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JPI 700 Data Download


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Have tried three different methods to download JPI engine data. 

Used this: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000VYJRY/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


On the JPI with the plug in: I went into program and hit download all.

First method was EZData program downloaded from JPI site.  That was asking about a com port.  It says com port not found when I hit start.  Was using a serial to USB adapter.  assume maybe I need another driver?

Second I used the same USB adapter and an adapter to USBC on an Android phone.  That also failed.

Anyone have success?

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3 hours ago, base698 said:

Have tried three different methods to download JPI engine data. 

Used this: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000VYJRY/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


On the JPI with the plug in: I went into program and hit download all.

First method was EZData program downloaded from JPI site.  That was asking about a com port.  It says com port not found when I hit start.  Was using a serial to USB adapter.  assume maybe I need another driver?

Second I used the same USB adapter and an adapter to USBC on an Android phone.  That also failed.

Anyone have success?

I use the same Keyspan serial to USB adapter with an older version of EZTrends software.  I don't see EZData listed on the JPI website so I'm not sure if that's the same software.  It's been a while since I set it up but I recall that it took some configuring of serial ports on my laptop and it seems to matter which USB port I plug the Keyspan adapter into.  There's a little bit of black magic required to make it work so I just keep using the same ancient laptop and I don't change anything on it as long as it works.

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I don't recall exactly, but it took lots of fiddling with port numbers and other settings with the adapter. I might have been using an XP laptop at the time, and it wouldn't surprise me if their stuff isn't compatible with newer computers. Real PITA and it is one of the reasons I'm glad I upgraded to the 900.

Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk

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I just use the JPI download box that I keep in the hangar and download to a USB thumb drive. Back when I was a working engineer, I wasted many hours trying to get various computers to interface over RS-232. DCE or DTE? Baud rate? Handshake, "smart" modem command set. All usually poorly documented.


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I followed specifically what the JPI site said to do…

There are a few people around here that are able to build their own cables and buy off the shelf parts for less…

I used a laptop that my high school kids abandoned….

Make sure all the right versions of software are up to date…


This one is a whole lot easier than trying to update a KLN90B

With the KLN… you have to erase a good database to find out you can’t upload a new one…   Aka bricked… until you get support…


Life in the 90s revisited…

Best regards,


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19 hours ago, KSMooniac said:

I don't recall exactly, but it took lots of fiddling with port numbers and other settings with the adapter. I might have been using an XP laptop at the time, and it wouldn't surprise me if their stuff isn't compatible with newer computers. Real PITA and it is one of the reasons I'm glad I upgraded to the 900.

Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk

I seem to remember this too, it took some futzing around with the low level port setting to finally get it to work, which is the reason I eventually forked over the bucks and got the Download Box, just as PT20J did. Thus far it's never failed me.

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I used that USB adapter and had no problems, so it might be hardware specific.  But yes, a download box is far easier.  A better way to spend more money would be to upgrade the 700 to a 730/830.  It's a little more than 1 AMU, and JPI has sales every now and then.  THe 730/830 has a USB port for a thumb drive

Edited by jaylw314
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I used that adapter too with EZtrends. The trick was to plug in the whole thing after opening EZtrends so that the correct port would be used. You then follow the EZtrends manual which I think asks you to press start once then do whatever you need to do on the 700 before pressing start again then step (I believe) on the 700 in order to start the DL.

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