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16 minutes ago, Rodeo John said:

How about on a E ? IO 360 A1A ?

I was planning on using LASARs oil cooler relocation STC for my new cowling on E’s and F’s so I don’t have to complicate my STC. I could do a relocation like the C and G but I’d have to make a larger duct as the IO’s have a larger cooler. 

13 hours ago, Sabremech said:

I was planning on using LASARs oil cooler relocation STC for my new cowling on E’s and F’s so I don’t have to complicate my STC. I could do a relocation like the C and G but I’d have to make a larger duct as the IO’s have a larger cooler. 

That's good to know. :) My Lasar oil cooler relocation kit is still sitting in the box. 

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David has her started up! She's been pickled while David was working the gen 2 cowling and, now after 2 blade turns, fired right up!  SureFly appears to really help starting...

Here are a few more pics -- Garmin is now installed:






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Well Jeppesen did me a solid today! Since 2652W still has a working GX60 and I want to finish my IFR training in her, I was able to get a subscription until the sunset (December) for $141! Now, a 1 time update is $154 so with basically August-December left, that was nice! I could have paid $460 for the year subscription but Jeppesen prorated it for me. 

Gotta give them props for that!


  • Like 4


Fantastic pirep, Don!

Sometimes companies do interesting things...


David always does interesting things... Your plane keeps getting better!

Best regards,


  • 2 weeks later...

She's getting closer to coming home!

David picked up the seats today and sent me some pics of the rear seat and front seat backs:

David has the updated GX60 data card so he'll be trying that too.  With the new carpet (black I believe) and this beautiful black/cream color, the interior will look fantastic!

David has to install the Altimeter and Encoder (failed IFR cert) so those will be taken care of.

Just a few more things and I'm hoping to know how soon I can come and get here (need to get the insurance going and get my hanger space with Rise).

@carusoam the insert url link is not allowing HTTP (requires HTTPs now since this last site update).




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Wiring for Encoder set and Engine area all buttoned up with Sabremech Gen 1 Cowling:

Hard not to get excited...




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Well, talked with David last night -- small setback -- the GX60 GPS screen went kaput!  David, being the stand up guy he is, is working with me now so I can get the Garmin GNC 355 and GPS switch installed (GPS/VLOC switch) so I can use both with the BK CDI!  David gave me a rebate on the plane to help me with the purchase AND offered to install it since he is already working on wiring!  Now that is stand up!

BTW, shout out to Chief Aircraft and Dana/crew for helping me get what is needed to install GNC 355.  Really helpful (and I got a discount code to use on top of that!).

Also, the left fuel gauge is not registering so David is going to check on that -- I sent him the AeroSpace fuel gauge I had for the B -- this will eliminate any issues with the fuel gauges (didn't want David to loose any more $ ;o). This is for the factory resister type senders -- I know ;o)...

So I'm delayed a bit on picking her up but, in the long run, will have the Garmin IFR GPS I was going to install next year -- just a bit earlier!

Thanks again David!


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GNC 355, switch, and RS08 relay are on there way to David! Earlier than planned but, will help since I’m working on my IFR rating...

Can’t thank David enough for getting this installed....

Fingers crosses ;o)


  • 2 weeks later...


GPS is rolling along -- David is working out the wiring/connectors/location of gps/vloc.   New Digital fuel gauge is moving along.  David did the corrosion protection (ACF-50) and is going to button up the inspection panels with new cadmium plated bolts (nice!)

Interior is really coming along!  New GPS antenna is installed and headliner is back in place!  Below are shots of the seats all covered, and headliner in place (note the new black carpet in the baggage area!).  The hat rack area is ready to re-install so David said he'll get to that next week.

No complaints here!   We know its taking a bit longer but, what a plane she'll be ;o)








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David has done several run-ups and checks on the engine and yesterday, changed the oil and filter et. al. - looks fantastic!

Garmin install is moving along and I sent David some annunciators recommend in the Garmin install -- they'll go next to the VLOC/GPS switch (LOI, Amber, and Approach, Green - MS 25041)...

So excited at the progress...





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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a chat with David, things moving along well! Interior is almost complete, David will be doing the touch-up painting this weekend.  Harness is in progress and hopefully all will be working the GNC355 et. al. soon.

Hard to contain the excitement! Learning patience all over again but, it’s worth it!


3 minutes ago, hammdo said:


Hard to contain the excitement! Learning patience all over again but, it’s worth it!

I can sense it!

Like Xmas eve...  :)



David finished the leading edge touch up on the wings! Very appreciative of everything David has done... Inching closer! 

This will protect the leading edge until I can determine when she should get a face lift ;o) David has done a ton to get her ready - I'm lucky for sure! 






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  • 2 weeks later...

David has more of the interior done!

Almost ready -- few items left -- weather is getting a bit colder up north ;o).  Hoping very soon to fly her down here.  Working with David's friend/CFI Patrick to come with me back to Dallas and get my insurance 'checkout' at the same time. 

Here's some pic updates (looking awesome!):





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After talking with David, I’m going to do a G5 HSI vs the VLOC switch. The avionics tech suggested that would be a better long term direction for me and give me 2 separate ways for approaches. Can’t get the G5 installed until next year (shops are booked solid for 4 months!).

This will delay my IFR training a bit since I won’t have a CDI for the GPS but, I’ll have a better nav setup!



Why not just have David install the G5 HSI and connect it straight to the GNC 355?  That way you'd have the KX155 connected to its CDI and the GPS to the G5.  That is exactly what I did and it's fantastic.  I'm perfectly fine not having an ILS indication on the G5, and the installation was simplified.  

The installation itself is very straightforward, David can do it himself as an A&P/IA and get the unit from Aircraft Spruce.  Let him know Andy is available to answer questions.  It is fairly extensive, and I'm not sure if he has the time to do it himself.


David’s time ;o) we talked about it and he does not have enough time to get it installed right now.

My guess it’s 25-40 hours to do with the gmu11 and gad29b...

I’d love it done but just a timing thing...

Yeah, I’ll basically have the same setup as you - maybe do a dual G5 since I’ll need to wait...


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I’m north of Dallas, about an hr drive. Looked for a hanger @ Hicks, no joy. My IFR training does take me out to Parker - done the VOR-DME A a few times out there ;o)

KGYI is about the same drive time...

‘the community hanger won’t let a non AP/IA Work in the hangers (makes sense - I hanger with jets ;o).

I’d do it if I could find a local hanger I could rent for a bit (couple of weeks) with room and a willing AP/IA to help me — thus the wait for a shop...





On the home stretch!   David has the GNC all hooked up, Transponder is updated and ADS-B compliant...

Interior is laid out -- front seats next.  David thinks she'll be ready to fly by the end of today!

Weather looks GREAT this week/weekend so if everything aligns, I hope to bring her home!

Here are some status pics:






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Well, I initially was looking into a used Aspen for sale here (really good deal) but, with install et. al., I found it was going to be a couple of $k cheaper to just do dual G5s.  I really like the Aspen but, with 2 'new' G5s with a warranty, its hard to beat that.  That is some time in Feb of 2021 as the avionics shops here are pretty booked up.

That will give me a couple of months to get my medical done (I have to do it yearly to keep it active), fly the plane (a lot I hope) and get familiar with everything, purchase the G5s and have them ready to install.  Once that is done, I'll get my IFR ticket out of the way. 

2652W is looking pretty darn nice!


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Alright!  Prepped and ready for a test flight!

Video from David


Pics below -- Interior is fantastic looking!

Way past excited now ;o)






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