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Everything posted by neilpilot

  1. If you carry a backup handheld com, consider running the spare com to a panel or under-panel mounted jack to use as an external antennae
  2. Is it an OWT, or can this possibly shorten the life of your vacuum pump?
  3. When you do your next preflight's run up, a bad annunciator bulb isn't likely a no go event. No so with a bad mag. Much rather catch some things at shutdown.
  4. Correct, except If you have a mag fail during a flight you may not discover it until the run up prior to the next flight. Consider doing a end-of-flight mag check on shutdown just prior to pulling the mixture. That checks both the p leads and the mags.
  5. Step 4 (or 3b) - remove ignition key; maybe even place it on glare shield.
  6. Do you mean IRAN when you say overhaul? My understanding is that an overhaul often will result in the blades being ground below limits and/or discarded.
  7. Unless something has changed the FAA has fought the DOT request to make a bird strike a mandatory report. I think it's still an option, but is encouraged.
  8. Does this mean that you know (or think) this relay, which is not the same, will still fit the application in place of the 89CQX-2?
  9. We will depart AWM on 9/28, with our return flight on 10/2. This is likely longer than you plan to be in Panama City, but so long as the weather isn't terrible IMC isn't a problem for me. I'll leave a seat open if you hit an obstacle and want to ride shotgun with us. That way you might even get some actual in a Mooney.
  10. If you are a gambler: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Mooney-Starter-Solenoid-P-N-001464-20767-/132295496513?hash=item1ecd6d1341:g:WhMAAOSw9itZpZFT&vxp=mtr
  11. I realize the OP is Canadian registered. However, the Lamar solenoid information includes the following: "the Lamar 12V solenoid (07-01875) is not FAA PMA approved for installation with a log book entry only. It can be installed in a certified aircraft with a 337 field approval."
  12. Might want to search "Skytec Solenoid" for comments on issues some have had. Maybe a different part, but just saying....
  13. A google search indicates that they have 1 in stock, but I'm not certain that can be trusted. https://www.asap-purchasing.com/aircraft/manufacturer/mooney-aircraft/59/ I'd check with LASAR, and other MSCs, and maybe Jerry Presley
  14. When my 64E was totaled, my insurance company covered me in my replacement 65C without any restriction. Recently a M20F owner (with electric gear, which I had never flown) had me added as a named pilot on his policy, again without restriction. So maybe it depends.
  15. I bought my 64E in 1989. The previous owner had upgraded to a Lance, and moved the Mooney to an outdoor tie-down so the Lance could live in a hangar. A week before I purchased, a tornado blew thru and the hangar roof collapsed on the Lance, breaking off the vertical stabilizer/rudder. The Mooney was undamaged.
  16. Actually, 2 years and 4 months.
  17. Looks like Jim's twin is the pilot. Or, is that your twin on the wing? I'd like to know how you keep your white shoes so clean.
  18. Or contribute to the Bill Gilliland Foundation. A lifetime FlyQ subscription is one of several nice prizes to be raffled at the Friday evening reception of Mooney Summit V. All donors receive one raffle ticket for each $20 donated. To contribute, send a check to Mooney Summit, 1334 riverside dr, Tarpon Springs, Fl 34689 Or Paypal iwannadonate@mooneysummit.com
  19. I wasn't suggesting SDL was better than DVT, even though it is for me. My post was to inform Paul that DVT might not necessarily always be "friendlier/cheaper" than SDL by such a wide margin. There are still a few options for car rentals available at SDL without the terminal. If I had landed at DVT it would have placed me 25-30 minutes away from where I wanted to be. If I was going back today, I'd be happy to pay for the gas at SDL in exchange for the convenient location since my daughter lives very close. Also, I listened to some of the traffic going in/out of DVT as I over flew on my way back from SLC and I was happy I decided not to base there during my visit. ATC almost needed an interpreter to work some of the pilots. In one case, after PHX approach asked for a repeat of a request for VFR advisories twice, the controller gave up trying to understand what was being requested and refused flight following.
  20. Appreciate all replies. The shop doing my annual, also engine rebuilders, agrees that UREM37BY are a fine choice. I just ordered a set from Aircraft Spruce. Found it interesting that Chief does not currently offer this plug.
  21. SS pump is on the NW side of the runway, same side as Ross. I know it's the second turnoff SW of Ross. When I first arrived, I simply asked ground for progressive. It looks like a mushroom, and IIRC it's straight ahead if you depart on taxiway B10.
  22. Hi Paul, I actually found KSDL friendly and not too expensive when I was there last Thanksgiving. I flew into KSDL a couple of times, since Scottsdale is only a couple miles from where our daughter lives. I initially considered a "cheaper" airport, but discovered their self-service fuel option. You can use self-serve fuel near Ross, which when I was there was at least $3/gal less than Ross' full service rate. After fueling, taxi to Ross, and when you show them the SS receipt Ross will waive their ramp fee. Scottsdale SS ended up being much cheaper than the alternative airports, and way more convenient for me. Other than being parked a short walk behind the big iron, folks at Ross treated us very well. I just checked, and Ross full serve on Airnav is $8.64, but their SS is $5.24.
  23. Agree that you should us an external antenna connection & headset adopter with a portable com. I had external antennae jacks installed in both my Mooneys, and their relatively cheap. I've also had the need to use a portable several times (2 electrical failures in my 64E, and more recentlyin our 65C 2 issues that turned out to be a faulty intercom, that prevented transmission on coms 1 & 2). In all cases, the portable seems to transmit/receive as well as a panel unit. As for batteries, I don't carry the Nicad recharge pack that comes with the portable. I bought the conversion pack that uses AA batteries. I carry copious AA, since they also power my flashlights and portable GPS.
  24. I've reported signals a couple of times to ATC, and had reasonable responses. In one case, Approach told me they had numerous reports and were checking hangars at a nearby airport. I also once receive a call for me on 121.5. Memphis Center had missed giving me a handoff, I was out of range, and they were calling to give me Nashville approach freq. So if you monitor 121.5 you might receive a call for you. Hopefully not from that interceptor over Camp David!
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