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Everything posted by Hector

  1. I have an O-360 with a spin on oil filter. I do not check my screen every oil change. I check it during annual only. I do cut open my oil filters to make sure everything looks ok. I replace oil/filter every 30 hours or so because that's when my oil begins to turn a little darker. If I was not cutting open my filters I would be checking that screen more often. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Congrats! 67C owner here as well for a little over 3 years. You will love it. My buddy and I fly from north Florida to Miami together often. He has a Cherokee 6. I usually let him take off first. I will get to Miami, taxi to the self serve and fill up, go inside the FBO and fill out the paperwork and get a rental car, use the restroom, chit chat with the FBO girl, and by then he will usually just taxi in. It puts a smile in my face every time (and this is the slower of the Mooneys). He always makes it a point to remind me that he was very comfortable in the spacious cabin. I say nothing but show him my fuel bill [emoji3] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. You are all asking to be Marauderized again!
  4. Congrats Mike!! Wish you the best.
  5. For 525 he better do a hell of a job. For that king of money I would expect a complete wash, clay bar, orbital buffer with cleaning compound, followed by polishing compound, and finally wax.
  6. Then go next door to Irish Kevin's to kill a few brain cells. If your significant other is traveling with you then you might score some points by taking her to a dessert restaurant called "Better Than Sex" The best Cuban restaurant in town "El Siboney". Great place for lunch away from all the tourist crap, Hog Fish Grill.
  7. Same here. I do owner assisted annuals and it veries depending on how much is being done. This year will likely take the longest yet. I sent out both mags for inspection/repair and the interior is also out to be redone in leather. In the past it has taken me a couple of weeks working mainly on the weekends. I suspect this will be closer to 3-4 weeks as the interior restoration can take some time.
  8. LPS 2 vice tri-flow has been recommended for the hinges. It's what I use. I use tri-flow for all the rod ends.
  9. This time of the year flying in the morning in Florida is best. Afternoon widespread thunderstorms are very typical. Often you can pick your way around them but there are times when there is just too many of them. Morning flight is almost always VFR conditions with excellent visibility. IFR or FF works good. Straight down he middle of the state will work well as well. Been down in the keys 3 times this month. Maybe I have grown too used to this trip but I don't even bother carrying life jackets. There is enough boat activity that if my engine quits I'm pretty sure I can glide to a boat. I make the crossing typically at 8000 feet or above and you will be talking to Miami Center at that point. When you get close to Key West you will be handed over to Key West approach. Gas is expensive everywhere in the Keys. If you are looking for an interesting place to stop you might consider Everglades city (X01). It's in the southern tip of Florida before you make the overwater crossing to the Keys. Cheap fuel and several seafood restaurants in town. You call them and they will come to the airport to pick you up and drop you off when you are done. Phone numbers are posted at the airport.
  10. I have a white iPad mini mounted on the yoke. With over three years flying mostly around Florida it has never overheated. I do believe it gets some cooling air from the side vent and maybe that makes all the difference. If overheating is a regular occurrence on your iPad I would be suspicious there might be something else wrong. Inflight overheating I think is a fairly irregular event. Next time it's in direct sunlight might want to make sure it gets some air from one of the vents. I have never heard of any cooling jackets for iPads but a Google search might turn something up.
  11. I live in Florida. During the peak of the summer I tend to fly earlier in the day and cruise higher. Between 7-10k feet the temperature is always nice all day long.
  12. KTMB in Miami FL.
  13. Mike, Sounds like ELT passed. If these are working I'm in. Call or email me to arrange payment.
  14. If you recall, you helped me out a few years ago with an issue with my Accutrack. I had the bi805 valve overhauled and my AP started working correctly. Recently here again I'm starting to have same issues, intermittently. I was going to send my bi805 valve for another overhaul but having another one for a spare may not be a bad idea. Likewise, having a spare Accutrack would be good too. Call me on the cell (904-502-7085) if these are available. I know ELT has first shot, but call me if you have anything available.
  15. I'll take it. Will send you a pm. If already sold, I'm interested in the bi805 valve.
  16. PM and I'll email you mine which not only does the calculation but also displays the results graphically. To be honest, though, I now use WnB Pro App on my phone. It is much more convenient to do this on my phone quickly just before a flight.
  17. +3, lost my keys in the Florida Keys ( not joking)
  18. So does FF. I have FF running on my iPad and iPhone. I guess they just don't want two iPhones since that would open up the door for people to start sharing the app?
  19. Anyone know their price points.
  20. This is one disappointing aspect of synthetic vision in ForeFlight. It works only on the iPad and not on the iPhone. I use an iPad mini so the screen size is already limited but thought I could use my iPhone 6 just to display synthetic vision. Was disappointed when I learned it does not run on the iPhone. Already have a backup electric AI, but thought it would be cool to have SV running on the iPhone.
  21. Changing mine this weekend. We can do yours too. I'm at KCRG (Jacksonville)
  22. Why stop there? Once you get your clearance or maybe a revised clearance make it so you can upload it to your navigation equipment with one key stroke.
  23. Ok. I'm in if we can keep this going
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