattern” in the right of way discussion?
  21. I enabled the internal on mine as well. It “should” use the input from the 430W primarily, but the internal gets solid gps signal as well.
  22. Doh. That doesn’t sound like a good situation to buy into unless the engine is counted as close to zero value. It needs a prop strike inspection.
  23. I have a CB labeled GMU11 as well… I was guessing that’s the power for the GMU11. Why wouldn’t the G5 keep receiving magnameter data if the gmu has power? Ive got to go pull all those breakers.
  24. Someone should ask @M20Doc. If anyone needs a winterization kit it’s those crazy Canadians! We’re talking about flying in the “cold”, and he’ll probably make fun of us “southerners” for being wusses for even calling it cold at all!
  25. Ouch. I wonder how much of a checkout he got (or maybe he didn’t need one due to past experience)? Was definitely tough weather to launch into in a new/unfamiliar airplane.
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