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Everything posted by Yetti

  1. Someone said it once already, you are not going to be a store enough Jet A in a Mooney to get you much past take off. Possibly with a smaller turbine.
  2. There is more weight on the gear on the ground. So the gear down switch is a bit out of adjustment, would be my first guess. Flush out the switches with some contact cleaner. Also you may have a loose ground wire or loose wire that is getting moved around. The gear switches are in the center section on the right side in this video.
  3. Something to fix. occasionally I get to fly it.
  4. You probably need to pull the carpet and replace all the duct tape with aluminum tape. That said my F has a 4"x4" louvered vent out the pilot's side by the rear passenger seat. Open up the vents. Should clear it.
  5. Should be fine. I am 6' 9". The biggest factor is how much foam was put in the seat if they were redone at some point.
  6. And what is the ratio of gears in it?
  7. For new fuel gauge sender gaskets https://www.brownaircraft.com/aviation-seals-s/22.htm Should probably replace the rubber fuel line that is in there while you are at it.
  8. That's one way to look at it. The other way would be to open up a ITT flap actuator unit and see if the gears are 40:1. If they are then the solution has been found. ITT still has an Aerospace Division that makes actuators. In theory they are advocating their responsibility for not supporting their products. Their liability is the same either way. Here are some pictures of the 182 flap actuator. https://baspartsales.com/c301002-0310-cessna-182q-flap-motor-and-actuator-assembly-28v/
  9. Talked to the Cessna guys. They believe that the 182 172 flap actuator was made by ITT. We looked at one in the parts catalog and the motor was oriented at a 90 degree angle where the Mooney is inline. I would see about finding a 1975 or so Cessna 182 flap actuator and seeing what the gear ratio is. Cessna is probably the "other" company that Avon Gear is talking about.
  10. I might suggest a bit different approach. Dukes or ITT also supplied a flap actuator that is very similar in design to the Mooney Gear Actuator. I have found a similar looking actuator for a Citation and 172. It might be good to see what ratio gear are in these actuators. The paperwork would be easier since it's already in a certified airplane. I might go and see if Charlie know something about actuators.
  11. So the late model Fs from about 1971 on are basically a J model. What my friend suggested we do is ask Dynon to add the later model Fs to the A/P AML. If the TCDS said the wing was the same it would be easier. The Roll servos have a bracket that mounts in the wing. I have compared the Part numbers between a K Model and the F Model and the wing skins and ribs are the same Part number. If you are interested in helping make the case that the later F models (1971 and above, still seeing if the 1970 is included) are the same, let me know.
  12. The Mooney TCDS is what says what is legal on a certified plane. It is on the FAA website. After that you are on the manufacture's website looking for a STC.
  13. If you have not seen these. Everyone deserves a pat on the back. I said this over and over during Harvey "Everyone doing their small part to make things a little better" https://www.facebook.com/mauriadillard/videos/1600186837566411 https://www.facebook.com/doug.jackson.1840/videos/1449494782392320 https://www.facebook.com/matt.mcswain.9/videos/738494685096350 https://www.facebook.com/doug.jackson.1840/videos/3894055107582978 https://www.facebook.com/opairdrop/videos/1069341644918820
  14. Thanks for doing this. I was talking with the head of Operation Airdrop yesterday. The thing to focus on is the Hope you brought to people and the Hope that they received. I see in one of the pictures the wheelbarrow to unload the plane. That is freaking genius
  15. Operation Airdrop is a first 72 hours effort. There are still some groups flying planes but mostly Helicopters are needed now. https://www.facebook.com/eric.robinson.1466/videos/1250305866161884
  16. In Summary y'all are awesome. " We have officially wrapped up our final day for Operation Helene in Charlotte, North Carolina. To say we blew our goal out of the water is an understatement. This community was in desperate need for our support and the entire COUNTRY showed up! Final Missions Report out of Concord: 673 flights 402,000 lbs flown by air 700,000 lbs trucked 15 Drop Sites out of JUST concord total moved: 1,102,000 lbs!!!!! *These number do not include helicopter operations as they are still ongoing with search and rescue and supply deliveries up in the mountains. More announcements will be forthcoming as their mission continues* We cannot thank everyone enough for their unconditional support. We have made such a huge difference, heard heartbreaking stories of tragedy, but all came together to move mountains. While our mission has been fulfilled there are still communities across the East who need support. We will post more updates tonight after our team meeting about how you can further.
  17. The second plane is doing a touch and go. So doing pattern work. The controller should have been more in control of the situation. The runway was not clear, should have just told the #2 to go around in a calm voice instead of focusing on the Mooney who technically owned the run way at that moment. Pretend the mooney had a flat. We had this happen on a taxiway. My friend's plane had a flat crossing a runway. He was not sure what had happened. I drove by and confirmed his main was flat. The Tower is known to be grumpy at this airport. They went into grump mode. Things happen. Work you second or third plan when theings are not as expected.
  18. I looked at the bracket installation for the servos. They put the brackets for roll in the wing. Yes it would work in an E with corrugated control surfaces. The kind of funny thing is the STC is both for the EFIS and the Autopilot. The AP software is installed in units when they ship. The documentation would be slightly not in compliance. The FAA has a whole section on A/P documentation.
  19. Like everything you need a little time behind them to make it flow well. I was pretty upset at Ford for changing the buttons on the steering wheel between a 2020 and a 2024. It's like they got a Microsoft UI guy and changed it for the next version. I am still mad about MS changing the color of Exchange. it was yellow and then they went to blue. Blue it the wrong color since they already used it for Word. I select icons based on color not shapes or words. It's faster.
  20. There are two extra inputs for thermocouple you can just use those. Then add them to the engine monitor screen. Part of the EMS. Probably can use existing wiring. I used an $8 thermocouple to monitor the temperature behind the panel.
  21. As I recall the first time this was discussed The track has some human factor of picking airports and oh crap I have to do something about this and get it down. Like just kill altitude and speed and do a left pattern for LakeWay. Combine that with a slippery Mooney and yep there will be some overshoot. He walked away so he did pass the test, So there is no second guessing on my part. Loss of oil pressure would mean partial power for awhile, then it will get quiet. I've landed with three cylinders. The most important part to practice is to go up high configure for takeoff then pull the power. Your push over should be immediate then find best glide. Still want to know how the fuel flow was not set coming out of the last several annuals. "COMPLIANCE: At Engine Installation, 100 hour/Annual Inspection, fuel system component replacement or as required if operation is not within specifications. MODELS AFFECTED: All TCM continuous flow fuel injected engine models except IO-240-B w/ Bypass Fuel System; L/TSIO-360-RB; TSIO-520-L, LB, WB; GTSIO-520-F, K, N and GIO-550-A Engine Models. differences require checking and adjusting the fuel WARNING injection system to meet operational specifications before flight. "
  22. So it comes out of annual at Maxwell, then Dugash notes that the Fuel flow is not set properly several months later, then a lean condition causes detonation and the engine goes poof. Seems like a maintainer and operator issue is at hand.
  23. No issue, it's just kind of fun when people get close and you tell them "too close for missiles switching to guns" and you have a guns button
  24. I have the schematic for the 70s F Mooney. PM me your email account and I will send it over. It might be correct since you have the quadrant.
  25. I am probably going to bring the truck. I have a boat on Pickwick lake to stage from. Probably link up with fire departments in Eastern Tennessee. If you are on the East Coast, the Mooney is a great platform for flying supplies. Consider removing the passenger seat and redoing the weight and balance by weighing the seat. Some would say this requires an A/P sign off. Everyone doing their small part to make it better for everyone.
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