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Everything posted by Hector

  1. As you can see everyone has their preference. I have both a regular iPad and the mini. The regular iPad has been relegated to backup. I much prefer the mini as it fits perfectly in the yoke. I also use a separate Bluetooth GPS.
  2. For the guys with the PVC pipe, can you post a picture? I'm sure I can design/build my own but why reinvent the wheel. Thanks!
  3. Dealing with this issue as well. Purchased my Mooney in October and still have not managed to convince my wife to go flying. For her is not an issue with small airplanes. It is anything that flies. Went to Spain on vacation last year and it was hard as hell to get her on that airplane. The anxiety was palpable and it took a lot of reassurance. I keep thinking the fear is more related to a lack of control so I have lately been trying to convince her to take a pinch hitter course. If I can get her with an IP and she learns enough to get the Mooney on the ground she might be alright. Sorry, did not mean to high jack the thread but if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears!
  4. Like most folks here I grew up flying Cessna's and Pipers. Read a lot about Mooneys but could only dream of owning one. I was a renter for a long time but grew tired of all the compromises required. I had a friend and business associate that owned an M20C and we would often take the Mooney on business trips. He is an aeronautical engineer and an A&P and had completely refurbished his Mooney with all new wiring, interior, instrument panel, etc. he was meticulous about maintenance and kept the Mooney in top shape. I helped him do his last annual and got to see every detail on this aircraft and was quite surprised to see absolutely no corrosion (always hangered) and was impressed with the structural design and manufacturing quality of the Mooney wing as compared to other GA aircraft I had seen. Last year my associate decided he needed a twin as his mission had changed requiring more extended over- water flights. He decided to put the Mooney up for sale. I was already tired of the renting and had been thinking about what to get. I was actually considering an older Mooney but was a bit concerned about all the work that might be required to bring an older Mooney to current standards. When this opportunity came up I did not give it a second thought. I knew the aircraft well, had a clear understanding of the condition, it was as clean an M20C as I could ever hope to find. I made her mine and have been flying her every week since. LOVE IT!!!! Mi kids will be gone to college soon and it will be just me and the wife. The C is probably all we need here in flat Florida, but I would be lying if I did not mention a J could be in my future. But not anytime soon.
  5. I would definitely check aileron rigging again which could be a bit more complicated now that you have bent the aileron trailing edge. Check flap rigging too. I know my recently purchased M20C had similar issues and careful rigging of the ailerons by the book by the previous owner (without the need to bend anything) fixed the problem and now she flies straight as an arrow.
  6. Agree it sounds like an aerodynamic issue, however, the fact that it does not occur when climbing below 2570 RPM does not add up unless climb speed was different. Am I missing something?
  7. Concur!! I replaced my iPad 3 with a yoke mounted mini and i love it! It really is the perfect size for me and it works great with ForeFlight.
  8. Lots of motorcycle riders use pledge on their acrylic windshields. Nothing new. They have been using pledge for many years.
  9. My 67C looks just like your picture. I'm interested.
  10. Since you have an iPhone and now an iPad as well, if you want to drive both simultaneously with a single external Bluetooth GPS then you may want to consider the Bad Elf GPS Pro (see picture below). It can pair via bluetooth with up to 5 devices at the same time. It also has very long battery life (over 16 hours) and if everything lease fails the built in display will show you status, speed, heading, and altitude.
  11. I've been meaning to post something along these lines for some time. I have a black lab that likes to go everywhere with me and I like having her with me. I just recently purchased my mooney and have been thinking of a way to taker her flying. She has never flown before. I too was concerned about hearing protection. Saw the stuff in sportys but was not sure how well it worked. Unless anyone has a better idea I guess I can get those and take her on a short hop and see how it goes.
  12. Congratulations. She looks great!
  13. I have the single CHT gauge in my 67C on the #3 cylinder. I typically go 26/2600 per the POH at around 1000 feet and 120MPH and my CHT never goes over 400. In fact at this climb setting, with cowl flaps full open, the CHT remains around 380-390. Of course I have no idea what my other cylinders are doing, and honestly i'm not sure how accurate my current gauge is either. EDM700 installation scheduled early in 2013.
  14. You are correct, no aircraft profile so that it will take into account airspeed during climb, cruise, and descend. That is unfortunate as it should be something very simple to correct. It does, however, factor in actual wind at your cruise altitude. It even has an altitude advisor that will let you see the winds aloft to help you make the correct choice.
  15. I use a piece of scrap aluminum just like Hank is showing in his pictures. You can also purchase a tool from spruce just for this purpose but you really don't need to. A piece of scrap aluminum or aluminum siding works great. I don't know about Marvel. I think you will find people here that swear by it (even though they might be hard pressed to produce real test data to support claims) and others that will tell you it might not do much but if it helps you feel better knock yourself out. I don't use Marvel, but I do use Camguard simply because I don't always get to fly every week and want some additional corrosion protection for my engine.
  16. WnB pro Screen shot attached. I have a regular excel spreadsheet if you like but WnB is just as good and much more convenient.
  17. By all means let me know Gary. That is perfect timing for me as well
  18. If anyone is upgrading and wants to sell their EDM700 let me know. I already have FPI 450. I plan to remove it and replace it with the EDM700. Should be a simple install since the hard part (fuel flow sensor installation) is already done. Just need to add CHT and EGT probes.
  19. Nice panel.....hey by any chance did you notice there seems to be something off with your rudder trim? Sorry, couldn't help it
  20. Tail dragger, no doubt!!
  21. I use Plexus too, but I have used Pledge before and quite frankly it does just as well as Plexus. A friend who rides motorcycles turn me on to Pledge. I have not taken the time to compare the active ingredients but they perform equally well. I guess the motorcycle guys learned that trick long ago.
  22. Trying to fly every week, but not always possible.
  23. Sorry could not make it guys. Actually went to the airport Saturday morning with intention to go but had a blasted cell parked over the airport dumping copious amounts of rain. By the time it moved it was 11:30 but I did not know you had postponed. I did end up going to Cedar Key today for lunch. Judy the taxi driver heard my call and picked me up. Take a look at the pic of the Cessna below. Judy said it was a rental and the pilot landed long and hot, slammed on the brakes when he realized he was going for a swim, blew both mains and departed the runway. I was a little apprehensive during the approach but it was no big deal. Landed with plenty of runway left.
  24. One thought here that came to mind. I just purchased my M20C less than two months ago with no prior Mooney experience. Before the purchase, I was lucky to find a CFII that owned a Mooney (also an M20C) in my home field so he provided transition training. After I started flying my Mooney the first thing I noted was how much easier the J-bar in my plane worked compared to the other plane at the same speeds. After a few go around in the other Money I could definitely feel my arm working!! So obviously they were rigged differently resulting in significantly different force. I looked in my logbook and mine had been rigged no more than 5 months prior. So it could simply be you a have a little too much speed after go around, or maybe your rigging needs adjusting
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