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Everything posted by Hector

  1. That hole did not look too bad from the pictures but that could be deceiving. Now I'm going to be paranoid about every imperfection on the ramp. Sorry this happened to you! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  2. Have a 67C as well that I purchased a year ago. Mine is VERY hot as well. I keep it turned all the way down Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. Forgot the chock on the nose wheel once. Thought my darn parking brake was stuck. Also had the oil door on the cowling pop open shortly after liftoff. Obviously forgot to close it. Now I do one final walk around looking for stuff like that Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  4. This is an iOS bug. Search this topic for a solution. As I recall you need to go into your IPad settings under Bluetooth and make it forget this particular GPS. Turn the iPad off completely then reconnect the GPS. I would also take a look to see if your GPS has a firmware available. Bad elf fixed this problem by issuing a firmware that lets their GPS connect directly Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. One year ago today I purchased my 67C from a good friend. I was new to Mooney's but knew the owner well and knew the aircraft was very well maintained. It's been a great year of flying for me (3 hours shy of 100) and feel very comfortable with the plane. I love my C and hope to keep her for a long time. First annual also behind me with no surprises and she is running strong!! I would like to extend many thanks and my most sincere gratitude to everyone here for sharing your knowledge and passion for these aircraft. I have learned a lot from you and your collective experience has made ownership easy. I hope to give back to this community as my experience and knowledge of these wonderful Mooney's increases. Thanks a million!!
  6. Near the wing tip. Not too bad. You can probably remove the close out rib and get to it from there. Flush patch definitely doable. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  7. Hard to tell where along the wing span the dent is and whether you have access to the back of that skin. If you have access to the back side then it is a simple flush patch repair. Cut out the dent, patch the back side, install a filler for the section you cut out.
  8. T-45 Goshawk! Navy's advanced jet trainer. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  9. Use tax applies here in Florida. After I purchased my Mooney from another Florida resident things got busy and I did not promptly paid the use tax. A couple of months later I received a "friendly" letter from the state of Florida reminding me that I owed them use tax, interest, and penalties my advice.....pay the use tax promptly! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  10. JATO bottles for a C? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  11. No. Applies just as well to normally aspirated engines. Your chances of achieving LOP operations is much more likely with fuel injected engines with tuned injectors. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  12. I got to ask.....how did you end up with 160 GPS antennas Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  13. No worries Jim, the original poster flies a G model so I wanted him to know his numbers may be a little different than a J. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  14. Max range and max glide both occur at max(L/D) which according to the POH for my 67 C is 105 MPH indicated. In order to maintain all temps at or below 380 in the summer I have to climb at 120 MPH. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  15. well...that looks interesting!! It would certainly angle the engine monitor, but because of the size of the EDM you would have all these gaps around the instrument. However, this and a custom bracket might work together well Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  16. I can tell you that it would not take much. I definitely had planned to figure out the required angle, obviously before making a bracket, but quick estimate suggest 20 to 30 degrees will be enough. My thought was exactly the same....the cost to move everything around is likely much more that manufacturing a simple angled bracket. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  17. Bob...that would certainly work and is a viable solution. I was leaving that option as a backup if I cant find a cheaper solution. I certainly would not mind going to a 930 but was leaving that potentially as part of a wider panel upgrade I have planned for the future. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  18. i think I looked at that, but I would have to move both the tach and MP/FP to the other side and i dont think there is room for both. I'll take a look at that option again though because if I could make it work it would be an easy and ideal solution. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  19. I hate to highjack the thread but looking at your panel upgrades reminded me of an issue you guys may have an answer for. During my annual about 3 months ago I installed a JPI 730 in the only space I had available in my panel (67C) all the way to the right side. I did not know at the time that the JPI 730 LCD screen has a relatively poor viewing angle and as a result I now have to lean over a bit to be able to see it. Looking at the pics you guys posted above reminded me that the F and J have the right hand side panel angled towards the pilot. Has anyone here done this mod to a C? If you have can you provide some details? I really hate having to lean over to see my engine monitor and I don't have a lot of other options for rearranging the panel (see picture below) so my choices are to do the mod discussed above, or manufacture an angled bracket for the engine monitor to tilt it towards the pilot side rather than tilting the entire panel. Any thoughts?
  20. If you are only getting 145 MPH out of your C then it is way slow (you did notice is MPH and not knots right?) At 8000 I routinely get 165 miles per hour out of my C at WOT and 2400 RPM (142 knots). I have not checked to see what I can get at full RPM but it might be close to 170 MPH or 147 Kts
  21. Go Gators!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  22. Congrats! I have a 67C too and it has been a great airplane. As others have said, keep flying, use flight following, and start you instrument when you can. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  23. Thanks Oscar. That is actually not a bad price and the extra fuel buys a lot more piece of mind. Just curious, where is the fuel in the ferry tank pumped into the mains?
  24. Oscar, can you provide some details on you ferry tank. Where did you purchased it, how is it installed, and approx cost if possible. I might be interested in that option. Thanks.
  25. If you don't have a fuel totalizer like a simple JPI 450, I would consider that a MUST if you are going to attempt this. At least with one you will know exactly how much fuel remaining you have at all times (mine is accurate to within a gallon). I have stretched my legs on several occasions but only because I felt very comfortable knowing exactly how much fuel I had. The JPI will couple with a GPS (even a Garmin portable) and it will constantly let you know how much fuel you need to get to your destination and how much fuel reserve you will have when you get there based on current fuel flow and ground speed. Even with a fuel totalizer, that is still a long flight over water and I would want to make sure call the conditions are just right before I tried it. I would sure look into a ferry tank just for piece of mind.
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