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Everything posted by Hector

  1. If you have the a Accuflite heading preselect I'm interested.
  2. What I saw at Oshkosh this year was the Stratus 2 linked to a new Appareo mode s transponder with built-in WAAS GPS source. Intended to be a one box solution for both ADS-B in and out. The stratus 2 could be permanently installed underneath the panel near near the transponder because it will now be powered by and receiving the GPS information from the transponder itself. The Stratus would be relegated to transmitting the traffic/weather/GPS/AHRS information to your iPad.
  3. I hope not! Just got the stratus 2 not too long ago. Well, if the stratus 3 offers a bunch more capability I'll have to sell the 2
  4. Wow! I was wondering how long it would take them to offer that.
  5. PM me and I'll send you my spreadsheet of consumables for the annual inspection.
  6. Prop requires Aeroshell 6. Landing gear Aeroshell 22
  7. I think you and I are on the same page. I'm thinking is the former. By locking the door you ensure that the latch is fully closed. If the mechanism is worn I'm not sure locking the door does anything more for you.
  8. In my youth I made some bad decisions, got into IMC without an instrument rating, and I'm alive only by the grace of God. Even though I've been instrument rated for 20 years and keep current, I'm also older, wiser, and far more conservative about my flying. Folks, shit happens and you can find yourself in IMC conditions despite all the best intentions. I understand if you don't want or need an instrument ticket, but please find an instructor and do enough hood work to feel comfortable so you can save your ass if required. Who knows, you might find that you enjoy the challenge.
  9. Well you do have a point here. There are a few medical facilities in Cuba that are outstanding and lack nothing, from the best doctors to the latest technology and medicines. Unfortunately, they are only available to the privilege few in the communist party. Your regular comrade in the street has no chance of getting into one of these. I have a cousin in Miami who is always looking for 'a good deal'. Needed a lot of dental work (upwards of $10K) and thought 'hey, why not go to Cuba and visit another cousin who is a dentist and pay her a small fraction of what it would cost here'. Looked like a great plan in which everyone wins, that is, until he got there and took a look at the medical center where she works. The equipment, including the dentist chair, literally looked like the stuff that was there in the late 50's. He had to cough up some Dollars in order for her to come up with enough anesthetic to care of business. He quickly realized that this was going to be a painful experience and the deal was getting worse by the minute. In the end he decided to get only the simple stuff done there in fear that the outcome would not be good and would cost him a lot more to fix back in the states. All in all, Cuba has a highly educated workforce that is very eager to work and given the chance under the proper conditions I have no doubt will transform the country in just a few years. The only question is whether the leadership there will take this opportunity to effect change. I'm not even talking about drastic change or even democracy (at least not at first). Even if they don't relinquish political power maybe they can see their way through turning the economy loose (Chinese model). This would improve the lives of the Cuban people immensely. The rest will come with time. I remember as a little kid going the the beach in Varadero. Man I would love to fly my Mooney there. Been to a lot of beaches since, but don't remember them like Varadero. It is the only beach my Dad and I got to enjoy together. My Dad passed away earlier this year so will definitely not be having a cerveza with him there, but it is the first thing I will do if I ever get to visit. Will drink a Bucanero beer and smoke a big cigar while I watch my own kids enjoy The beach.
  10. Piloto, I don't even know how to reply to that because your idea of what is going on in Cuba is so far removed from reality that I'm sure anything I say will not change your opinion in any way. So let me just touch on one item. The wonderful healthcare system that you seem to think Cubans have. My aunt is a doctor working in Cuba earning $45 a month. Their nutrition is so bad that they are completely dependent on the medicines that we send them from here. They suffer from extreme calcium deficiency, and don't have any supplements, vitamins, or even the most basic pain medicines like Tylenol, Advil, or aspirine. The medical career in Cuba used to be as laborious and difficult as it is in the states. If you wanted to become a doctor you had to bust your ass studying followed by several years of internship. Now Cuba pumps out half-baked doctors by the thousands with only 3 years of study and no practice. They send these all over the world, like Venezuela, in trade for oil and hard currency. These 'doctors' would not even qualify as an RN here in the states. Yes, healthcare is absolutely free in Cuba, but if whatever ails you can't be cured by an aspirine sent by your Cuban relatives living in the states, well then you are screwed. Let me do some simple math here.....45X12=540. No, not even close to $10K.
