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Everything posted by Yetti

  1. call https://www.aircrafthose.com/ In theory you can order new hose and reuse the fittings. Some would say you need to pressure test the hose.
  2. I took my strobe Nav lights off my 75 F model last year, One was not strobing, never tested it assumed it was the power supply. Would sell both sides as a lot.
  3. considering the whole northwest of 1/4 of New Mexico is Reservation and most of the Eastern half of Oklahoma, it is hard not to travel through Reservation Lands on State Highways or Interstate Highways. Knowing the history helps to understand how things go. Like in the 50s (mid 1900s) kids were taken to white man's school to destroy the culture. So the elders kind of don't like white people. They would believe the reason for destroying the culture is due to most of the Reservations if the blood line gets diluted enough the land will revert back to the US Government. Also when you go to places like West Texas it's just a couple of generations removed from bad things the Government did to them. That culture and heritage still exist today. Most of them will tell you giving up their guns to the Government was a mistake.
  4. When ATC calls with an urgent voice you can hear beeping in the back ground and telling you to climb Immediately. I believe I went right also as well as climbing.
  5. It's like going on a cruise ship, once you are 8-16 miles offshore the US laws are not in play. Works both ways, now that his plane is back the odds that the tribe can seize it are very small. The FAA is in play with federal statutes. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/32
  6. It's not much different than my standard mid 45 entry to downwind. Those are flown with the runway 1/3 under the wing from the tip. Hit mid field 500 ft high from TAP reduce throttle a bit. Then reduce throttle more when you are at threshold on downwind put your gear down. (this is standard for me) Keep turning add flaps as needed. I usually land half flaps only if I am high or the airport demands will I be full flaps. Or if the Mooney Safety instructor demands that I land full flaps. No turns under 90mph without flaps. It's kind of just a cool circle to land learning to manage energy. I would say it is safer than going wide to mix and do a mid 45 downwind entry. You can always break it off and enter an upwind and fly the whole pattern if someone else shows up.
  7. If there is a straight in and less than nobody in the pattern, It's time for an overhead break or as the aim calls it an overhead maneuver. I announce what I am doing. "overhead break joining the downwind at mid field" "Break overhead the field, Turning for left downwind" "Turning Downwind from mid field" makes for a nice circle to land. Gives me a chance to check things out and improve SA.
  8. All this is interesting in the light of all of us pilots are supposed to have a flight review every 2 years.
  9. I am located 1.37 miles from the normally active (see what I did there) runway threshold of an airport that used to be a very popular lunch spot. Listening to the radio one day listening to position reports and then spotting the plane was entertaining to say the least. Pretty much no one did good position reports. That was 12 years ago. Hopefully things have improved with more GPSs and ADSB.
  10. They are trying to make a buck. They are less than 50 feet from stuff all day long. Not excusing it, just what I learned. I know to watch out for at airports with crop dusters. My guess is the airport did not have a taxi way
  11. I find that people that flying large patterns in slower aircraft are more annoying than what they say on the radio. We are all up there to get safely on the ground as long as meanings are conveyed it's all good. What is really interesting the super long radio transmission but they still don't convey meaning. I just ask. Had this happen recently, guy was saying everything but his intentions about the pattern. I think this is caused because everybody thinks they are watching their screens with ADSB. Ended up "Tell me what you are going to do when you get to the airport?" Also I will call my number in the pattern. "Cool I will be number 2 behind the Cessna"
  12. I changed it to say "Clear of Runway" just to annoy the nit pickers. It's just a nicety to give to the other people like me that keep a tight pattern and don't fly 747 patterns in a SEL.
  13. mostly likely is tighten the fuel line clamps or tighten the fuel sender screws. the fuel sender gaskets if they need replacing Can be obtained here. Buy 4 of them. https://www.brownaircraft.com/aviation-seals-s/22.htm?srsltid=AfmBOoq4PgLntrAGGd8uj18tsDPYQQ53_MC1d7Z9TFX3Uy9fuKhAefWD You can also get the Gasket for the fuel coolator from them. So order that too.
  14. Page one of this thread at the bottom says that the VR415 is on the Mooney model m20K TCDS.
  15. Textron shows a VR415F to be listed in the catalog.... https://ww2.txtav.com/Parts/PartSearch/PartsDetail/VR415F Which should be acceptable from the TCDS point of view.
  16. And what is funny about all this is it looks like Zeftronics are using PWM as the technology to regulate the voltage in a fancy box with a Cannon plug. Could probably buy off the shelf for $75.00 YMMV
  17. My understanding is he has dual voltage regulators. That being said it looks like Zeftronics has DARs on staff so they could design and approve what is needed.
  18. Zeftronics is the answer. Zeftronics https://zeftronics.com/shop/r15300/ Should be the right one. Check for proper fit and paperwork.
  19. Without trim, Mooney's seem to need a bit of right rudder most of the time, depending on crosswind. Try holding the nose off a bit longer, some people tend to let the nose drop too fast on landing.
  20. Does it have an STC = yes. Is it on the approved model list? So you are changing the TC with an STC. Send in the 337 with the STC paper. Done. Link to STC https://planepower.aero/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/STC-SA11137SC-17-1001-17-0000-PP.pdf
  21. I would guess a short. Could be a short at the panel, but probably a short at the alternator. Did they do a new wiring harness with the new alternator? Probably not. Do all new wires to the alternator. Could be simple like a wire fell off. Use a phone to snap picture behind the panel. right side engine cowl to check the wires to the alternator. Could be a short in the alternator. I spent 4 hours diagnosing a battery issue on a fire truck yesterday. Then started the truck and found that voltage on the firewall would not get above 12.1 volts. We are replacing the alternator today.
  22. A bit more clarity. The PMA 7000 has a pin for the pilot and one for the copilot. This allows for the ability to pilot and copilot to talk on different freqs. Wiring diagram is here. So if you set it up to the do the dual coms, you could see which side shorts. https://www.ps-engineering.com/assets/docs/PMA7000BT_IM.pdf
  23. Probably not, but possibly. The PTT circuit in the PMA7000 is a dedicated circuit, then the 7000 closes the PTT circuit in the GNS. Which is another circuit. So the way to tell would be if the XMT light only comes on in the GNS. The other way is do you hear the side tone in your headset? If so the PTT in the comm panel is coming on, not just the GNS. Could the PTT in the GNS fire the PTT in the 7000. Highly doubtful.
  24. The same can be accomplished by pulling out and putting in several times over. That would correct an absence of connection. OP is dealing with wrong connection at the wrong time.
  25. So the PTT works by closing to ground. so basically you are getting a short to ground. The wire from the PPT switch to the COM panel has an issue. I would first check to see that there is not a strand of wire shorting at the back of the COMM. also check for short where the wire comes out of the back of the yoke tubes. If you pull the panel and get to the comm connector you could put a VOM on the PTT pin in the connector then wiggle each PTT wire and see if you get a reading. Report back your findings.
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