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Everything posted by Hector

  1. I have flown my friend’s Cherokee 140 with it. I found it to be very intuitive and it performed very nicely for a basic AP. In just about an hour of playing with it I felt pretty comfortable. The coupled GPS approach worked really well also. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. This one is only 20 feet wide. Summerland Key airport FD51. Not really a problem. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  3. This will be my 7th trip to OSH but for the last few years I’ve been stopping at the same airports for fuel and lunch. Looking to see if anyone has any suggestions. We will be departing from KBOW at 7am this Saturday. This year I have mapped a new route based on low fuel cost but I don’t mind paying more for fuel if anyone can suggest cool/interesting airports. My partner is going to insist on a bio break somewhere in Georgia or Alabama where I will also pickup fuel, and then another probably in Tennessee, Kentucky or Illinois, this one for lunch but might as well fill up. Any suggestions? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  4. Partial engine failure on takeoff from KTMB (Miami) around 25 years ago. Happened 300-400 ft off the ground taking off on 27L made a right turn and just barely made 9L. Probably had 200 hours total. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Yes, all of the above! I did have to change the desiccant beads in the compressor more often. Just keep an eye on that to make sure you don’t get moisture in your paint. Prep is by far the biggest time consumer. Must ensure surface is absolutely clean and free of any oil or wax before painting. I cleaned the surfaces twice with Smart Wax and Grease Remover before painting. Failure to get everything absolutely clean will result in orange peel. Equipment cost was for just the paint guns (I used separate paint guns for paint and primer), paint supplies, forced air respirator I bought on eBay. Everything else I already had including large compressor with water separator and desiccant cartridge. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  6. Not an IA, just an aero engineer (strength/fatigue). Flaps were down when painted. Did not paint the ailerons. Yes, pros would have done other things I did not but it would have cost $15k more. I’m pretty happy with the results. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  7. I went to great lengths to make sure that didn’t happen. Plastic sheeting on floor, walls, and ceiling. Large industrial fan with a filter pulling paint overspray out the front. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  8. Painted my bird myself. Not difficult to do. 2K urethane. Scuff sanded until I removed most of the topcoat, but not the primer coat. Get the proper equipment and learn how to use it, including forced air respirator. Lots of YouTube videos to get you started. I also did prime all the rivet lines just to promote good paint adhesion. Not perfect by any means but only a few days and less than $2k all in including all the equipment/tools and paint supplies. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  9. I have a 67 C and can verify that 2 and 4 are the hottest in mine as well with 4 being the worst. However, my temps don’t get as high as your. #4 can get to 425 right after takeoff when I’m climbing Vy but will decrease to 400 at 120 mph which I usually transition to at 1000 AGL. This is all in the hot Florida summer. In the winter I can cruise climb with all temps below 400. Level cruise is never a problem in my C with #2 and 4 in the 360 range and 1 and 3 in the 34 0s. My dog house is tight so I’ve run out of ideas to make 2 and 4 cooler during climb. All that being said, my engine has 1750 hours and it seems to be doing just fine with very little oil consumption and good compressions so temps in the 420s for a short period of time don’t appear to be hurting the engine much. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. I’ll be there Thursday through Saturday Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. I consider myself extremely lucky. I’ve owned my Mooney for a little over 10 years and 1000 hours and it has been extremely reliable. When I turn the key I know the engine will start in two blades. It has never left me stranded anywhere. Only once has it failed a run up check but with the engine monitor I was able to identify the offending fouled plug and a 30 minute fix. My COM2 radio failed once and had it repaired and I fixed a leak in the Brittain servo myself and had the servo control valves O/H. I look forward to flying my bird every weekend and feel guilty if I don’t take her out. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. I won a set as a door price and put them on my plane. They work great, including the flash function. Had them for probably 3 years now. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Had a friend who is also a pilot that had a bad case of COVID to the point we weren’t sure he was going to make it. Thankfully he did, but needed supplemental oxygen for over a month after he was released from the hospital. Instead of a bottle, he purchased a concentrator from inogen. After he was able to resume flying he started using the concentrator when between 6-10k (his piper will not climb much above that). His experience has been good and the concentrator is able to keep his blood oxygen saturation at 98% and works fine plugged into the cigarette lighter. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. For engines that are approved (O-360 series) the service instruction says the airframe must also be approved and and the note below applies. WHEN USING THE UNLEADED FUELS IDENTIFIED IN TABLE 1, LYCOMING OIL ADDITIVE P/N LW-16702, OR AN EQUIVALENT FINISHED PRODUCT SUCH AS AEROSHELL 15W-50, MUST BE USED. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I purchased a leather cover kit for my C that came with PTT for both sides. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Same here. Considerable friction enough to let you know it is secured. I’m on the fence on this one. Don’t see a problem either way but in my C I have a hard time seeing how it could fly open if latched properly. I don’t bother locking it but make sure I’m the only person to latch it close. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. The door was likely a contributing factor but there is more here. The mishap flight (12/26) and the previous flight just a few days prior (12/17) both show very low speeds around the pattern. On 12/17, just a few days before the mishap he did several T&Gs all with base speeds in the low 60kts range and final in the 50s or low 60. His upwind in the 50s and low 60s and even his cross-wind speeds also in the 60s. His last two flights both show VERY low speeds around the pattern. Was this his standard pattern speed? Can’t imagine someone flying at the edge of stall for pattern work. One thing I did learn here is how inaccurate the airport rumors can be. Until the preliminary NTSB report came out, the predominant rumor around the airport was that on the mishap date folks saw him have an extremely hard landing and the plane bounced into the air and crashed shortly thereafter. No doubt fueled by the belief Mooneys are hard to land. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Awesome!! Great video!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Mike I sure will. I suspect I know but don’t have confirmation yet. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. There was some discussion at the airport they had been working on the engine last Friday and again today but I don’t have a reliable source for that. My initial post indicated he may not have been based at Herlong but it now appears he is based out of KHEG and I think it was the J in the row of hangers next to mine. If it’s the Mooney I think it is, I briefly spoke with the owner a while back but did not know him personally. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Two fatalities [emoji22] Post crash fire Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Folks, just heard a Mooney go down at KHEG. From FlighAware it looks like N3707H. It is registered to an LLC and it does not look like it is based here at KHEG (at least the FBO doesn’t think so). Went down in a subdivision next to the airport. FBO trying to find info on the owner. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Mine does look like that but it is pull out to engage (maybe connected backward?). Either way it works great. Mine is all black. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Welcome aboard Dan. I’m Hector, also an Aerospace Engineer, and also in Jacksonville. I own a C model which I keep in my hangar at Herlong Airport. Several more Mooneys there including E, F, J, Acclaim. Be glad to help with any questions. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. I have one on eBay right now that was also driving a century 2000. It was removed for panel upgrade. Make me an offer. I’m t45hawk on eBay Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
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