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Purchased a Redbird TD-2G simulator. Fully FAA approved BATD. Able to log time and keep instrument current. G1000 panel, it emulates a C-182RG so not as powerful and swift as a Mooney, but I can pretty much fly Mooney approach speeds with on an ILS. My plan is to get it mounted to a seat and floor comparable to the Mooney in fitment etc


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  On 8/16/2021 at 3:50 PM, GeeBee said:

Purchased a Redbird TD-2G simulator. Fully FAA approved BATD. Able to log time and keep instrument current. G1000 panel, it emulates a C-182RG so not as powerful and swift as a Mooney, but I can pretty much fly Mooney approach speeds with on an ILS. My plan is to get it mounted to a seat and floor comparable to the Mooney in fitment etc



Nice.  I started using a TD2 during Covid for instrument currency - local flight school rents for $25/hr.  It's actually quite good, very little learning curve.

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  On 8/16/2021 at 7:21 PM, 59Moonster said:

I thought about it, but the reviews don't seem to be very promising for the equipment. I hope you like it!


I've been using the TD-2G sim for over a year now and I find the equipment to be very realistic to use and quite excellent for IFR proficiency.  It isn't a Mooney but it flies the Mooney approach speeds and procedures.  I don't use it for cross-county flying, I mostly just do procedures (approach, departure, arrival).

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  On 8/16/2021 at 8:58 PM, 201Mooniac said:

I've been using the TD-2G sim for over a year now and I find the equipment to be very realistic to use and quite excellent for IFR proficiency.  It isn't a Mooney but it flies the Mooney approach speeds and procedures.  I don't use it for cross-county flying, I mostly just do procedures (approach, departure, arrival).


I find most people who have trouble with simulators, lack simulator experience. It is different than an airplane and you take from it skills that are transferable but not all skills. It is a tool, and like you don't use a cross cut saw for ripping, you don't go ripping in a simulator. 

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  On 8/17/2021 at 12:51 AM, carusoam said:

Can you sim…. And read MS at he same time?




Ah, good idea, but nope, when the Navigator software launches, it goes full screen. You can pause, clear it and go to the browser however!


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  On 8/17/2021 at 9:08 PM, 59Moonster said:

What I was referring to was hardware issues. Computer failures.  Software not loading. Equipment breaking/not working. 


I haven't come across any of that.  Equipment has performed flawlessly.  I did have a few missing approach waypoints but an email to their tech support quickly resolved the issue with an updated database.

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  • 1 year later...

Found this old thread because I’m thinking about a simulator.  Had a few questions.

People still happy with having one of their own or do you have a flight school where you rent time?

can you practice communications?  This is an area I seem to be having some problems with?

Is the simulator useful as an initial training tool, or more as practicing skills already known?

Any other comments?  As an old pilot in the process of shaking decades of rust off, I’m looking at all possible avenues for progress.  I might also say that I’m more than an hour to a flight school or commercial simulator.

thanks for commenting.



I've been using simulators for years. Starting with fs5.1 back in the early 90's. I currently have fs2020 and use VR with an hp reverb g2. I would suggest getting a honeycomb yoke at the very least as my saitek yoke isn't the greatest.

Additionally, I am on pilotedge. It's 20 bucks a month, but you get to talk to real controllers, and so the comms are real life. As an instrument student, getting to practice approaches and clearances like this have been amazing. I highly recommend it. 


As for needing an actual ATD? I am on the fence. You can get a REALLY nice computer for far less that get's you basically everything you get with an ATD, except for getting to log the time. 


Good luck!




I am happy with my Redbird. I did have to effect a repair as the yoke connection to the potentiometer came loose requiring a new set screw. They offered to repair it but that would have required shipping the panel unit. It was easier for me to do it and it was easy.

As mentioned above there are services that will help you with comms, I'm not in that category. I use mine for two purposes. Currency and as an FAA approved device it fills that box and I use it to shoot approaches into airports I have not visited before or in a long time. To that end it fits what I need perfectly. 

You can have "distant control", that is an instructor station connected by internet so you can work at your home and someone else around the world can provide comm practice as well as scenarios such as deteriorating weather and system failures.

  On 2/13/2023 at 3:52 PM, haymak3r said:

I've been using simulators for years. Starting with fs5.1 back in the early 90's. I currently have fs2020 and use VR with an hp reverb g2. I would suggest getting a honeycomb yoke at the very least as my saitek yoke isn't the greatest.

Additionally, I am on pilotedge. It's 20 bucks a month, but you get to talk to real controllers, and so the comms are real life. As an instrument student, getting to practice approaches and clearances like this have been amazing. I highly recommend it. 


As for needing an actual ATD? I am on the fence. You can get a REALLY nice computer for far less that get's you basically everything you get with an ATD, except for getting to log the time. 


Good luck!




Thanks Chris.  I’ve got some follow up questions.  I’m thinking your sim might be my best choice.   You buy a gaming pc?  And yokes.  Speaker for ATC comms?  Throttle controls?  Rudder pedals?  What’s ADT?

edit…VR?  You use goggles instead of screens?

thanks, Steve


You can buy a gaming pc yes. I have built my own systems for a couple decades, so don't buy pre-built systems. If buying one, and if you want to utilize VR, I would suggest something with 64 GB of ram, and a 4000 series Nvidia RTX graphics card. The HP Reverb G2, in my opinion, is one of the best VR headsets that is out there. I don't particularly like "Meta" so do not suggest oculus vr hmd's. Though I have an oculus rift 1 and 2..  There are better out there than the G2, but are way more expensive. Most all HMD's have built in speakers and a mic, so you wouldn't necessarily need anything else. Though I use a logitech g933 headset. I currently use the saitek pro yoke/throttle, and the saitek pro rudder pedals. I've had them for years. 


VR is Virtual Reality. I cannot play any sim type games on 2d panels anymore. You definitely can start out using a monitor though.


Here are a couple links for the items I've mentioned:

VR HMD(Head Mounted Display)



You could also do something like this with your monitor. Head tracking is very nice to have with sims:



I highly suggest something along these lines for yoke/throttle/rudder pedals:







For a PC, I follow a youtuber that plays a game called DCS, and has advertised this brand for gaming pc's. You could start here in your research, but again I definitely suggest 64 GB of ram, and a 4000 series RTX card. I have an nvidia rtx3080, and it is not quite good enough to have good graphics with smooth game play.

The variables involved with building a simulator are large. Also, the flight controls can be purchased from sporty's or pilotmall, or some other aviation supply place too. 

This can be pretty daunting to setup. Perhaps somebody local to you could help you determine the best setup for you? 


@haymak3r  well, fortunately for me, the grandson recently built his own gaming pc AND he wants to get his license so will want to use the simulator .  With use of my cc, he’ll build it..and test it!

I’ll DM for further info…

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  • 3 weeks later...

@haymak3rupdate.  Grandson called me yesterday and has the system working.  He downloaded a game he plays with friends, something with ghosts, to test it out.  Says the VR is really nice.  Next was downloading MSFS and I told him to download the Mooney bravo module.  I’ll get to see it for the first time this weekend.

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