  11. As I started reading this thread I began to think about the plane cover I always keep in the hat rack, then I got to this post which really raises the possibility of that cover getting sucked out if/when I forget to latch the door. A plane cover rapped around the horizontal/vertical would NOT be a good thing.
  12. The people in Cuba have neither. But with liberty I have no doubt money will come. Under a true democracy Cuba would completely transform within a decade. The misery that is the communism system would give way to hope, entrepreneurship, business, free enterprise. They will flourish, I have no doubt!!
  13. Give me liberty, or give me death (Patrick Henry, 1775)
  14. Beautiful pictures!!
  15. Don't know why the pictures did not come thru. Let's try again.
  16. Ok. Take a look at the pictures for the one I built. Mine is roughly around 11.25 inches total length. The notch at the end that engages the selector valve is around half inch long by 5/16 wide. This works pretty well for me. Not too big, not too short. I would adjust the total length to whatever works best for you.
  17. I guess the real question is whether this will be a catalyst for real democratic change in Cuba. As long as the Castro brothers continue to exercise their brand of communism in Cuba I'm afraid the failed state that Cuba is will continue regardless of these changes. Better trade with the U.S. Will bring much needed revenue to the organs that run the country but I suspect life will not improve much for the vast majority of the Cuban people that want real freedom. I really hope I'm wrong. I hope this will be a catalyst that will bring about the conditions for change that even the Castro brothers will not be able to stop or contain for long. The only thing that will fix Cuba is real democracy. Is this a baby step that will eventually gets us there? Only time will tell. I would love to fly my mooney there some day. I still have lots of family living there. I talked to my Mom earlier today about the possibility of visiting Cuba so she can see her brothers and sisters. Joked about taking the Mooney there. Unfortunately for her the memories are mostly bitter. When you have family and friends executed or jailed for over 20 years for simply voicing their opposition to the regime it is hard to find a silver lining in any of this, at least while the Castro brothers remain in power. I'm hoping for the best, but will not be surprised if it does not end well.
  18. Ok. Just bought them! Typically don't fly at night much but it seems over the last month I've done more than I planned. The original bulbs are just not very good. Hot as hell and not much light or too tightly focused. I was just thinking last week that I needed to do something to improve lighting at night and then I see this post. Love this place!
  19. Have the PVC pipe myself. Sad to say but a requirement even for the moderately circumferentially challenged.
  20. Amen! Interestingly enough I also had a flat tire a couple of weeks ago but it happened prior to takeoff. The County folks at KTMB called Landmark to tow me back to the ramp (I had parked at a different FBO but unfortunately not who the county folks called for whatever reason). $60 towing fee and because they towed me to their ramp also wanted a $30 ramp fee. They didn't even have a spare tire or a mechanic to replace it, another shop next door came and towed the money to their place where they replaced the tire. The Mooney spent less than 15 minutes with Landmark.
  21. Pretty consistent at about 100/year since I purchased the Mooney 3 years ago.
  22. I would not choose to have one in a Mooney. Unnecessary complexity, more maintenance, cost, and I don't think it will add to safety considering our landing speeds. In fact, I have seen both failure of the ABS system and misuse of the system lead to mishaps in the airplanes I work on.
  23. If you do decide to let them do this work please take pictures and report back here. This is a VERY good price, almost too good to believe.
  24. Hank, in the Summer months WOT/2700 can get me over 400 at 120 IAS. I can get it below 400 by climbing at 130. I have not documented the exact difference between WOT/2700 and WOT/2600 but I know both will be at or over 400. If I pull back to 26/2600 it will stay under 400. I guess what I need to do next is figure out the difference in rate of climb between 26/2600 at 120 IAS and WOT/2700 at 130. Will give that a try next weekend.
  25. +1 for me also with a slight modification. I have an engine monitor so I keep a close eye on my cylinder temperatures. When OAT is really hot climbing at FT/2600 will produce temps of 400 even at 120 IAS. I have noticed that pulling back to 26/2600 gets me back to 380 while climbing at 120 IAS. When OAT is below 80 then FT/2600 works well. Cruise setting for me is typically 22/2400, and I descend at 20/2300.
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