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Everything posted by mike_elliott

  1. Mimi, if you get your Stec OH'd, just leave it in heading mode and use the GPSS function of the Aspen to drive it. It will/should track very nicely your GPS course/flight plan. If your plane "rocks", the servo in the wing needs the armature cleaned by running the thing for about a minute in both directions using a power source, same true if you have pitch oscillations. I would do this every annual whether it needed it or not after I had the issue once.
  2. That indeed was a rare wx phenom
  3. I have flown and stalled N242PT, SN 33-0005 which had both TKS and VG's. While I didnt do any high altitude Cruise speed tests, my Mark I sphincter gauge says it was a tad slower in cruise than other Ultra Acclaims, especially N218TA SN 33-0012. It also stalled lower at NEAR gross weight than the others, (maybe 100 under) at 52Kts. I wish I could have had more time to really see what the cruise penalties of these 2 mods added to, but the bennies of the stall reduction and FIKI were well worth it for the mission this plane was to take on. Perhaps now that it is back in the States Ill get my chance soon. Granted, this was not an instrumented test flight, but a real world experience.
  4. Good summary David. Setting up the DA controller should only be done by those in the know with the right tools. Ray, have you sold the Ultra? If you need a place to park it I would add a cheap borescope to my tool box (oh wait, I have) to run up the exhaust and inspect the turbo and blades regularly if you dont already have one. The exhaust and mags are the Bravo's weak points, and both should get regular attention. Any exhaust staining requires immediate action to keep you and your plane healthy, as in all turbo charged planes.
  5. yea i didnt mean to sound like this wasnt primary in your thinking, but truly glad it is. I still hurt from an engine trying to take me out.
  6. You mean this friend
  7. Good, your life depends on it.
  8. Ill let Jonny opine here, but my Mark I eyeballs saw an Ovation just waiting for lipstick and someone with a checkbook, and there is N197CV that just might be available.
  9. No, just the latest G1000 stuff
  10. I believe it is still a 2006, has 300+ on her. She has the new Ultra seats and some other dress ups, including latest G1000 updates. She is quite fast also, how much of that is paint and how much of that is Mikeys, Rob's and Kevins tweaking over the years is unknown. It was a real honor to be able to fly this one, and to have it now in the hands of a truly great gent.
  11. In Honor of the late Mike (Mikey) Miles on his birthdate, N311TN SN 31-0001, The first Acclaim and Mooney test platform was delivered to its new owner steward and I had the privilege of flying with him to her new home in Evansville Indiana. Another Acclaim kicked out of the nest and released into the wild. Mikey, your steed is in good hands. without lipstick Mikey keeping her warm Here she is all dressed up for her new steward and ready to go for a ride
  12. Some of us have trouble hitting the hole with our long poles and the leverage to get full penetration isnt for the young or weak.
  13. I am, it is straight from the mfrg and from Mooney. See Clarence's post above referencing the manual.
  14. It means something else in NJ when you hear someone say "he got iced"
  15. Yep, exactly why I said to clean it well with 100LL. I have read this page before
  16. David, clean it well with 100 LL, then go fly thru some clouds with it on for a bit.
  17. Nice product Nidal! Consider possibly donating one to the Mooney Summit's raffle in October and joining our list of industry leading sponsors! Feel free to reach out to @Junkmanfor donation details. I am sure you will be glad you did
  18. Oh well, If the plane is airworthy and as represented, and you are paying for the prebuy, there shouldn't be an issue. He should know the plane will pass the prebuy ok and the sale will consummate, unless of course he isnt so sure......just sayin.... Simply make the gas $ to and from the MSC as non refundable part of your deposit. BUT dont forego having an expert prebuy unless the plane is cheap enough you really know you are buying a fixerupper.
  19. I transition trained the owner of 32-0011 last March, this and 33-0019 were near completion. With the crew reduced to 10, priorities were shifted to keep parts flowing, re-organize, and get a path to profitability laid out. Jonny will fill in what he wants to about the state of things without our speculation. Glad to see Mr. Kammer has some altitude under him! Its good for his attitude! (OH, turn on the landing light on take off, KK :))
  20. Anthony, if you previously registered and did not ask for your reg fee to be returned earlier when we postponed, you are good to go. Rick sent an email to all still registered a couple of days ago. Looking at the registrations I see Anthony CarusoHillsborough, NJ $202.00Pilot/IndividualMooney Summit VIIICOMPLETED Jan 10, 202012:05 am You are all signed up and did so Jan 10 2020 See you then if not sooner! Mike
  21. Walter Dodge of Kelly Aerospace, the good folks that make an outstanding AC for the longbodies (It really works!) has just agreed to provide BBQ for our Friday evening reception! Thanks Walter! He is an amazing pitmaster. Ill pick up a few Salmons for smoking to placate our piscaterians!
  22. You have to do that for yourself. go to www.mooneysummit.com and take care of business!
  23. Thanks Paul, Cwaters, I responded to your PM Mike Elliott
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