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Everything posted by Hector

  1. Five at my home field. One C (mine), one B, one E, one J, and a seeming eagle. All in in T-hangars except the J. The B and E are my hangar neighbors.
  2. I'll be there Friday and Saturday.
  3. Perhaps not the best soft field takeoff technique, but probably should not have collapsed the nose gear. If I had to guess I would take a close look at the landing gear preloads.
  4. Works really well on the yoke on my M20C and right where I want it when looking at approach plates.
  5. I'm sure the 796 offers some advantages over the iPad mini. Better anti-reflective screen, more stable software, etc., but in the end for me there was just not nearly enough to Justify the cost especially when I already owned a mini. The iPad mini just fits perfect on the Yoke in my M20C without obstructing the view to any instruments. ForeFlight keeps getting better and it serves all my needs.
  6. I've had my 496 antenna velcro to the dash for years without any problems.
  7. I'll show you how to lube that sticky yoke!
  8. I really don't know if there are other benefits other than not having to charge your Stratus ever again. I suppose the the GPS solution being broadcast by the Stratus will now come from a certified WAAS GPS. I'll be at Sun N Fun in a few weeks and will be getting more info as this is one of the potential ADS-b solutions I'm considering.
  9. It will be a transponder with built-in WAAS GPS and a certified ADSB out one box solution. The Stratus will connect via a short cable to the back of this transponder to provide the ADSB-in functionality via WIFI to a tablet. The Stratus will now receive the GPS signal from the transponder vice its internal GPS receiver and will be powered continuously by the transponder. The stratus can now be permanently mounted behind the instrument panel if you like (right next to or attached to the transponder) since it will be getting all the info from the transponder itself with its externally mounted antenna. Anyway, this how the Appareo guy explained it to me when I saw the prototype box in Oshkosh.
  10. Lean to roughness then enrich should work just fine. As an added measure of security for a cruise setting choose a combination of RPM + MP that adds up to 46 which is the target range for an M20C for 65% power (i.e 2400 RPM and 22" MP). This way, you will not hurt anything regardless of your settings.
  11. Time to bring back the flight engineer position [emoji1]
  12. Looks like it has some nice goodies and if priced right you can always paint it later and truly make it your own.
  13. Glad to see FlyQ now supports both versions of Stratus. I use FF/Stratus 2 and see no reason to change but having more of these applications support Stratus is a good thing. Prior to yesterday I thought Stratus would be forever locked to FF only.
  14. I have an older GX-60 IFR approved GPS (non-precession only) and a panel mounted Garmin 496. I navigate using the GX-60 because it is very simple to use and it is legal (and connected to the A/P) but use the 496 as backup and better situational awareness since it has a nice display. When it comes time to shoot a GPS approach I use and fly the GX-60, again, because it is simple to use and legal, but will also load the approach in the 496. The difference is that my 496 will not load any IAF's automatically. You can load vectors to final or fly to the FAF (or manually enter the IAF). I've used them together enough that if I absolutely had to (i.e. complete electrical failure) I would trust the 496 to get me home. If the weather is bad enough that I can't use a non-precision GPS approach then I make sure I have an alternate with an ILS. At some point I will upgrade my panel to allow for LPV approaches but To date I have not found my old boxes to be a limiting factor.
  15. Mooney first then Mooneyspace. My mooney sort of fell on my lap. I was not really looking to buy but had been flying with my buddy who owned a mooney and when he decided to buy a twin he told me the mooney would be up for sale. I knew he took meticulous care of the plane as I had helped him on several occasions including the latest annual only a couple of months back. I decided then this was my bird and it's been absolutely great. I found Mooneyspace after looking on the web for anything Mooney to increase my knowledge. These days I don't look much anywhere else for mooney information. This site is just excellent and I have learned a lot from all who participate here. From Maintenance stuff to good tips on aviating I suck it all in and try to incorporate the best into the way I fly and maintain my Mooney.
  16. My 67C does not have alternate static source.
  17. Mine run down behind the engine then forward but I would not call mine a cool running engine. During cruise my cylinder temps are 340 to 380 with the hottest cylinder around 380. During climb I have to be careful to maintain at least 120 to keep from going over 400. In the hot Florida summers sometimes I see 420 then I have to do 130 or so for a little while to get temps back down. My dog house is in pretty good shape. I have 1200 hours on a factory reman and she is running strong with about 1 qt every 9 hours consumption and better than 77 on all cylinders. I think I've made piece with myself on this issue and not worry excessively about my cyl temps. I'll do what I reasonably can to manage the temps but I have accepted that's just the way my M20C runs and it does not appears to be destroying my engine. I keep reading here to see if anyone finds a magic bullet, but I don't think the routing of the oil lines is my problem. Maybe Sabremechs new cowling may offer and improvement.
  18. +1. Mine would wonder off quite a bit before it would correct (wired to my GPS) and frankly I though I could hand fly much better and was rather disappointed about the performance. Then I read a post here and changed the CDI sensitivity to .3 miles full deflection. It made all the difference in the world!!
  19. I don't see the value at the moment and the one day battery life is quite disappointing. That being said, I can also see a multitude of features for aviation that will inevitably make their way into this watch. Some more useful than others. The built in barometer in the iPhone is quite excellent and I can easily see setting cruise altitude and having the watch gently tap my wrist if I deviate. For guys flying pressurized aircraft set an alarm if cabin altitude climbs above designated height. How about alerts for timed approaches, crossing over a reporting waypoint, switch fuel tanks, etc. how about traffic alerts? This is just the tip and there will be many other uses. The alert feature alone will be quite useful for some.
  20. Interesting. I guess that is a possible outcome. She is 7 weeks old and made the trip very well. Playing most of the time. Cried for around 10 minutes when going to bed at night for the first couple of nights. Now she is so tired after playing with the kids all evening she is actually crashing by 10pm. It's like having a baby though, requires constant attention because she gets into everything!! Very smart, she's already learning to do her business outside.
  21. I'm hoping she will be my flying buddy some day. Likes to lay on cool surfaces [emoji1]
  22. I did ask the FBO for preheat but they did not have the equipment (small FBO, but I thought this would be pretty standard equipment up north). The snow they did take care of a couple of hours later. It all got worked out at the end but I was miserable in the freezing cold. Hated to start the engine at those temps, but no other choice.
  23. Wow......I was in exactly the same boat this last Sunday. Had planned to fly to Pensacola to pick up my new pup, but low IFR with fog put a stop to that. 10 hour round trip by car was tiring but well worth it.
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