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Everything posted by Yetti

  1. Do you have a PC system? There is a knob you can turn to change the level. Also weight and fuel weight
  2. What year? There are several switches used depending on the year.
  3. Yep because. At least the as built matches the drawing.
  4. yep ground down socket. Sometimes smooth throttle movements solve things. I live on downwind to an airport. Chopping the throttle is more common than you think.
  5. fuel pump gasket is a good choice. The other trouble spot is the valve drain lines where they connect with a rubber hose to the engine.... I am always tightening the clamps. And I replaced all the hose.
  6. And you can relabel the Landing light button to "Guns".
  7. Unless your yokes have been upgraded you also have a switch on the forefinger on the left side on the back of the yoke that you can push that does the same thing. Yours has an electric dump valve behind the panel that is activated when the switch is closed and a ground path is created. For the OP. Never turn mine off in the pattern or otherwise. What you do want to do is trim and trim some more. Then there really is no fighting it. beside it makes unusual attitude very easy if it is on. Just pull or add power depending on nose up or down and let the PC do the rest. I think I took my hands off the yoke to the annoyance of the instructor.
  8. For the tubing. Check for leaks around windows. Inspect the back side of the tubing at all joints. If no evidence of rust. then it is an SB not an AD. The AD list walk through should be looked at very closely....
  9. Not sure who needs to hear this, so I will leave it here for next time I need it.
  10. Mark Johnson at Dry Creek. https://themooneyflyer.com/cfi.html
  11. Not if you pull it back to 1100-1200 at start. Engines need air, fuel and spark to run.
  12. Learn to land in something other than a Mooney. Then transition to the Mooney.
  13. You have completed the test. You used your training to create the good outcome. We all hope we will do as well when our test time comes.
  14. but you do want to make sure the ground strap to the engine is in place and the connections are shiny for everything to work properly
  15. Well first off the Engine is hung with 4 rubber mounts. there should be a ground strap from engine to firewall on the co pilot side. Some panels are mounted with rubber mounts. There is a square stiffener that could be threaded where the Com relay is on the copilot side above the intake vent. If you have Com Access panels still this will make it easier. There are also cromoly tubes behind the panel. If your battery is in the back it is probably grounded to the aluminum skin.
  16. Do a leakdown test on the mechanical fuel pump
  17. For the center punch to be effective it is supposed to be used in a corner of the window. They make saws or a standard battery sawzall will work for the laminated glass. https://www.allhandsfire.com/Glass-Master
  18. As far as failure there are batteries on each screen you install and then a battery in the D10A which is your back up should the HDX go inop.
  19. I think you will find that they suggest one of the screen is turned on by the Master switch so you have engine instruments when engine starts. Then the other screen(s) can come on with the Com Master. The EMS box and the other things on the DB9 network are supplied with 5v from the Screen. So you will want to make sure the 5v going to the Engine bay comes from the screen that is turned on with the master.
  20. Dynon supplies the ARINC interface for connecting a certified IFR navigation source. It looks like the 375 is a certified IFR source. I would go along those lines. You may find that the data format for the 375 is the same as a 430W. I would also send a note to Dynon and see if there are plans to add it to the list.
  21. Ground completed via microswitch on the bowden cable
  22. It's how Lycomigs mark their spot.
  23. @GeeBee likes ducting
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