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Everything posted by Yetti

  1. First off make sure the gear is lubed well. Second pull the actuator and lube it well. Sounds like worn motor brushes. They are having to vibrate to get the motor turning. It's why when you wack motors they start working.
  2. @Marauder Try oatmeal every morning for a couple of months.
  3. DVT come and go at least in my experience. If you eat oatmeal it makes clotting less of a thing because you make the RBC slippery. Two ways to find them is feel the back of the calf for little bumps and extend and retract the ankle it will send a sharp pain because you are compressing the blood into them.
  4. I have seen and used to have pictures of a turkey vulture through the wind screen. The pilots were bloody faces. People worry about a drone, but you get pretty good at missing vultures around south east texas. Usually a wing rise on that side. (remember birds dive) or some other yank of the controls.
  5. UA is the kind of standard abbreviation for Ukraine. Apparently it is a KZ-6 with some fins added. "The KZ-6 uses 1.8kg of TG-40 HE & can penetrate 215mm of armour- so would easily take out any RU vehicle. This one was made in 1986."
  6. Here you go the ruskies got a UA drone and documented it.
  7. Define "Normal circumstances"
  8. So the Mooney Caravan is teaching bad airmanship. Got it. There are many tricks in the pilot bag of tricks that can be pulled out. Flying it on at 90 is just one of the. Gusty crosswinds and one wheel landings are another. We go through this everytime and the manual says "flaps as needed" Some need them more than others. I think everyone should be able to do a no flap, half flap, full flap, one wheel, two wheel, engine out landing at speeds from 90mph to 57 mph and still make the 2000 foot turn off and land on the centerline.
  9. Possibly, but my Mooney instructor with a 2000 hour F-18 flight patch on his jacket taught me to land. So you are welcome to take it up with him airmanship wise of course Besides I am just here for the popcorn. Lastly I will say go spend some time at 21MP and 2100 RPM the plane is a very different feeling airplane at the slower speeds and it mimics the controls and inputs that occur while landing.
  10. because that is how the manual is written in MPH. The manual also says no turns in the pattern under 90mph unless you have flaps out. The flaps don't do alot to stall speed in a Mooney. Can't add my chart because no pictures. No flaps for take off unless short field Flaps are added to get down if the approach is high or short. otherwise you should have the ability to fly it on at 90mph with no bounce.
  11. Still have not answered the question by page 2. This is what I do. Flashlight with visual and tactile checks. Check nuts and hoses pull and push on things gently. Start top to bottom on one side. Then move to the other side. Do a really slow Walk around. Then do a ground run. Then do several fast passes down the runway. Bring it back open it up and check everything again. Then a fast pass. Then fly up to 5-7000 feet above the airport. Come and land and look for leaks. Now you are ready to go fly/break in.
  12. just saying. beggers can't be choosers
  13. The camera work in the air is really good in this one. Not so much in the first one. This is all I could afford.
  14. called Bowden Cable. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/bowdencable.php?clickkey=13351
  15. I can get one. I removed the fuel by removing the sample port.
  16. The Operators Manual which is serial number correct to the plane. says usable fuel of 64 Gallons. The original placards on the wing say 31 gallons. This was on level ground. Not sure how to deal with the missing 2 gallons. Maybe a gallon in the fuel lines? Heck I don't know.
  17. Seems like a -1 for the oil analysis. I thought that was the whole point was to identify the specs of stuff to prevent failures.
  18. Here's the tricky part. You can't remove the calipers if you are removing the calipers. You'll need an A&P for that. Now if you are changing the tire. No problem just remove the calipers.
  19. I remember reading there was 3 gallons of fuel to cover the fuel pickup. So I would not plan on the just incase amount at 2.5 gallons per 15 minutes
  20. Does it exist, do you need it to fly? Do you need it to fly well? Yesterday I decided later in the day to go burn off some fuel. I was not really feeling IT. I polished the spinner, because that is good for adding a couple of knots and then preflighted and launched. But it was mostly on skill not on the Pilot Edge. Or what some people may call the right stuff. Do you think pilots have a cut above in the exceptional department? I mean when you think about it every flight needs a perfect outcome. I enjoy it when I crash a drone. Not that it was the intention. But it was a non perfect out come of a flight and nobody gets hurt. There are less pilots in the USA than PHD. That would make us a pretty special group of people. While I was up wondering what to do with myself, I remembered the inflight calibration of the Dynon system. I found myself easily doing 45 degree bank turns with little effort. Is it a skill or the pilot edge that makes that possible? Do you need some level of edgyness to launch into the sky knowing that you will have a safe outcome? If so can you lose the pilot edge?
  21. modified RPG round that is nose heavy so does not need to come out of the cup. You know unless you are one of those people that reuses the solo cups by washing them. Drop mechanism is easier with servos than rotate. String and pull a pin on the string. The ruskie command forgot to plan on gas for the tanks. You think they gave them jamming equipment? The second best delivery system I saw was some NLAW carrying cases mounted to electric Bike. Stealthy fast and silent. Easy retreat.
  22. Well it is placarded at 31. I had to empty it to calibrate a fuel sender.
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