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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. Other airplanes I’ve seen have the prop slingers just inside the spinner, so they aren’t visible.
  2. Is anyone real good with atc audio and can post a link? I’d be interested to see what was said to cause the multiple turns/climbs in imc.
  3. Agree with both. There can be lots of ice and I’m saddened by the loss.
  4. Looks like a Bravo, N40KA from flightaware. Longtime registered to an llc. Here’s the flight path, doesn’t look good.
  5. Sheesh, I flew right over there twice this morning (not in my Mooney) in my work airplane. I got ice both ways, but its definitely not the worst I’ve seen. Definitely no worse than moderate. Maybe from 10,000’ to 18,000’ or so. Was really windy and bumpy down low. Was the airplane equipped with tks??
  6. While I agree with you and @M20Doc that we should try to ensure healthy batteries in our airplanes if we fly at night or in the clouds, I’m less concerned about the aircraft battery and more concerned about the eADI backup batteries. My thought is that an alternator failure is certainly possible, but so are a host of other failures that can possibly shut off power from the battery as well (master switch failure, solenoid, battery wire disconnected at any of the 5-7 connections, etc). Personally, I plan on a total electrical failure and still be able to aviate, navigate, communicate. So my plan is - 1. G5 batteries are both tested regularly. 2. IPAD & iPhone have FF maps and they are charged. 3. I have a handheld radio with spare batteries. I would also like (but don’t currently have) a portable adsb device with ahrs for the FF. Of course I’d like my ships battery to work for 30 minutes plus, but I’m not counting on it.
  7. Oh, sounds like @David Lloyd knew where it is. We have a picture around here somewhere too. Dont break anything messing with it… would suck to cause a much bigger problem trying to fix a minor annoyance.
  8. His stec 30 is likely in hdg mode while it’s being guided by the gtn. The g5s are providing gpss through hdg mode. For some reason I think the adjustment for the stec 30 is in the back but I don’t have the manual handy. We’ve definitely talked about this before on MS.
  9. I also have an stec30 that tracks slightly left of course. I heard theres an adjustment but I’ve never messed with it. I believe it’s your stec doing that. in heading mode does it exactly steer your heading?
  10. It sure seems that the G5 battery was dead. When you initially used it was it 100%? Was it definitely on ships power during your g3x session? Are you sure it ever charged while you were playing around the first time? I bet once you fly it and ensure a full charge it works normally.
  11. These look real nice!
  12. Might want to check and see if there’s a loose wire back there. Also, I think theres a kit to rebuild them. Just options for you.
  13. Are they even still available?
  14. Read this one below. Happy to hear there’s a Rocket gnome by the way. When I was a WFFFFR, we had a Rocket Attack Midget. Sounds similar.
  15. I’ve definitely seen people use them, but your vernatherm shouldn’t be passing oil to the cooler if it’s colder than 180 anyway. Someone with better maintenance cred wanna correct me on that? Where is your oil temp probe because that also matters?
  16. The pattern and landing are where you’ll want to spend most of your training. Well maybe practicing an appropriate descent from cruise as that is somewhat different than a cessna too. However, the controls (gear, prop, cowl flaps, flaps) and speeds and responsiveness in the pattern are where you’ll focus your training. Find an instructor who uses a checklist and religiously adheres to airspeeds, you’ll be better off than trying to “John Wayne” it which you can sort of get away with in a Cessna. I doubt you’ll have a problem. It’s just going to take a few hours to get comfortable.
  17. Not sure about flaps/trim, but older models have a light dangling behind the panel above the fuel selector that (sort of) helps. Lay on your back looking up under the panel and see if you can find a light bulb socket or burned bulb? Or get an led finger light…
  18. If it’s bumpy, I’ll stay in the green arc but don’t slow all the way to Va. mostly that’s applicable in the descent because I cruise high enough that I’m right around Va in cruise (indicated ~120mph around 10,500’). If i slow in the descent it’s to make it more comfortable for passengers and to observe the green arc.
  19. I see this story with a happy ending that includes a G3x, GFC500, GTN650 and a much lighter wallet!
  20. Oh jeez, I didn’t catch he said rivets?! Mine has small screws. It was still a PIA.
  21. If you’re talking about the fairing that covers the wing attach bolts? Mine has an older design (‘68F), but I’ve taken those off to check the wing attach bolts which are commonly “lightly rusted” on top. The factory had tape (maybe duct tape?) under the fairing. I have seen recommendations to use different types of tape under there. Mine currently has thin strips of that nasty 3m black caulk underneath it.
  22. I’ll look for a picture, but it looks similar, but a bit “rougher” than what @47U just posted. It’s got a 1/4” metal tube with a small valve on it sticking through a small bulkhead fitting. I can only imagine how it goes into the hydraulic fluid reservoir because that’s really hard to get at.
  23. My sensorcon has a metal loop on the back and I hung it from the old hand mic bracket in the same place - left pillar between windshield/side window. It’s out of the way but still in your vision and I can hear it alarm over the engine.
  24. Remember, a left crosswind can turn the nose left and thus drift you left before the mains are off due to weathervane. I also think you need more right rudder (and left aileron into the x wind).
  25. One big plus for electric vs vac… they generally go blank or give a red X display instead of lying to you as you try to follow them down…
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