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Insight G3 PIREP


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Several folks have installed the G3 recently so I suspect they will be commenting shortly. For myself I just installed a G2 which has all of the features I want at a substantial discount to the G3. I find it very easy to read and to use. In my case I had a MINIFLOW L fuel computer that I needed to interface with the G2. It was tough to get any helpful info from Insight but in the end it works as advertised. If you have a similar issue when you install then I can help. Also I upgraded from a GEM 610 and found the wiring harness was to short since the 610 is a longer case than is the G2/3 and there was no extra wire. In the end I had to buy a new harness. The probe diagnostics are superb as once we turned it on it showed a bad connection on one probe saving countless hours of trouble shooting. If you do not have a harness and probes now be prepared for a full day or more depending on options you are configuring as well as the expense for the install.

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there is another thread which discussed this as well. Try a search on G3.

Just FYI you can no longer search anything with less than four characters i.e. G3, EGT, LOP.

I would love to hear from those that have installed the G2 or 3. I was also sold at the summit after playing with the G3.

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I had a G3 (updated Gem 602) installed in the pilot panel. Even with a recent update (software) that increased the size of the bars I would suggest mounting on pilot panel for ease of operation. Other than that works fantastic. I have EI digital primary gauges and the G3 is "right there accurate" with the EI gauges...as it should be, but nice to have the redundancy. The Lean Find and graphic indications of the Cylinder Temp/Exhaust Temp and Lean/status (solid white box's with %) is a tremendous improvement on the GEM 602. I have NO issues with the unit. Some have commented that they don't like the lack of an audible alarm...NOT an issue for me. Enjoy it. Scott

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