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Everything posted by Yetti

  1. Building on Don's statement. Flying around at 21/21 is great practice. It is a totally different feel to the airplane, little more mushy, But it is the same feel as when you are landing. When you are landing, you are only in this state for 30 seconds to a minute. Doing it for a long time builds the muscle memory.
  2. Practicing stalls is dumb. You are teaching the wrong muscle memory. Who has heard "hear that beeping keep pulling back" from an instructor. That is wrong wrong wrong. When you hear the beep you need to be pushing forward on the yoke. That said the one thing that should be included is: up high configure for take off. Then have the instructor set power to idle. Practice till the push over is immediate and relatively exact angle to best glide.
  3. Is this the black fuse holder? Just find a same amperage buss fuse. Why did it blow is the real question?
  4. I was taught to land by a Mooney Safety Instructor to land with mixture at cruise setting (don't touch anything to descend other than pulling throttle back). If you go around then add mixture. I would ask when the last time his fuel Servo was rebuilt. The guys in Justin Texas did mine. No problems since.
  5. Shut down at 1100 RPM with mixture close. Don't touch anything, just crank. When it pops add mixture. You were working on possibly burning up the plane. way flooded.
  6. Agreed. did not own it then.
  7. My grease was hard as a rock after 40 years. The cheap fix is some silicone spray on the old rock hard grease. or some TriFlow. Either seems to loosen it up for awhile.
  8. While we are on lube, Clean and lube the chain, and lube all those universal joints in the trim tubes. Makes your trim smooth as butter.
  9. I would probably go with HDPE since they make gas cans out of it. Both seem to be similar. https://www.xometry.com/resources/materials/hdpe-vs-delrin/
  10. If it's adjusted properly you should not need that. The O rings on the shaft should prevent water intrusion. but if you feel the need HDPE sheet and exacto knife should have you going. https://www.amazon.com/Density-Polyethylene-Standard-Tolerance-Thickness/dp/B0070Z8PDW/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3MEVJOPLHL7H8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nqtE7lGqNuaPmPfS2B_ipA4dZAJMDcF_mvn3aMBMJA0PiM5-PDmAev4qo6Q7JhyZHdyJ_Tr5w25TwgCIK2ShbDrJzN_ZHqh2-XHY3at_JHfszyvdSSHr7pwRcW9WStgMSSz5jwZjg_9yNGHv6MI1cN-GOquGny3QJNM2uurqfAbJIGBrtJaS16ZSyX5qxRAlezP9yUJvZTz4ubKtkq0W1k8ZGO8pXMCITte4HS7dYQM.GoWziuZIfEnEW8Tor4rro9Smvl06mczWPQ6G_AOuEV4&dib_tag=se&keywords=1%2F16%2Bhdpe%2Bsheet%2Bblue&qid=1721843532&sprefix=1%2F16%2Bhdpe%2Bsheet%2Bblue%2Caps%2C283&sr=8-2&th=1
  11. https://www.amazon.com/O-Rings-Fluorosilicone-Seals/s?rh=n%3A16413611%2Cp_n_feature_seven_browse-bin%3A5485467011
  12. You can also look at the instructors and see if there is one around you and get some training time from them. I happen to have 2 around me and try to fly with them and take them to lunch. Probably want to do several sessions since they have lots of information to share.
  13. Order the CD from the FAA https://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/aircraft_certification/aircraft_registry/copies_aircraft_records Do a or find a AD list for the plane Expect to spend $10K I would say somewhere around $110K Does it have a working Auto pilot.
  14. So the last track had it heading for Dallas after it crossed over Brenham. It was interesting to watch the Hurricane track models fail when two fronts came through Texas in July.
  15. Part of the Aviation Weather.gov site. Good if you do your own weather forecast before flying. https://aviationweather.gov/gfa/#progchart
  16. sounds like your pucks are in good order. Hold back on the yoke after the mains touch. Do a less steep approach. How hard are the mains hitting the ground?
  17. It's weird. The Later Ovations have the STC in them because Mooney Bought it from the guy. There is a case to be made that earlier Ovations could have the STC done to them. The Eagle is a different model so it probably still needs the STC. But it may not exist since Mooney bought it. A call to the factory may reveal more information. A talk with your A/P may also be helpful.
  18. y'all need more circuit breakers. Any ways the cat's meow is the pockets that go across the front of the seats. Hold way more stuff and easier to get to.
  19. Should be fine. Many seats as they have been recovered received more or less foam. That changes things a bit. The Rudder pedal extension drawing is in the download sections.
  20. Those look like the felt/leather tensioner thingys. I would get some hole punches and make some new ones out of leather. Reinstall with new leather ones and and report back.
  21. New hoses call PH hoses in Tulsa get the fancy brown ones Aero LED Rebuild Fuel Servo if has not been done If you want an engine monitor, then go ahead and do a 7" screen Dynon EMS on the co pilot side. That's a quick $15K You are welcome.
  22. take a flashlight and see if you see any drips hanging when cool. valve covers, drainback tubes are starters.
  23. It's kind of not possible if I am behind you. You would not get sleep anyways since I move every 5 minutes and your back will be jostled.
  24. Progressive Charts says nope. That said Bryan College Station or Brenham are decent options. Far enough inland to have things less severe.
  25. Back in the day cops would pull over a Rolling G. think about how a G would roll. ie drunk driver. If they did not want to do the paperwork, they would just put the car key ring over the radio antenna. You have to be pretty sober to get them off, so kind of self service punishment.
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