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Everything posted by RocketAviator

  1. Wishing a Blessed & Happy New Years to you & your family. Thanks for a great 2014. Fly safe,
  2. I fly a 231 Rocket. While I have never experienced 1st hand I'm told the 252 Rocket is a slightly faster airplane all things being equal. Again I have no real world knowledge to confirm. I paid 130k less than 2 yrs ago. I'm not sure price is all exclusive of yr. I got airplane zero time factory overhaul with fresh paint, good modern avionics (while completely functional, I installed G500 SVT, G750 & 650 plus several upgrades) I'm expecting this to be my last plane, my primary mission is fully IFR equipped multi flights a month of 500nm each way. It has served me well so far. The only thing I wish I had was known icing. Good luck keep us posted on your endeavor.
  3. I fly with our doberman on a regular basis. Have to stay at lower altitudes but other than that she rides swell. She is not real fond of accents & descents but she tolerates them well enough. She did try and climb into my lap once during a solid IAC approach! That was more than just a little interesting to say the least.
  4. I believe this is the 3rd Malaysia plane missing or shot down this year! Prayers for all on board and their families. Corrected thanks ED R Cruiser for the correction.
  5. And Done Well!
  6. Ok I can confirm 9 qts is minimum operating level. 13 quart capacity which includes 1 qt for the oil filter. I have two Rocket Manuals, one that is a supplemental portion of the POH and one that is independently bound. I was sure I had read it.... I thought... as I had noted 9 qts on my check list!! Alas while reading the Service portion of the bound I see where I had marked the page with a color sticky tab.... I am going to have my secretary Scan the POH, Supplemental POH Rocket & the Rocket Manual. I am hoping that they can be scanned with searchable content but that is not very likely. We will see.
  7. Well done! Good looking panel.
  8. Anyone know how one might buy avgas on futures? At 3.75 I might be in for one or a couple thousand gallons!
  9. Showed my wife pictures now that we just landed. .. She says she thinks it's flooded! TO which I replied YA Think! First my hope is all are ok the rest can be replaced!
  10. Welcome to the Poor Mooney Club.... I feel your Gain! While I'm ok with the old steam gauges I would not want to go back!
  11. I fly my Rocket LOP, very easy I now have G4 but Any good individual cylinder engine monitors that have fuel flow, CHT & EGT & TIT are all you need. After this long I can now set it by feel & sound. Some call it the big pull... PM me I'll share my cell we can discuss easier to talk than write it. It is very easy, wish u were closer I'd take u up and show you in person! Nothing to be afraid of done properly! Fly Safe
  12. Is this what your looking for? When using the Garmin 430/530 you can draw the extended runway centerline for almost any runway by going DIRECT to an airport as the active waypoint, pressing OBS, and turning the OBS knob on your HSI or CDI to runway heading. Be sure your CDI button is set to GPS and not VLOC. This works very well to help orient yourself to entering a traffic pattern, particularly at night or at an airport with multiple runways. Note that this method will not distinguish between left or right runways if an airport has parallel runways. To show the extended centerline of a parallel runway, you can go to the main map page, push the right small button to turn on the cursor, zoom in, move the cursor to the desired runway threshold with the right small and large knobs, and hit DIRECT ENTER ENTER. Then press OBS and turn the OBS knob to runway heading. This willl set up a "+MAP" user waypoint at the threshold of your desired runway.
  13. Thoughts and prayers for his family. The only good that can come of this is for all the rest of us learn & grow from this tragedy!
  14. Recommend you contact gsxrpilot Paul has a box of GoPros uses them on his Mooney everywhere including adhesive mounts. He also hand glide with them.
  15. Well done, someday I hope to get into the video active when I'm flying my ol bucket of bolts.
  16. RocketAviator

    WesTex Formation Clinic 2014

    WesTex Mooney Formation Clinic 2014
  17. From the album: WesTex Formation Clinic 2014

    Yea buddy I have friends in high places.... (that have talent too!) Thanks Ron aka Pinto!! Great job on the Texas Wing Shirt design and Debut at the WesTex Mooney Formation Flight Clinic...!
  18. Hope this link works showing the WesTex Formation Clinic Missing Man video. Not great quality but it is all we have right now. I understand that we have had a number of appreciative comments on this event from the local airport folks and the family and one request to provide this type of flight at a Cancer Awareness Event. I hope that can be accomplished. Mooney Formation Missing Man Tribute Tyler Francis: http://youtu.be/RKCx9-Ppi-w
  19. Will attempt to post video. Not great quality. Have it on Utube have to learn how to post here on MS.
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